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Answer the questions with the information you find on the website.

Go on Search

, write Poison Dart Frog. Click on

1. What is the length of this animal?

2. How much does it weigh?

3.What is the CLASSIFICATION of the Poison Dart Frog?
4. Read the OVERVIEW. What is the purpose of their bright colors?
5. Read the OVERVIEW. Where do they get their toxicity?
6. Read the OVERVIEW. What part of their body do they use to capture their prey?
7. Where does this animal live? Check the HABITAT.
Go back to the main page. Go on Search, write Bald Eagle. Click on

8. What is the CLASSIFICATION of this animal?


9. Read the OVERVIEW. When did this animal become the national symbol of the United States?

10. Read the OVERVIEW. Why was it on the brink of extinction?
11. Read the OVERVIEW. What are baby eagles called?
12. What is their LIFE SPAN?

13. Read the OVERVIEW. How fast can they fly when they hunt?
14. Read the OVERVIEW. Where do they build their nests?
Go back to the main page. Go on Search, write Black Widow. Click on

15. Read the OVERVIEW. Describe the body of a male black widow.

16. Are black widows insects? If not, what are they?
17. Read the OVERVIEW. Name 3 insects that are on the black widows menu.
18. How many eggs does the female lay when it breeds?
19. Where does the name black widow come from?
Go back to the main page. Go on Search, write Hammerhead Shark. Click on

20. What is the hammerhead sharks favourite meal?

21. In what kind of water do they live?
22. What colour is the upper side of this fish? What colour is its belly?

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