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Unbraced Composite Frames: Application of the Wind Moment Method ul critical for the design of intemal columns when heavy imposed loads are present on long span beams. For beam design under gravity loading an end restraint moment of 10% of the maximum sagging moment in the beam should be assumed. For horizontal loading, frame analysis should be by the “portal method”. Composite beams should be Class 1 designed for 90% of their plastic moment of resistance at mid- span. This provision has been introduced so as to ensure that adequate rotation capacity is present in the composite connections to develop the required span moment. Previous studies, Li, Choo and Nethercot, (1995), Nethercot, Li and Choo, (1995), have shown both that the available rotation capacity of composite connections is limited and that the non-linear relationship between beam span design moment and the amount of moment redistribution necessary to achieve this substantially reduces the rotational demands on the connections Columns, which are assumed to be of bare steel, should be designed by the usual interaction formula approach, Effective lengths for in-plane and out of plane checks should be taken as 1.51. and 1.0L respectively. Column end moments should allow for both the end restraint moment due to partial fixity when considering gravity loading and the moments calculated due to horizontal loading Connections must be designed for both maximum hogging and minimum sagging loads in recognition of the fact that wind loading can reverse The parametric study indicated deflections under serviceability loading to be of the order of 30% greater than those calculated assuming rigid joints due to the greater overall flexibility of the frames with semi-rigid connections. Rather than permit the use of any method for the determination of sway deflections, a development of that proposed by Wood and Roberts, (1975), that employed a simple graphical technique is proposed. In this way the common drift limit of h/300 recommended by BSS950: Part 1 and EC3 may be achieved. In addition to considering the behaviour of the complete frame, it is important to check each individual story. The first story is likely to be the most critical, typically accounting for the percentage of total frame sway indicated in Table 3 CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings of a carefull numerical study that employed a synthesis of the best currently available scientific evidence, proposals for the application of the Wind Moment Method to the design of a restricted range of unbraced composite frames have been made. In application, these closely follow the established procedure of the SCI Design Guide for bare steel frames. The background study has, however, recognised the need to properly consider the behaviour of both the composite beams and the composite connections; it has also recognised the desirability of using less than fully rigid column bases. In deriving the design procedure, account has been taken of industry wishes, important practical differences in the likely configuration of composite frames from steel frames and recent changes in the general structural design climate in the UK.

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