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1)The twin studies tells us that regardless the place of being

raised there
are certain traits/ attributes that remain despite the surroundings. The two
twins shared similar actions such as flushing the toilet before using, wore
rubber bands, like spicy food and even had similar facial features like
growing a mustache and having wire rimmed glasses. This would show that
who we are is actually set before birth but the surroundings help critique and
advance the personal skills along the way not completely dismissing nurture.
The surroundings still dictate the likes and views of things that go on. The
twins shared many differences as well from behaviors, outlooks on feminism,
and one was a workaholic compared to the other that liked to relax. With
these supporting facts I would say there wouldnt be either or but yet both
would be set into play as life develops.


Self is a sense of who we are as a person. The person we become

because of our social interactions and things that impact us significantly. The
Looking Glass Self view is when people develop understandings of things
and ones self through interactions with others. The three phases we go
through are: first we imagine how people view us as individuals (friends,
family exc.). Second we imagine what we think they view as intelligent,
attractive, shy exc. This is an assumption by our own self of how we think
they rationalize. Third we come to a conclusion or definition of ourselves
from this info we gathered. George Mead touches on just two main
components though that are I and me. The I is the active us on the
outside that is doing actions such as talking. Yelling. Singing and smiling and
the me part is almost mental. It is the preparation up to doing these task
and uses previous experience and preparation to map out our actions and
judge the final outcome afterwards. Significant Others is the dependency of
who we surround ourselves with or better yet interact with to help develop
ourselves and thats how it ties into self because interactions with our peers
and elders help us develop as young men and Women. Meads three stage
self-development process begins with the preparation stage of imitation of
actions from those around you but during this stage your estimated to be
about 3 years old. The second step is play stage where youre more aware of
communications and have an understanding of whats going on and put
them to use. This stage you are about five and begin to role play. The third
stage is Game Stage when you are between six and nine and begin to
appreciate the connection and relationships between things.
3) The Dramaturgical approach is the study of interactions between people.
We tend express who we are to people and try to leave impressions as they
do the same. The Front stage notion that Goffman speaks of is when we are
performing for our audience members and people/props are put into play to
help with emphasis on character but too much can ruin it. The Back stage is

behind the scenes preparation for the front stage. The set-up of getting
everything in order. Impression management and face-work contribute and
help for an understanding of social behavior because impression
management is the act of putting on a distinctive act/show for someone in
particular. The way we act in a setting of a job interview for example how we
try and highlight our abilities and come off as something spectacular with the
truth altered slightly. Face-work is the physical facial expressions you give
4) Family, friends, schools, peers, mass media, workplace, religion and state
are the agents of socialization. Schools role in Gender Role is combining the
proper behavior, attitudes and activities into one and puts kids in one place
where everybody is similar and learning how to express themselves. With the
Gender Roles in place its almost like a testing ground but yet teaches
discipline for students who have yet grasp the fact of good behavior but as
well teaches more morals for socialization. Technology has influenced the
socialization process by giving people the opportunity to socialize on a global
scale instead of face to face. The problem with our generation is that we
have become too dependent on technology for socialization.
5) Total institutions are places that are cut off from society that regulates
someones life under a single authority ranging from boarding schools, camp
and even mental hospitals. Four traits of total institutions are: 1) all aspects
of life are conducted In the same place under the control of a single
authority. 2) Any activities within the institution are conducted in the
company of others in the same circumstances. 3) The authority devise rules
and schedule activities without consulting the participants. 4) All aspects
within life within a total institution are designed to fulfil the purpose of the
organization. Thus, all activities in a monastery might be centered on prayer
and common with God. Degradation is used to mortify ones sense of self by
stripping them of added characteristics such as piercings and clothes for no
personal enjoyment. To make one come second and almost invisible in a
6) Society deals with elderly in multiple ways because they are all different.
Some are more productive and peaceful than others therefore being treated
with reverence but some can be viewed as difficult and unproductive. The
difference between the disengagement theory and activity theory is that
disengagement theory is for one who is independent and has severed off
relationships and prepares for death. Activity theory is the opposite where
one is active in life and socially active as well. It has been proven that those
that are socially involved live longer. A solution to ageism should be minor
tasks leading to bigger tasks to prove how useful one can be in that field
because of skills or strength one has not because of age.

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