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Data Results from 2014 SME Instructional and Professional Needs

Assessment Survey

A Teacher Directed Learning Climate is Present

Always 23%
Sometimes 64%
Never 2%

In a teacher directed learning classroom, students primarily sit in rows and must
always raise their hands to speak and get permission to get up and move around. In
addition, most instruction is implemented whole group and in a teacher directed

A Student Directed Learning Climate is Present

Always 32%
Sometimes 61%
Never 7%

In a student directed classroom, students work collaboratively in partners and within

groups. They also have freedom to move around and are self-directed and engaged

Data Results from 2014 SME Instructional and Professional Needs

Assessment Survey
in active research. The teacher is a facilitator in the learning process and strives to
encourage students to be self-directed, independent, and interdependent learners.

Understanding and Implementation of Differentiated Instruction

Always 64%
Sometimes 24%
Never 12%

Overall, the data gained from the survey indicates a high familiarity with and
implementation of differentiated instruction. However, responses also indicated that
a better understanding of Brain Based Research and Multiple Intelligences could
increase the effectiveness of the use of differentiated and effective learning
strategies within classroom instructional design.

Understanding and Implementation of Effective Literacy Strategies

Always 54%

Sometimes 40%

Never 6%

Data Results from 2014 SME Instructional and Professional Needs

Assessment Survey
Overall responses indicated that Literacy instruction is optimized across all content
areas. However, responses also suggest a need for additional PL in understanding
how to accurately match students to instructionally leveled text and how to use
guided reading groups and literacy circles to increase student reading achievement.

Knowledge and Implementation of Writers Workshop

Always 26%
Sometimes 63%
Never 10%

While responses suggested that a strong core of teachers have knowledge of and
are implementing Writers Workshop, additional PL and follow up to specific areas of
Writers Workshop are needed in order to school-wide effectively implement WW to
teach writing and research skills.

Data Results from 2014 SME Instructional and Professional Needs

Assessment Survey

High Levels of Effective Classroom Management and Student Motivation

Always 77%
Sometimes 23%
Never 0%

Effective Classroom management and student motivation were two of the highest
rated areas of the survey. Teachers reported high levels of effective behavior
management as well as high levels of student motivation in their classroom.

Strong Sense of Classroom Community for Parents and Students


Responses indicated a strong sense of community within classrooms but reflected

that we could better utilize parents and community members to contribute to units
by sharing their experience and expertise.

Data Results from 2014 SME Instructional and Professional Needs

Assessment Survey

Understanding and Implementation of Effective Assessment Practices

Always 53%
Sometimes 43%
Never 7%

Assessment authenticity was indicated as an area of strength for Satilla. Survey

responses also indicated that areas of assessment practices that we could improve
on include the use of performance based assessments, development and analysis of
common formative assessments, portfolio assessment, self and peer assessment,
and the effective use of reading inventories and running records.

Curriculum Design is Project Based, Integrated Across Disciplines, and Incorporates Higher Order Thinking Skills
Always 66%
Sometimes 57%
Never 3%

Survey responses indicated that there is a working knowledge of project based

instruction, integrated curriculum design, the importance of higher order thinking

Data Results from 2014 SME Instructional and Professional Needs

Assessment Survey
skills, as well as the use of multi-media in both instruction and assessment.
However, data also suggests that in order to reach high levels of implementation
further professional development in these areas would be beneficial.

Understanding and Effective Implementation Of PLC's

Always 59%
Sometimes 37%
Never 4%

Survey responses indicated that majority of PLCs at SME operate under identified
team norms and protocols. Indicated areas of need within our PLCs are developing
common formative assessments and evaluating the data gained from such
assessments to help students achieve at higher levels. In addition, the analysis of
data revealed a need to improve on the practice of examining student work to raise
student achievement.
Overall Narrative Analysis:
The overall analysis of the above data indicates that next year an emphasis needs
to be placed on improving the incorporation of higher order thinking strategies in all
content areas, taking into account Multiple Intelligences and Brain Based Research
into our instructional practices, overall assessment practices in multiple areas,
increasing our effectiveness in Writers Workshop (Calkins Units of Study) and our
efficacy and frequency of Guiding Reading Groups and Literature Circles, as well

Data Results from 2014 SME Instructional and Professional Needs

Assessment Survey
becoming more adept in creating CFAs within our PLCs and examining student
work to increase student achievement.
Commendable Areas of Strength and Areas of growth during the 13-14
school year:
Classroom climate, behavior management, and a strong sense of classroom
Areas of Growth this year:
Understanding of Writers Workshop, the role of PLCs, and understanding and
implementing differentiated instructional practices

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