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Bsqueda libro novia linguistica o yo qu s pero me lo pidi y pos tengo que, que no?

! This program illustrates how CHECKMATE can be used to trap
! the use of uninitialised data within a subroutine. This is
! particularly difficult case to catch because the progam uses
! assumed size array in the subroutine argument list.
! Copyright (C) Salford Software Ltd 1998.
! Compile this program using the command line:
FTN95 array.f90 /check /link /undef
subroutine sub(a)
integer :: a(*)
integer :: i
i = a(2)
end subroutine sub

! a(2) has not been set at this point.

! Main program.
program uninitialised_array
integer :: array(20)
call sub(array)
print*, "Your compiler have failed to trap this error!"
end program uninitialised_array

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