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12/13 Sem1

Q1: (a) 28, 14400, 48, 24. (b) 13200, 1120.

Q2: (a) i, iii. No. No. Yes(but not covered this year)
Q3 (a) 1, 7, A11BI, 0(a trick Q! More dicult if you want positive answer. It should
be 12 since the intervening years may contain a centennial year that is not a multiple of
400. Since 365 1 (mod 7), the day of week advance by 1 every year and by 2 if it is a
leap year. Thus if 29/2 in year x is day 1, then 29/2 in year x + 4 is day 6; in year x + 8 is
day 4; in year x + 12 is day 2. However, if one of those years is a multiple of 100 but not
of 400, then it is not a leap year. Then in year x + 12, it is day 1.)
(b) 1001001, 2 errors so cant recover.
Q4 (a) Believe that you have it and you have it
(ii) y = 4x + 5 and f (6) = 2. (iii) P (x 9) = 10/36 > P (double) = 1/6. (iv) 5/16.
(b) 80/43
12/13 Sem2
Q1 (a) 945, 39830400, 120, yes (b) 213 , 28 , 25 .
Q2 (a) Yes, not relevant, Yes, 5. (b) 6, 5, 1 edge from the inner square and all edges
from the outer square. 4.
Q3 (a) 7, N = X, 10010011, 25 (if Y is a leap year) otherwise 24. (b) Yes, No.
Q4 (a) Patience and mulberry leaf become silk gown. y = 5x + 7 x = 21y + 9.
( )9 ( )10
1 35
1 36
= .1162, 1/5
(b)10/33, 1/33, 20/33
13/14 Sem2
Q1 (a) 32, 840,

2!2!2! .

(b) 702

Q2 (a) Yes, 1, 93 (b) yes, e(G) 12.

Q3 (a) 1, 5, 9 (b) 01101100, cant recover.
Q4 (a) Reserved seating, Every clod has a silver lining
(b) M = 142.
Q5 (a) 21/32, 20/63, 2/3 (b) (i) invest all the cash in the stock and sell all of the
stock after one day. (ii) keep all the cash and use all of them to buy shares after one day.

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