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Kaylee Knoche

Animal and Plant Habitats

Date: 3-19-15

Subject: Science

Grade: 4th -5th

Goals/Objectives/Standards (Please include the NETS standards):


1a. promote, support, and model creative an innovative thinking and inventiveness
1c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students conceptual understanding
2a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and
2c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students diverse learning styles and working strategies
3a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
3b. collaborate with students using digital tools
4a. model and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technologies
4b. address the diverse needs of all learned by using learner-centered strategies
5b- exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion

Timeline/structure of lesson:
Opening/Framing the Lesson/Introduction/Early Assessment
To introduce the lesson a PowerPoint of different habitats
will be shown. Habitats will be discussed in detail to ensure
that students get a clear understanding. After the
PowerPoint, each student will draw from a hat the habitat
that they are going to research. For a beginning
assessment, go around and ask each student to describe
their habitat briefly to ensure that they are on the right
track. If a student is struggling, others can help by giving
ideas. The students will be informed of the Edmodo post to
use as a tool to communicate with one another and also to
find the instructions. I will then introduce thinglink to the
class and explain how to use the tool. Students will be
given time to explore the tool and ask any questions. To
collaborate students will use wisemapping to brainstorm.
This will allow students to get ideas and thinking of what to
add to their thinglink. There is a symbaloo available with
all of the sites for students to use in their research in order
to ensure that they are staying on task. Wordle will also be
used by them to describe the habitat that they chose. The
Wordle tool will be discussed. Google earth will be used to
find the most common location of the habitat. This tool will
also be demonstrated. An outline of the project along with
instructions to all of the tools being used will be given to
the students as well as posted on Edmodo. The goal of this
lesson is to teach students the different habitats in the
world and what kinds of animals and plants live in each
ecosystem. Collaboration is going to be addressed in this
lesson and also effective ways to find information when
The Lesson Structure:
After the students have their habitat and have received the
instructions they are ready to begin. Students are to grab a
computer from the chromebook lab and log on. When they
get on they are to open wisemapping and start
collaborating. This allows the students to warm up their
minds and share prior knowledge that they already have.
After students have thought about their ecosystem they
are to go onto the symbaloo and find resources that are
relevant to their habitat. When reading the information

Have the class explain what
they think a habitat is and
discuss any prior
knowledge that they
students may have.
Discuss Edmodo, thinglink,
symbaloo, wordle, Google
earth and wisemapping to
ensure that students are
able to use the tools
Edmodo has the
instructions for the
assignment and an outline
was handed out to the
Explain the goal of the
lesson along with the
objectives. This way
students know why they are
learning this information.

On the board have points to

go off of when collaborating
in order to make sure that
students are on task.
Because some students
may have the same habitat
they can work with those
students and brainstorm
what they already know
about their habitat. They

students take notes so that they can later use the

information in their presentation. The students then go to
thinglink and choose the picture that they are going to use
of their habitat. Then students add hotspots on the image
explaining what animals and plants live there, the climate,
the landscape, and common things found in the habitat
along with the name of a country that this habitat is
commonly found. There should be at least 10 hotspots on
the thinglink. The next step is for the students to go to
Wordle and create a design of words that describe their
habitat. Names of the plants, animals, climate, landforms,
and the places where their habitat is found. Students are to
go onto Google earth and find where their habitat is most
commonly found. They are to save their work and screen
shot images to show the class. When each student has all
of their information they are to save all of their work and
show it on the projector to the class. The students will then
present their habitats to the class.
Day 1: Introduce lesson and tools, brainstorm
Day 2: Create thinglink
Day 3: finish thinglink if needed, do wordle and google
earth exercise
Day 4: finish up and present
After students find all their information they will present.
The students will go up one by one and show the class
their thinglink, wordle, and Google earth image. They will
discuss what they found and describe each hotspot on
their image. The class will then ask questions. The student
will then hand the finished project to the teacher. This will
help the students with their public speaking skills along
with the ability to share the information they have found in
an organized manner. This lesson teaches students time
management skills and organizational skills because they
have a time frame to get the assignment done and
multiple things that need to be finished.

There is no homework for this lesson although if students
are not able to get the assignments done in the given time
frame they will need to finish at home. This way the
students that are finished are not sitting around.
Self Evaluation of the Lesson
Group Discussion

may also ask others

Discuss plagiarism and how
if you use information from
the resources you must put
it into your own words.
Walk around offering help
and assisting students with
the technology tools.
When students are finished
ask them to get all of their
information together that
they are going to present.
The schedule can be
adjusted if needed, this is
only an estimation!

Discuss the proper way to

behave during a
presentation and how to
make comments or ask
questions that are
Discuss different tips for
public speaking to help
students that may be
uncomfortable speaking in
front of the class.
Ask each student a

Chrome Book Lab- Students will use these to make the thinglink, wordle, and Google earth image.
They will also use it to find their information and collaborate.
Edmodo- to discuss and ask questions
Thinglink- to create their habitat with hotspots
Symbaloo- all the resources needed for the habitat research
Wordle- make a word design describing their habitat
Google earth- find where their habitat is most commonly found in the world.
wise mapping- collaborate
PowerPoint- introduction and overview on habitats
Projector- to show presentations on the board
Accommodations= If a student needs assistance print off a picture of the habitat and have the student
write on it describing the points of interest. Have the student share will another student what they know
about the habitat verbally. Print off resources that they are able to highlight to find information. Circle on
a map where the habitat is found. These are just some accommodations that could be made if a student
struggles when using a computer. Many more accommodations could be made depending on the case.

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