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TITTLE: Comment About Video Presentation For Our Topic

1. Content:
a) Did the group use a variety of supporting materials to develop their main
i) Our group did not use a variety of supporting materials to develop the main
points. Such as, do not use your own understanding information to develop the
main points. Therefore, we can find the newspaper to get the information
about the topic.

b) Did the group members appear conversant with and knowledgeable about the
subjects presented?
i) Our group members did not appear conversant with and knowledgeable
about the subjects presented. We cannot copy the information but we can refer
the point about the topic from the internet and change it by our own words. We
also need to read about the presentation slide to make sure that there is not any

c) Was the supporting material relevant?

i) The supporting material is relevant with our topic.

d) Did the group communicate an understandable amount of information about

the topic without overwhelming the audience with excessive detail?
i) No, the group do not. Such as Asbarinah gives to many information and give
a quick introduction about her slide.

e) Did the group fulfill time expectations?

i) Yes. It is between 20~25 minutes.

2. Organization:
a) Did the group have an effective plan for the whole presentation?
i) Our group does not have an effective plan for the whole presentation. We do
not gather information to meet audiences needs, organize the essay well,
arrange the information accordingly and prepare well for analysing the
situation. Our images are cited with accurate formatted citations.

b) Did the presentation have a clear introduction, body and conclusion?

i) We also do not have a clear introduction, body and a strong conclusion. We
are not pulling the audience in with something they are interested. We do not
share our own experience to them so that they pay attention to us.

c) Did the presenters stick to their designated topic?

i) Furthermore, we do not stick to their designated topic. We are talking too
long to get to the point. We do not prepare when we are presenting. We
directly read from the slides when conveying information to the audience.

d) Did each group member develop their part of the presentation in an orderly
i) In this bad presentation video, audience can see that all the group members
have followed the sequence to present their own part.
e) Were transitions between sections and presenters effective?
i) Transitions between Howe Chang and Shy Tyng are not effective. The bad
presentation video shows that Howe Chang did not prepare well and could not
answer the audiences question. These problems made him panic and let him
leave away straight without any saying any ending.

3. Oral Communication:
a) Did presenters speak from brief notes rather than from complete tasks?
i) From the bad presentation video, we can see that the presenters cannot speak
fluently. Betty speaks from brief notes rather than from complete tasks.

b) Did presenters speak audibly and energetically.

i) Cindy did not speak audibly and energetically and she speaks in a monotone
way and a low voice. On the other hand, Asbarinah speaks audibly and

energetically but she speaks too fast until the audience cannot understand what
she talking about.

c) Did presenters avoid physical and vocal distractions while speaking?

i) Cindy was playing her hair and bites her fingernail when she was nervous
and these actions show that she was not enough confidence to start a
presentation. Besides, this may let the audiences have a bad impression on
Cindy. Shy Tyng is answering her hand phone when she was present in front.

d) Did the group appear interested in and committed to the audience?

i) The group did not appear interested in their presentation, their slides are full
of words, and most of them were read from the slides.

e) Did the group try to be creative in their approach to the topic.

i) The group is uncreative while they approach to the topic. They did create the
slides, but their slides are lack of creative and interesting. Their slides were
failed to attract the attention from the audiences because there were full of
words and less picture provided.

f) Did the presenters speak in a clear voice that could easily be hear by everyone
in the audience

i) Some of the presenters did not speak in a clear voice which could not easily
heard by everyone in the audience. For example, Cindy speaks in a very low
voice and Asbarinah speaks in a very fast speed.

4. Non-verbal Communication
a) Presenters do not read exclusively from note cards or visual aids.
i) All the presenters read exclusively from note cards or visual aids. They read
from the slide when they are present.

b) Presenters face the audience while speaking.

i) Most of the presenters did not face the audience while speaking. They did
not face the audience because they are focus on their slide.

c) Presenters have good body posture and hand gesture.

i) Some of the presenters no have the good body posture and hand gesture.
They just stand straight when giving the presentation.

d) Did the presenters develop eye contact with members of the audience?
i) Most of the presenters do not develop eye contact with members of the
audience. They feel shy and no confident when giving the presentation.

e) Hand and body movements are purposeful, not distracting.

i) The hand and body movement of all presenters are not purposeful. Presenter
feels nervous and keeps walking here and there. This will disturb the focusing
of audiences.

5.Group Coordination
a) The presentation was integrated.
i) It did not look like a sequence of unique individual presentation. The
teammates give help when each other meet problem. Such as Aaron Chieng
send the notebook to the school when Teng Howe Chang ask him for help.

b) The transitions between speakers were handled effectively.

i) Each speaker finishes their presentation and passes the time to another
speaker without happening indecision or "dead air". Some of them help to
press to their slide and briefly introduce about their topic before they pass the
time to the following speaker.

c) The presenters share ownership between each other.

i) Not only one speaker act and present all the elements of the bad presentation
but all the speakers take part in it. Speakers give advices and

recommendations to each other so that they can perform well for their

d) Presenters do not contradict each other or argue during the presentation.

i) They are willing to accept the advices that given by their teammates. Even
though they make mistakes and been asked by teammates to improve, they did
not argue during the presentation. They choose to get apologize from their

e) The presenters do not have good interaction or communication with the

i) The presenters did not ask the audience whether the audience have any place
or part that they are not understand well. The presenters just keep on reading
their slide and then pass their time to another presenter without any
communicate with the audience.

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