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ara Eric T. Schneiderman Attorney Genaral Office of the Attorney General State Capital Albany, New York 12224 Dear Attorney General Schniederman, Tam writing to you to request compassion and merey on Mr. William Rapfogel. 1 don't know Mr. Rapfogel personally, Ihave never mat him or spake to him but when he ‘was asked to assist us, he had compassion on my family and specifically on my 9 year old daughter Leah, Tam a mother of four children and my daughter Leah is hearing iumpsired. Our medical coverage would only cover entry level hearing aid. However, when Leah was using the entry level hearing aid it would causa here to have adverse reactions, In a noisy setting the hearing ld would plek up background noise which would not only prevent Leah from adapting to social gatherings with friends but even at the home playing with siblings would be extremely frustrating for her. Laeh needed advanced hearing aids which our insurance would not cover. ‘When Mr. Rapfogel was informed about our situation he sprung into action and through Met Council helped us see an Audiologist, Dr. Shelly Borgia, who fitted Leah with the more advanced hearing aids and tha reoults were amazing. Leah could be a kid ‘again and play with friends and her siblings, Mr. Rapfogel gave my daughter the gift of hearing end being a child, 1 can’t thanke him enough and i hope you will take thet into consideration as you decide his future, Sincerely, Sara Siberman FOIL 150078 000040

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