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Casey Fleming

After our two week basketball unit we decided to move to a non traditional sport
for our next unit. For this week we decided to focus on Frisbee. On Monday we began
with a game of shoulder tag followed by partner Frisbee passing. This was the first day
of this unit and was intended to be a great deal of practice time for the students. On
Wednesday March 4th, the 20 4th graders began playing a relay style game of Frisbee and
finished with a large game of Frisbee golf. For the lesson on Wednesday, the teacher will
need, 5 hula hoops, 5 medium sized orange cones, and 20 Frisbees as well as a large open

Student Learning Objectives

My student learning objectives for this lesson were as follows, for psychomotor,
students will be able to perform a forehand throw a Frisbee in a straight line 7 out of 10
times, for cognitive: Students will be able to say the cues of the skill with 100 percent
accuracy, for affective: Students will be able to show enjoyment in activity through high
fives and Student smiles, and for H-R Fitness (H): Students will be engaged in moderate
to vigorous physical activity for 50 percent of the time. I believe that I was successful in
many of the categories for achieving my student learning objectives. For health related
fitness, I had students involved in activity for 20.5 minutes which is well of 50 percent.
By the end of the lesson the students were able to tell me the cues for throwing a Frisbee.

Casey Fleming
Many students however were still struggling to throw the Frisbee in a straight-line
multiple times in a row. I definitely feel that I could change this lesson by adding some
target practice activity before beginning the Frisbee golf activity. This could allow them
to practice some accuracy throwing before going into modified game play.
Quality Learning Environment
This week I felt that I achieved the 4 criteria for a learning experience for all the
students. I designed a Frisbee golf game that was simple for the students to understand
but I could increase the difficulty by increasing the distances of each course very easily.
Students were practicing in groups of 2 or 3 allowing for maximal practice time and each
of my domains was addressed in either my instant activity or the golf activity. For this
lesson the students were engaged in physical activity for 16 minutes, instruction for 6
minutes and management for 8 minutes. My instruction time was actually lower than I
expected, I had to demonstrate for the students how the course worked and I knew that I
had to walk through it all or students would be confused. I had slow management during
the instant activity, which could have been reduced to increase activity. For the golf
activity I would try to make the holes a little bit shorter and maybe add a few extra to
keep the students interested. The students seemed to become bored towards the end,
which can impact their interest in the sport impacting the learning environment

Strengths & Weaknesses

This week I felt that my movement continued to improved from previous weeks.
This week I was more conscious about where I was moving within the lesson trying to
avoid having my back to students. During the Golf activity I was able to move around a

Casey Fleming
great deal and provide individual feedback to students as they were passing by me. I felt
that I could have condensed my equipment area and made it easier for me to move to
students. Since my course was set up very wide, I had to walk for distances if I saw a
student that I wanted to provide feedback too. The progression of my activities allowed
for a small increase for the students developmental skills. I felt that I could have added a
target practice style activity to add more progression to the forehand throw.
During my lesson on Wednesday, I forgot to remind the students of the cues to
throwing a Frisbee during my instruction, instead my instruction was focusing on
explaining the concept of Frisbee golf. However during the lesson I was providing
feedback to many groups about the cues of the skill telling them to focus on the hand
position or about how the curl the Frisbee. During the activity, I walked around
providing corrective feedback to students who were not performing the cues correctly.
My instructions for my instant activity were very short and clear which made transitions
quicker, however the grouping of the students caused a little more management times
because students were not going to the correct group. I felt the my instructions for the
golf activity were relatively short, but I should have had a few cues to help the students
remember my instructions. During the Frisbee relay, most of the feedback I provided
was support or encouraging groups. When it came to the Frisbee golf activity I was
being more descriptive, helping them with throwing the Frisbee to hard, or problems with
accuracy. Students like Lorenzo would throw with too much power, and others like
Jennifer had trouble holding the Frisbee correctly.
My demonstrations are continuing to improve. During my first instant activity,
the instructions remain short and simple, the students were given verbal instructions for

Casey Fleming
what to do. During the Golf activity I had a demonstration that took longer than normal
because I had to walk through all the different holes for the students. After I showed the
order and how to play each course, I performed a demonstration for the students of how
to play a hole. After I showed them, I had a group of 2 students show how it will look
when you alternate turns which each throw, the students were overall given a very
thorough demonstration. I felt that I could have used a demonstration during the first
intro to remind the students of the cues.
During the lesson all of the equipment had been pre set up which made it so I did
not have to move any equipment during the lesson. At the end all the students helped
clean up all the equipment before they returned to home base. During the lesson
Leonardo disobeyed me when I told him to bring me the Frisbee and I was forced to sit
him out for a part of the next activity. I had a few students who were trying to throw the
Frisbee as hard as they could during the golf activity but they were warned and it was
handled very quickly and easily. This week seem to show a little less enthusiasm in the
video than compared to previous weeks, it seemed like this week I was not trying to
encourage them to compete against each other like I had been in the past.
This week I would say that one of my strengths was my positive encouragement
when talking individually to students; I felt that a strength of this lesson was the fact that
I was very thorough with my demonstrations and a third strength for this week was my
ability to handle multiple students at once during the golf activity. I felt that next week I
could continue to improve my pre equipment organization to improve my transitions. I
can also continue to work on using the work K less because it is showing up a good

Casey Fleming
amount in my lessons. And next week I can continue to pay more attention to behavior
conflicts between students.
Recommendations for next Sessions
In order to improve my lesson next week, I could try to use jerseys to sort the
groups of students to make transitions and organization easier. I can also try and focus
next week on my instructions and try to keep it simple to avoid using the work K. Also
focus on feedback statements and avoiding using K as a filler word. Next week our focus
is going to be on basketball. My goal for next week is to get my activity time up to at
least 20 minutes and for students to be able to correctly perform the cues and remember
them. Students are becoming more skilled and improving faster in the future lessons I
can try to keep task simple but have adaptations prepared.

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