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Leonardo da Vinci was painter, sculptor, architect, musician,
mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer,
botanist, and writer. He was a genius man who could simultaneously write
with both hands and an extraordinary painter. As he had an extraordinary
skill to draw and sketch the things he saw. There are thousands of
drawings of da vinci that are related to animals and human beings basically
these were from the study of anatomy of animals and human beings.

These are two of the many drawings from which he studied the mechanics
of human body and other animals also including birds. He soon learned
imitating the way birds glide rather than human powered wing motion was
the way to go if any sustained flight for any extended period was expected.
Leonardo started to study gliding flight more thoroughly. In the glider
designed by him, the flier's position is conceived in such a way as to allow
him to balance himself by adequately moving the lower part of his body.
The wings, an imitation of the wings of bats and of large birds, are fixed in

their innermost section (closest to the person) and mobile in their outer
section. Leonardo had developed this solution after having studied the
structure of birds' wings and having observed that the inner part of their
wings moved more slowly than the outer part and that, therefore, the
function of this part was to sustain rather than to push forward.

After a comprehensive study of birds and bats he was able to develop his
prototype of flying machine

A wing on a test block

A flying machine

Study of structure of a wing

Drawing of a flying machine

Drawing of a flying machine with operator

The drawings and works of da vinci are still under study and some people
think he was able to fly but some people think that he was 500 years too
soon to attempt to fly.

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