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Name: George Anderson

Position: Teacher
School: Campbell High School
Phone: 678-237-5096
Grade Level: 9
Content Area: Art
Time line: 2 blocks. 5 minutes for introduction; 20 minutes for slide presentation; 20 minute for
locating images on Flickr; 40 minutes for blogging; 40 minutes for responding to blogs; 40
minutes for oral reflection.
Content Standards: VAHSVAAR1- Makes written and oral critiques of own works of art;
VAHSVAAR2- Critiques artwork of others individually and in group settings; VAHSVAC1Applies information from other disciplines to enhance the understanding and production of
NETS*S Standards: Standard 2- Communication and collaboration; Standard 3- Research and
information fluency; Standard 4- Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making;
Standard 5- Digital citizenship.
Overview: The identification of the Elements of Art. Student will be able to identify elements
such as Dot, Line, Form, Value, Color, Texture and Space as they are seen in nature. Student will
demonstrate his/her understanding of the elements by making a blog post explaining the
Essential Questions:

What is Art?

What would you need to create a work of art?

What are the elements of art?

Assessment: Student identifies an image that exemplifies a particular element of art. Student will
make a blog post explaining the Elements of Art as seen in the image pasted on the blog. Student
will comment on another students blog, identifying other parts of the image that reinforces the
explanation of the elements.

Slide presentation

Class Website

Instructional Plan
Preparation: Students have been using colors, lines, dots, texture, value and space to express
their thoughts. Students have been making blog posts in other subject areas.
Review students understanding of Art and have him/her describe the artwork he/she created
looked like.
Management: Ensure one-to-one computer access for students by allowing students to bring in
their Internet enabled personal devices. Have the school mobile lab brought in to ensure students
who do not have personal devices get access to one. Remind students of the schools Internet use
Students collaborate online to discuss about elements found in a work or art/image.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities:

Review students understanding of Art by making them describe/show the art they ever

Explain that the dots, lines, colors, texture, value and space used in creating the artworks
are called Elements of Art.

Provide reference-

Make a slide presentation of how the elements are seen in nature.

Student visits and looks for an image that exemplifies an element
of art while the teacher provides a feedback on students choice of image.

Student looks for an image that can be used to explain at least four of the elements and
makes a blog post on the image, pointing out the elements in the image/photo.

Student responds to blog post of another student, pointing out other parts of his/her image
that were not discussed but equally exemplify elements of art.


Students will choose a favorite image (appropriate) that would possibly help start
discussions on interest and culture.

Teacher will provide technical assistance to students who would have problems
navigating the Internet.

Student could upload personally created image if desired.

Dictation and translation software will be made available to ensure students contribution
to blog discussion is not limited by his/her English language proficiency.

Reflection: Student will identify any artwork predominantly created with any of the elements.

Closure: If the use of students personal devices and the mobile lab are seen not to be adequate, future
implementation should be carried out in the general-use computer lab. The success of the lesson should
lead to activities that will make students learn the individual elements in detail.

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