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Poetry Unit: Wants and Piatas

Elementary Spanish Blog:

Due date in Spanish and in English ________________________________________________
Students Name _______________________________________________________________
Parent Signature ___________________________________________________________
Dear Parents,
For much of second trimester, we focused our efforts on a multifaceted unit with three main
focuses found in the table below, each with its own goals to address state standards for
Learning World Languages (see outcomes document on my blog for specific standards).
1. the verbs: Yo quiero (I want) and quiere
(he/she wants)
2. Culture: Piata
3. Poetry

Expressing wants is central to a persons life
Culture is fused with language
Language devices to enhance comprehension

Your child should have brought home four (4) sheets that are attached together. In an effort to
practice the skills taught in class, please find a descriptor of each sheet along with its associated
homework instructions in the table below.
1. Cover Sheet:
Poetry Unit: Wants &
2. Parent/child food
suggestions with food
images (soda, cookie,
beans, ice cream, candy)
3. La piata:
Paragraph on top with
piata images on the
4. Poetry Drawing

So that I know everything in this table is completed, the parent(s)
should sign this sheet above. It must be a parents signature, not a
babysitter, sibling, teacher, teachers aide, friend, etc.
In class, students role-played either the role of parent or the child.
When the parent suggested a food item, the child wanted a different
food item, until finally the parent and child agreed at the end. Act
this worksheet out with your real parent(s), with lots of emotion!
The student should read the paragraph in Spanish out-loud to
her/his parent(s) and then translate as best as he or she can into
English. The student should explain to his/her parent(s) why certain
words are circled or squared, based upon word type of either a
cognate or action word.
Students, this is your opportunity to teach your parent(s)! The
student should read each poem to his/her parent(s). With the help
of the student, the parents should also learn how to pronounce the
poems. Have a contest between the student and the parent(s). Who
can put the most emotion into each poem? You are the

If students forget words or mispronounce words, its okay! Dont worry! I am not looking for
perfection! Try your best and have fun!
As this assignment involves different components, students will have at least one week to
complete this assignment. Please let me know if you have any questions: The above documents can be found and downloaded on my
blog. Gracias,

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