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Calantoc, Kalina

Reflection #4

What aspect(s) of the Institute has/have benefitted you the most? What is your favorite part
of participating in the Institute? What has been your least favorite part of the E-STEM
Institute? Do you have any suggestions that would make your experience more worthwhile
or meaningful? Have you learned anything in the E-STEM Institute that you can integrate
into the classroom? How has your participation changed your perspective, opinions and/or
beliefs in any manner?

While reflecting back on the Institute thus far, the ideas for lesson plans that I have heard
has probably benefitted me and inspired me the most. I now have so many ideas for hands-on,
interactive, culture-based, and people-based lessons. Since I am still at student, I am required to
write many lengthy lesson plans following the UbD lesson design. With every lesson I plan,
write up and implement, I am now always most concerned with how I can make learning most
effective and enjoyable. Everything I have learned about the word ethno and how people and
culture interact, and how learning happens best in these natural settings has inspired me to be an
ethno-educator! By creating and using culture-based and inquiry-based lessons, and by creating
opportunities for my students to deeply interact with each other, I aim to have a classroom that

truly values diversity, where effective learning takes place at all different levels in all different
styles, and where my students will feel safe, motivated, and excited to learn.
My most favorite part of the Institute has definitely been the relationships I have made,
the opportunities I have had to share and to hear from other teachers about their experiences and
their ideas. I have also absolutely loved being outside, getting my hands dirty, and learning
through cultural experiences. My least favorite part is the time and distance between each of the
PD workshops. I leave the workshops feeling so motivated, with tons of ideas, and with passion
and things I want to share, and after a few days I somewhat lose that feeling. The ideas are still
there, but I guess it is just natural to come down after that high of being together with everyone
face to face and experiencing all of the great things that we do. I think the reflections are
important and meaningful, and they help bridge that gap in between our face to face workshops,
and I also know that time is extremely limited for all of us so it is difficult to do any more than
we already are. I guess I just want more time face to face with everyone! I am really looking
forward to Kalaupapa for this.
As for ways that the ESTEM Institute can be integrated into my classroom, I have
previously stated many reasons in this reflection and others. I love the opportunities we have had
to share personal experiences with others, thats not something I really do in my life. And to have
some of the emotional moments we have had as a hui is very meaningful to me. I definitely want
to create those same kinds of opportunities in my own classroom, where my students can create a
bond and feel more excited and motivated to learn. Building relationships take time and direct
opportunities and I think this is something that is many times neglected, especially today with
technology and social medias. Also, the culture-based and ethno-based lessons are great ways to
really connect students to what is happening in the world around them. In the majority of

classrooms, there is a disconnect between what is happening in the natural world and what they
are learning about. Re-connecting students to place and culture will make their learning more
relevant and meaningful.
My participation in the ESTEM Institute has opened my perspective of what learning
should be. Learning should be relevant and meaningful. Learning should be fun and exciting and
inspirational and passionate and hands-on. Learning should be an interactive, inquiry-based
process. I have always loved learning outside, and learning outdoors in this Institute has proven
to me the effectiveness of learning outdoors by making my learning experiences more

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