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South Asia Project

Mrs. Tinkeys Social Studies

What Makes A Nation?

Using this essential question, describe how the
following categories have shaped South Asia as
a region and India as a nation.

Geography (20 pts)

1. How have mountains shaped this region?
2. How have rivers and oceans shaped this
3. How have the physical features influenced
the climate of this region?
4. How do physical features influence land use,
the economy and trade?

History (40 pts)

1. Describe how this region became a cultural hearth.
2. Describe the arrival and influence of the Aryans.
3. Describe the arrival and influence of the Mauryan
4. Describe the importance of the Gupta Empire.
5. Describe the arrival and influence of the Mughal
6. Describe the Colonial Period of India and Ganhdis
influence towards independence.

Religion (25 pts)

1. What 3 major religions have shaped South
2. Describe how each religion came to the
3. Describe key beliefs of each religion.

Institutions (15 pts)

1. What led to the partition of India?
2. Government
a. Define secular democracy and why you believe
India became one after independence.
b. What countries are considered Islamic Republics?
What does this mean?

Project Guidelines
*Projects may done individually or in groups of 2 or 3.
*The project will be worth 125 pts and a test grade.
*Each day you will have tasks to complete in order to ensure the
project is finished on time.
*Choose from the list of project options for how to present your ideas
(Ideas should not only include text but visual representations as well).
*A final statement will be written to answer the essential question (25
pts). Use the final pages of your journal packet to help develop this

Project Options:
*Create a 3-Fold poster board
*Create a Google Presentation/Prezi/Other presentation
*Create a website
*Create a video presentation using iMovie or other movie
presentation program.
*Create a series of PowToon cartoons.
*Create a picture collage for each category with written reportlike text provided.
*Create a picture book.

*At the end of this project, individuals/groups will present
their projects in a gallery walk format.
*Students will set up viewing stations for their projects and
will have an opportunity to walk around and view others
groups projects.
*Students will judge which project (Other than their own!)
they think does the best job of answering the essential

Monday 4/6:

Tuesday 4/7:

Wednesday 4/8:

Thursday 4/9:

Friday 4/10:

*Introduce project
*Choose partners
*Choose what
project option
you/your group will
create. (Report to
Mrs. Tinkey)

*Answer questions
for Geography

*Answer questions
for History section.

*Answer questions
for Religion

**Answer questions
for Institution

*Plan/Design this

*Plan/Design this

*Check in with
Mrs. Tinkey

*Put it all together.

*Check in with Mrs.

*Plan/Design this
*Check in with Mrs.

Monday 4/13:

Tuesday 4/14:

*Wrap it up!

*Gallery Walk

*Check in with Mrs.


*Submit Projects

*Plan/Design this
*Check in with Mrs.

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