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O Sacred Head, Now. Wounded 10 Salve Caput Croentatum ” © Hanpt voll Blut und Wanden qu ' in : ac. = 4.0 sa-cred Head, now wound-ed, With grief and shame weighed down, Now. 2. My Shep-herd aow ro - ceive me; My Guard-ian, owa tne Thine Great 3. Here 1 will stand be - side Thee, From Thee I’ will not — part; 0 4. Be Thou my - la - tion, Re kd must die; Re =. Jy = Jud, Fr Taig sur- rouad-ed With thorns, Thine on - ly ‘crown. 0 pless-ings Thoa didst give me, O° Source of gifts di - vine.” Thy do- not | chide me! When bréaks Thy "lov - ing heart, |. When mind me’ of Thy Pas-sion When-my last hour draws. nigh. ~Mine py dod: 8 ee = eo +? eS vox Thy Pe ae 1 yd. ie ‘sa - cred Head, what gio-~ ry, What bliss, till now was Thinel Yet, lips have of - ten fed me With words of truth and love; Thy soul and bod- y lan - guish In death’s cold-cra-el grasp, Thea, eyes shall then be - hold. Thee, oF = on Thy cross shall dwell, My 4h gp gts sd 1 bd ws eee ‘i rs S Sa P Wo Va a ft 2 4 —= e = = Sr treet ad though de-spised and gor - y, I~ joy. to call Thee mine. wy Spir- it off hath led me To heavh-ly joys a - bove. in ‘Thy deep ~ est an - guish, Thee in mine arms YN clasp. heart by faith en - fold Thee. Who di - eth thus, dies well. fayj ddl dd — - = et f fF He smenenin us Sn sent heheh eh ate 8 meaty ean i ie ede he a 9 -From Depths of Woe J Cry to Theo - _- Aus tiefer Wot eoars schrei? ich zu Dir } Ay yy HSB ae 1: From depths of woe I” cry. to Thee, Lord,hear me, I im < plore 2.:But. love: and grace with Thes pre-vail, O° God, our’ sins fors giv: - 3. My . tiope I rest thea on the Lord, And build not’ oo “Bend. down, Thy gra-cious car to. me, My pray ‘The ‘best and. ho- liest deeds imst fail- -Of My -heart shall trust His. gracious. Word, . His pit 4s 4 4 Eo we a. z = = f Lord, siace ‘Thy search - ing eye doth see All our sin and in - Bes fore Thee sone can boasting stand, But all must fear Thy His pre-cious Word as --sur-cth me He -will my Joy and wig | 424 pad td sea ee Vereataae f oS T y aD oe t A iq - ui - ty, Who Lord, can stand be - fore___ Thee? strict de - mand, And live’ a . lone by mer - cy. Comfort be; This is my firm re- li - ance. 3 > JAll- Men Living Are but Mortal ‘Alle ‘Menschen. miissen sterhen iL_AN mea liv-ing aro. but mor.- tal, Yes, all flesh must fade as grass; 2 Je-sus for my sake de-scéad-ed My sal-va - tion to ‘ob- tai 3.0. Je-ru-sa~- lem, bow glorious Dost thou shine, thou cit -- y SSS le al ot : + == es a On - “ly through death gloom-y por-tal ‘To e= ter- nal life Deathand hell for- me. areend-ed, Peace and hope are now To,’ 1 hear the . tones vic-to-rius Ev - er sweet-ly sound ~ ia 4 on menian: ' aN rh eel aia poh =a aa SSS] Peer ot tt orp This frail bod-y hero mst per-ish Ere the heava-ly joys it cher-ish, Yea, with joy I eave earttis sad-aess For the home of heava- ly glad-ness Oh,’ the bliss that there surpris-es!- Lo, the sun of mom now ris - es, at 4 ded t i) v oS. a Ere it. gain the free re-ward For. the ran-somed of the Lord. ‘Where I shall for - ev-er see God, the Ho-ly Trin - i - ty. And the break-ing day 1 see That shall oev- er end for me. rr eer < 2s If Thou but Suffer God to Guide Thee . ‘Wer nur den licbeni Gott lisst walten oN 4. I thou but suf-fer God to guide thoes Asd hope ia Him thro” all. thy 2. What can thesé anx-ious cares a-vail thee, ‘These vev-er - ceas-ing- moans and 3. Sing, pray, and keep His ways unswerv-ing, So do thine own part faith. fal- Ji ss) y Ae if ees trio Vv eae a4 : streagth, what-der be-tide L And bear thee-thro’ the ¢ - vil if. thou be-wail thee Oler each dark mo-nient as. it jy, And trust His Word, thor “un ~ de-serv- ing, oie find “it true for eae! Bids dds Bue eed aa aa Libera -days; ‘Who frusts ia God's un-chang-ing love Builds on the Rock that naught can move. fijes? Our cross and tri- als do but press The heav-ier for our bit - ter- ness. nev- er will for-sake ia wy oc soul that trusts ia Him in - deed, titeteeet et Bd ta dy St cae e 24 How Bright Appears the Morning Star Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern = Sl =F t ae 1 gabe ie t. ole tt Morn - ing Star, With mer-cy beam - ing ive eous Branch, O = Jes - ses Rod, Thou Son of Man and 2.{ Though cir - cled by the hosts on high, He deign’d to cast a 'The “whole cre ~ a - tion's - and tt J high - est ser - a is oe v

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