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Lauren Porter

1. What created demand for goods in a global market in ancient times?
The Silk Road promoted trade so the people in the empires learned to want
more and more things. The want lead to lots of trade which helps the economic look
on the empires. Since, trade helped empires so much it became a common idea to
trade on the Silk Road since the travel was safer than most. It lead to the sharing of
different cultures and traditions because of the variety of people on the trade route.
There were many positive effects that came from trading on the Silk Road.

2. Why did empires that thrived through trade eventually fade and fall?
There wasnt a balance in the empires when all they did was thrive in trade.
When an empire thrived in trade their military could be lacking so the outer forces
could take them down. Whereas if the empire thrived in military tactics they would
be brought down by inner forces because they would not be trading enough. All
empires need balance or they wont last. Only one occasion was disease that took
down an empire and that occurred because of trade and the transferring of the

3. Should globalization be encouraged or restricted in the current era?

Globalization should be restricted because over time no one will
continue to get along. Human nature will always shine through and cause a
war. Globalization can be a great idea in theory but it should be restricted to
a certain limit so jealousy and war wont break out. In this current era I think
treaties for peace should go around so wars could be decreased, but there
will always be that one problem so it will never work. Globalization could
never work because everyone has the own different opinion.

4. What challenges did rulers face as civilizations grew into Empires?

They had to control not only their empire but the situations outside them. The
leaders of the empires had to keep the balance so an outer force couldnt take them
down and no inner issues could effect it either. They had to be prepared for attacks
and uprising within the empire. They would need to figure out laws and religions
allowed and followed. There are many challenges in the making of an empire.
5. Why did some empires have strict regulations and others did not?
Every empire was different because every empire had different
leaders. Also, depending on the time period each empire could be ran
differently. The leaders of these empires would also have many different

tactics in their military and trading system. They would have different
situations for their economics so they did what they saw was the best way to
have their empire last and grow. Depending on the situation, effects how
strict or not strict the leader was.

6. Should societies base legal system values/processes on religious concepts?

Societies should not base the legal system values on religious concepts
because of how many religions there are. People get offended easily when it
comes to the topics of religion. In order to avoid the argument completely
just leave religion out of the legal system so no one could get offended. The
purpose of the legal system doesnt deal with religious beliefs so the people
in society should just keep that personal and do their job in the legal area.

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