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"cl_dynamiccrosshair 99999" for only head shot.....

so its like , sv_cheat1 cl_dynamiccrosshair 99999 ??

and then put cl_dynamiccrosshair 99999 ?? for head shot only
"cl_crosshairscale 2000" decrease the size of the cross hair..
"cl_crosshairusealpha 6" Brighten the cross-hair's hue while still in the comm
and console. Brighter cross-hairs allow for better visibility, and hence easier
Larger crosshairs
Stable crosshairs
For maximum speed:

cl_crosshairscale 50000
cl_dynamiccrosshair 0
Set movement speed; 320 is default [Note] sv_maxspeed [num

Weapon hits nearest enemy:sv_clienttrace 99999999999

bind "mouse1;click" "mouse;click2" "s" shoot;kill
st every time. If you do not auto headshot

You will auto headshot almo

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