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Appendix 1


Year Level: Year 5 Time: 55 minutes

Date: Week 3

Learning Area: Humanities and Social Sciences

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum

How the stories of families and the past can be

communicated, for example through photographs,
artefacts, books, oral histories, digital media, and
museums (ACHHK004)

Interact with others with respect, identify different

points of view and share personal perspectives and
opinions (ACHCS031)

Students Prior Knowledge:

Students know how to use Spiderscribe
Reflect on their cultural identity and how it
might be similar and different from
others (ACHCS021)
How a persons identity can be shaped by the
different cultural, religious and/or social groups
to which they may belong (ACHCK014)
Develop texts, particularly
narratives (ACHHS086)
Identify different points of view (ACHHS085)
Use a range of communication forms (oral,
graphic, written) and digital
technologies (ACHHS087)

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Critical and

creative thinking


Personal and


Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson )

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures

Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia



Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Create a Spiderscribe containing ideas about immigration
Demonstrate appropriate research skills using the internet
Make thoughtful comments on another students work
Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:
An ipad per student
1 set of headphones per student
Log in details of each student available for
Log in details for each student available for Kidblog

Provision for students at educational risk:

Lower and higher literacy levels on Britannica
iPad stand for those requiring physical
Teachers aid for those requiring assistance
Enable higher level students to choose
countries with low immigration rates to

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
A rubric will be used to determine:
Could the students recognise the changes that an immigrant to Australia would experience?
Could the students use the iPads appropriately?
Could the students use Spiderscribe efficiently?
What was the standard of Spiderscribe that was produced by the students?
What were the limitations of using Spiderscribe compared to other applications that produce a comic page?
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:
Anecdotal notes will be kept on:
Were the students interested in the lesson that you presented them with?
Did each student participate?
Were all objectives met?
What aspects of the lesson did the students complete?
How can this be improved?
[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)


Motivation and Introduction:

1. Students are invited to find a comfortable position anywhere in the
classroom for the remainder of the lesson
2. Student are each handed an iPad and are asked to open up Weebly
and log in


3. Students open Task 1 and watch a video on the story of The Little
Refugee by Anh Do and Suzanne Do
Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
1. Students are asked to open up Spiderscribe and log in
Is anyone having difficulty logging in?
2. Students create a new Spiderscribe, focussing on two different countries
Can I hear some of the countries you have chosen?
3. Students use appropriate websites to research the countries
4. For each country they are required to research the cultural differences, the
number of immigrants per year, length of the journey to Australia
Who is having difficulty finding information?
2. 15pm

5. Students post their completed Spiderscribe to their Kidblog

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
Students view other Spiderscribes from other students via Kidblog and must


make a thoughtful comment on 1 other Spiderscribe, providing feedback

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)
iPads are brought to the front and students return to their desk
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
Student Spiderscribes are assessed using a Spiderscribe rubric
Student behaviour is assessed via observation throughout the lesson

Australian Curriculum(2014) retrieved from:
Tan, S. (2009). The arrival. Sydney, Australia: Lothian Books.

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