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Human being used not to communicate with language, but through gestures,

all the emotions that we felt were showed to a receiver and it understood it. It
was necessary for human being to have emotions, they helped us difference
from venom and edible food, according to the physiological reaction we had.
We developed emotions to understad the information given in nature, if we
did not have emotions we might haven't attacked other animals that tried to
steal our food or enjoy, love the children we gave birth to or the partner we
were with, because of that emotions we created a family.
Does language matter when we feel? Does language create or constitues our
emotions? If it's true when we feel something it would be the same no matter
tha words someone uses to give us a message, but emotions are not tike
that; for example, a student may have not understand what the teacher
taught, if the teacher instead of saying "Put more atteintion, even a kid from
kindergarden will understand it" says "You have a brain use it, if you don't like
to use it then stay at home and be an stupid beggar", the emotions the
student will have from a same message, but told with different words will
affect its emotions, but if it were two different teachers who said each phrase,
they do not feel the same way or think the same way about the student?
Normally, the message is the same, but one teacher uses a more subtle word
as when someone dies people does not say "I'm sorry he got killed" or "he's
dead" and tend to use "He passed away", that's because each word contains
a different context, another factor is our mother language because it gives us
an unique perspective, speak different from a same object, but we do not
think different from that object.
When two people express a same message, but use diffferent words the
receiver will have different emotions caused by a perceptual face they
imagine when they hear the words.
Haven't you tried to express something, but words just won't come out?
Haven't you feel the necessity to express what you feel, but just don't find
the words to say? There are emotions, feelings, attitudes and sensibility that
cannot be expressed in language as it is limited, obviously it is not stattic it is
always changing and improving those empty spaces, but what I try to express
is that not because we don't find a word to express an emotions, it means it
does not exist or that we are confusing it with other emotion that we just
can't comprehend.

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