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Whitney Stratton

Classroom Management Plan

A. Furniture and Supplies
1. I would absolutely love if I could have the same type of comfortable chairs that
we have in our current classroom. They can be moved easily and are very
comfortable. Or I would like to have the desk chairs that have wheels on them.
I believe that students do better when they are able to move. If they are
confined to a space, they tend to get distracted easily.
2. I would like my desk to be in the front corner of the room. I want it to be
easily accessible to my students, so they can ask questions without trying to
maneuver around a lot of items.
3. I would like to have shelves and table tops around my classroom. I would like
to have enough calculators so every student has access to one if they need it. I
will have shelves for assignments.
4. I will have bulletin boards and posters on the walls. I want my classroom to be
interesting, but not distracting. I want to showcase my students work and
accomplishments. I want them to be able to look forward to having their
activities displayed and praised.
B. Daily Work
1. I want to be as organized as possible. I need shelves for students to turn in
assignments. I would also like to have notes/assignments posted at least a
week at a time. Students will then be able to get their assignments if they know
they are going to be gone or if they have missed class the day before. I want to
make my life as easy as possible in order to teach more and grade less.


A. Room Use
1. My desk is MY desk. I want my students to know that this is my property.
They need to respect my belongings and also the confidentiality of my students.
I need to keep it organized and private.
B. Bathroom/ Hall Pass Procedures
1. I want my students to know that they are young adults. If I do not have to
worry about hall passes as a school wide policy, I would like to let them go as
they need. Until I see abuse of the privilege, they will not need to ask
permission to use the rest room.
C. Teacher-Led Activities
1. I need to lead some type of activity every day. Even if it is just giving
directions, I am still in front of the class and they are looking to me as a leader.
I hope to manage my class to be self-efficient, yet they know that I am there for

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Whitney Stratton
Classroom Management Plan
D. Seatwork
1. Students will have seatwork every day. They do not necessarily have to be in
their original seats, but they will work individually or with others on a daily
basis. I hope to have they nice, comfy chairs that move easily so they are able to
work with who they want to.
E. Obtaining Help
1. I am always there for their questions. I plan on giving my students either a
blog or even my cell number in order for me to be accessible for help.
F. Out-of-Seat
1. I hope to have a class that is laid back, but having a lot of learning going on.
Students need to be comfortable to learn. If they are restricted to a certain spot,
they may not be involved. During the lecture and discussion, Id like them to be
seated, but during individual/partner work, they can move around. Depending
on how my
G. Beginning of Class
1. I really like Bennetts Attitude Check. This gives students the ability to vent
and just talk about issues that are going on. I may not be able to do this every
day, but it would be nice to do a few times a week. Also, I like the idea of having
something to do at the beginning. This gives the students a schedule and what
is expected of them every day.
H. End of Class
1. Questions and evaluation. Especially in my first few years of teaching. I am
learning just as much as my students are, so I would love to see what they think
about the day and the lesson. This will also be a good form of formative
assessment. I can get an idea of what they have learned as well.


A. Expectations
1. Be ready to learn, and responsible for your own learning.
2. Use polite, respectful language and be respectful of other students who are
3. Laugh with anyone, but laugh at no one.
4. Treat everyone and their property respectfully.
5. Be to class on time and turn in assignments on time.
6. Bring required materials to class. Books, calculators, etc. unless changed by the
7. FoodAllowed, if quiet, and non-disruptive to the classroom.
8. Be respectful of everyones opinion.
9. Listen to others.
10. Open forum. Every question is a good question.
B. Consequences

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Whitney Stratton
Classroom Management Plan
1. First offense: A verbal warning.
2. Second offense: Parents will be notified.
3. Third Offense: Sent to Principal (after class has finished).
Depending on severity of the offense. More drastic measures may result. Removal
from class is possible and also a more harsh consequence may occur.
C. Follow-Through
1. I plan on talking with the student one-on-one to figure out if there is a bigger
problem going on. Sometimes acting out has nothing to do with what is
actually going wrong. I hope to be there and they trust me enough to talk.

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