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Year Level: 8




Students Prior Knowledge:

Basic soccer passing and trapping
Rules of soccer
Header and volley passes

Learning Area: Physical Education

Lesson Number: 4
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum
Compose and perform movement sequences for
specific purposes in a variety of contexts
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Critical and

creative thinking


Personal and


Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
Communicate with team members and identify the importance of communication
Develop new soccer skills and improve previous skills while implementing them into a game situation
Perform movement sequences to maintain possession of the ball

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:

15 soccer balls
4 mini goals
20 markers
4 sets of different coloured bibs
Book oval for class

Provision for students at educational risk:

Most drills are in teams, students will be grouped with
able peers
Questions will not be directed at students, they will be
asked of the class

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:


Motivation and Introduction:


Students get changed into their PE uniforms at the beginning of the lesson. Students meet teacher in the foyer. Once all students are
ready, group walks to the oval together with the equipment.


Students sit and we discuss the skills of passing and trapping that we did last lesson. Two students demonstrate to refresh students
Lesson Steps




Warm up Figure 1
1. Students are instructed to line up in even groups behind the four markers set up in a square.
2. The four corner kicking drill is going to be completed. Students kick the ball to the person on their left hand side.
3. They then follow the ball and line up joining the back of that line
4. This will start with one ball and will be walked through the first time
5. Once students are confident, it will be done at a running pace
6. After a few minutes swap directions
7. Introduce a second ball so students have to be more agile and alert
Passing Figure 2
1. Students come in and sit down. We revise what a header and volley are. A student demonstrates.
2. Students get into groups of 3
3. One group goes to each set of cones. Two people on the sideline and one on the cones. Each group has 2 balls
4. The two people on the sidelines take turns throw the ball at appropriate heights to head, while the third person side steps
between the markers to head the ball back to the passer.
5. This is done for 30 seconds then swap around
6. Go through twice each and then change to volley kicks, go through twice again
Space, possession and passing Figure 3
1. Students come in, sit down and get a drink while the teacher quickly sets up the markers
2. The students are informed that we are going to do a drill to simulate game play and there will be defenders. The purpose is to
keep possession of the ball within your own team
3. The drill is a modified game of keepings off. When one team has the ball, they want to keep possession of it on their half of the
mini field. They do this by passing it around the team.
4. 3 defenders from the other team will be allowed in their half of the field to defend.
5. Once the ball is turned over, the new possessors of the ball take it back to the other side of the field and three players from the

15 soccer balls
20 markers

opposition can come into that half.

6. This continues back and forth with the three defending players changing each time so everybody gets a go at defending and
everybody gets a rest.
7. The class is split into 4 groups of 6 students, and each group is given a different coloured bib
8. 2 groups are to get up and walk through a demonstration
9. Any questions about the drill are answered
10. After 4 minutes, give students a quick break and swap the teams so they are against a different team


Game play- Figure 4

1. Students are to come in and leave their coloured bibs on, they will remain in these teams
2. Students are informed that we are now going to play a modified soccer game
3. There will be a short class discussion about the main rules that will be enforced
4. There are 4 mini goals, one on each side of a square, approximately 30m x 30m
5. All four teams are going to be on in the square and they can score in any goal except their own. They have to work with their
team to score goals. There are no goal keepers
6. Normal rules apply, but there is no off side
7. Allow students to start playing while the teacher umpires
8. Once students understand the concept, make them play one minute without talking.
9. Stop the play and compare playing while talking verses not talking. Ask students which one was easier?
10. Introduce a second ball
11. Encourage students to look for space, communicate and reduce congestion
Lesson Closure:


1. Students are to come in, bringing all the equipment with them, and stand in a circle
2. Students are to do a stretch in a follow the leader style
3. While students are stretching, there is to be a class discussion about the lesson. Questions will be asked to the students
What was the most difficult part of todays class?
What was the most enjoyable part?
What was a new strategy we learnt today?
Why is it important to communicate in soccer?


4 sets of differen
coloured bibs

4 mini soccer go

Students are informed that next lesson they will not need their PE uniform as we will be beginning the SEPEP unit.
Ask discussion questions through out and at the end of class about the importance and benefits of communication.
Visually assess students skills both in the drills and in the modified game. See if skills decrease with increased pressure in the game.
Visually assess students ability to sequences a variety of skills to maintain possession of the ball

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