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University of Utah, Department of Special Education: Lesson Plan

Content Area: Math

Grade level:


Instructor Name:

Lindsay Newton

Date: 11/13/14

Core Standard:

Instructional Objective:

Behavioral Objective:

Grade 3

SWBAT: Students will be able to label and understand

the differences in a tally, frequency, and picture graph.

Be apart of our group

Be an active listener

Domain: Measurement and Data

Students will use the graphs in order to solve problems.

Respond on my signal

Represent and interpret data

Keep a positive attitude

3. Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph

Lesson Objective: Interpret data on graphs from oral

to represent a data set with several categories. Solve

descriptions (Grade 1-2, level 5 Bridging)

Show me your best work

one- and two-step how many more and how many

less problems using information presented in scaled
bar graphs.
IEP Goal:

Content (concepts, information, skills, new vocab,

Instructional Materials Needed:

In 12 weeks when given a question and presented with


Math workbook

a graph to solve the problem, students will be able to

Review vocab and solving math problems


solve using the graph with 90% accuracy or better.

Use graphs to problem solve

Dry erase markers

Introduce bar graphs

Cut outs of terms and definitions

1. Get students attention

Teachers Role/What Im doing:

Students Role/What theyre doing:

2. Academic review /Gather

1. 5 extra points for students who came down to class on their own.

1. Students who get to class on their

background knowledge

own = 5 extra points.

3. State instructional objectives

2. Ok you guys today we are going to do a little review before we move onto another type

4. Review behavior expectations

of graph. Pass out cut out terms and definitions. Demonstrate how to use/ match up terms

2. Students will organize terms with

and definitions with Tally table and definition. You guys are going to do the rest, if any of


you are confused, raise your hand and I will come help you. When you get done we will
make sure everyone has theirs correct. Once students are done and have the terms

Students will read along with me as we

go over correct terms and definitions

matched to the proper definitions, read over terms and definitions.

3. Students will be listening and keeping
3. SWBAT: Students will be able to label and understand the differences in a tally,

eye contact to let me know they are

frequency, and picture graph. Students will use the graphs in order to solve problems.

paying attention.

4. Be apart of our group. Be an active listener. Respond on my signal. Keep a positive

4. Eyes on me as I review

attitude. Show me your best work.

5. Instruction




Guided Practice

a. On our review yesterday we had a little trouble with finding the words in our question that


Guided Group Practice

will help us solve the problem and get our answer. I will demonstrate this first question for



Independent practice

you. The question asked, Which season got fewer votes than winter? I am going to


Error Correction

underline fewer because what does fewer mean in math?


Good! (e. error correction, point to math wall if students dont know the answer)


I am also going to circle the word winter because that is an important piece of information
in my question and will help me find my answer. So I am looking for a season that has 3 less

21, 20, 19

votes than winter, which means I need to take 3 away from winter. Put the big number in
your head (22) hold up 3 fingers and count backwards. Count with me you guys. 21, 20, 19.
( *For students who are struggling with counting backwards, get physical manipulative.
Count out with student 22 and then have them take away 3 and count backwards) If you
guys dont like doing the subtraction that way, you can also write it down and work it out on
paper. Now lets look over at our frequency graph, which season had 19 votes? Great! So
that is our answer.


b. c. Ok you guys now it is your turn, lets look at the next problem. I will read them to you

Summer and fall

and I want you to follow along with your finger

Subtract fall from summer

How many more students chose summer than fall? What does how many more mean in a

Students will subtract 28-14 and solve.

math question? (e. error correction, point to math wall if students dont know the answer)


Ok underline how many more and what are we going to circle? (e. error correction tell

14 students

them one of the answers to see if they can get the second one) Lets look at our frequency
graph again and find summer and fall. Now what do we do? Awesome, lets set it up and

Students will work on next question

subtract. Ok so how many students chose summer? So when we write 14, its 14 what?
You guys do the next problem by yourself and raise your hand if you have any questions.
(e. assist students in any questions with what to underline and circle or any mathematical

Look at the key

That looks great you guys! These next sets of questions involve a picture graph. What is

one paw print equals 2 students

the very first thing you should do when you see a picture graph?

Students will turn picture graph

Exactly we look at the key and find out how much the picture or symbol is worth. How much

information into frequency table

Review key concepts/

is the key worth on this graph? I want you guys to turn the picture graph information into a

(numbers) and then solve remaining

Check for understanding

frequency table and then solve the problems using the data. I will be walking around to


Review objectives
Clean up

answer questions so just raise your hand.

(e. assist students as needed)


*If there is time remaining I will introduce what a bar graph looks like and its definition.

a. students will orally respond


b. eyes on me

a. Call on individual students to tell me what a frequency, tally, and picture graph, and a

c. Clean up

6. Wrap up

keys definition are.

b. Now you guys can label and understand the differences in a tally, frequency, and picture
graph. You also can use the graphs in order to solve problems.
c. Clean up

Reinforcement Procedures:


Follow-up Activities:


Verbal praise

Pre: I took an assessment yesterday on

Introduce and have a lesson on bar

Larger print for students who have

Token system

what the kids understand about picture


eye site issues.

Amp system for students who

graphs, frequency graphs and how to read

and use those graphs to solve problems.

struggle with hearing.

During: verbal responses and written

Manipulative if students are

responses to questions.

struggling with key concepts and

Post: quiz students at the beginning of the


next group on keys, frequency, tally, and

picture graphs. Also include math concepts
on the quiz (fewer, in all, etc.)

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