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Maternal Pshysiology

During Pregnancy
Pregnancy involves a number changes in anatomy,
pshysiology, and biochemistry, which can challenge
maternal reserves.

Heart size increases about 12% result from both an

increase in myocardial mass and intra cardiac
volume(approximately 80%)
Increase in blood volume
Increase in cardiac output
Decrease in blood pressure
Decrease in peripheral vascular resistance

1. Cardivascular System

As the uterus enlarges, the diaphragm is elevated by as

much as 4 cm.
Abdominal muscles have less tone and activity during
pregnancy, causing respiration to be more diaphragm
Increase in tidal volume and inspiratory capacity
Increase in ventilation, result from the rise of tidal

2. Pulmonary System

The length of kidney increases by 1-5 cm, with a

proportional increase in weight.
Renal plasma flow increases 50-85% during the first half
As the uterus enlarges, the urinary bladder is displaced
upward and flattened in the anteroposterior diameter.
Increase in urinary frequency

3. Renal System

As the uterus grows, the stomach is pushed upward and

the large and small bowels extend into more rostrolateral
Increase in salivation
Reflux symptoms
Decrease in plasma albumin level

4. Gastrointestinal

The red blood cell mass expand by about 33%

The enhanced of erythropoiesis increases utilization of
iron, which can reach 6-7% per day in the later half of
There are also increase in white blood cell and platelet

5. Hematologic System

Hyperpigmentation is one of the well recognized skin

changes of pregnancy, which manifested in the linea
nigra and chloasma.
Striae gravidarum consist of bands or lines of thickened,
hyperemic skin.
Other common cutaneous changes include spider
angiomas, palmar erythrema, and cutis marmorata
The nails and hair also undergo changes

6. Skin

Increase in basal metabolic about 15-20%

7. Metabolism

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