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Investigacin de operaciones II

Fuentes de consulta

Fuentes de consulta
Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald j. Lieberman. (2010). Introduccin a la Investigacin de
Operaciones. Mxico: Mcgraw Hill Interamericana.
Hamdy A. Taha. (2011). Investigacin de Operaciones. Mxico: Pearson educacin.
Inzunza Inzunza Vicente y Francisco Octavio Lopez Millan. (2011) Investigacin de
Operaciones. Mxico: Pearson educacin.
Izar, L. Juan Manuel. (2008). Investigacin de Operaciones Mxico, Ed. Trillas.
Wayne L. Winston, (2010). Investigacin de Operaciones. Aplicaciones y algoritmos.
Mxico: CENGAGE Learning.

Henderson Brian j. Marks Joseph M. (2013). Predicting forecast errors through joint
observation of earnings and revenue forecasts. Journal of Banking & Finance.
(37). 4265 4277.
Krishna B., Athreya, Vivekananda Roy. (2013). When is a Markov chain regenerative?.
Statistic & Probability Letters. (84). 22 26.
L.C.M. Miranda, C.A.S. Lima. (2010). On the logistic modeling and forecasting of
evolutionary processes: Application to human population dynamics.
Technological Forecasting & Social Change. (77), 699 711.
Pardo Maria Jos, de la Fuente David. (2008). Optimal Selection of the Service Rate
for a Infinite Input Source Fuzzy Queuing System.Fuzzy Sets and Systems.
(159). 325 342.
Prez Fermoso Francisco, Gmez Garca Jess Mara, Garca Gonzlez Ana. (2011).
Aplicaciones de la Teora de Colas a la Provisin ptima de Servicios Sociales:
El caso de Servicio de Teleasistencia. Estudios de economa aplicada, 29 (3).
1-25 25.
Silvana Laura, Degrati Mariana, Pedraza Susana, Crespo Enrique. (2012). Effects of
Tour Boats on Dolphin Activity Examined with Sensitivity Analysis of Markov
Chains. Society for Conservation Biology. 26 (4). 708-716. DOI:
Tian Hao a, Tong Yifiei. (2011). Study on Queuing System Optimization of Bank Base
don BPR. Procedia Enviroment Sciences. (10), 640 646.
Ciencias Exactas, Ingenieras y Tecnologa | Logstica y Transporte

Investigacin de operaciones II
Fuentes de consulta

Weiguo Yang, Yang Zhao, Heng Pan. (2013) Strong Laws of Large Numbers for
Asymptotic Even Odd Markov Chains Indexed by a Homogeneous.Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 410. 179 189.
Yue de Quan, Sun Yan Ping. (2008). Waiting Time of M/M/c/N Queuing System with
Balking, Reneging, and Multiple Synchronous Vacations of Partial Servers.
Procedia Enviroment Sciences. 28(2). 89 97.

Ciencias Exactas, Ingenieras y Tecnologa | Logstica y Transporte

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