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For this project we were given the choice of three subject given to use by doctor klapper of kent university these where the life cycle of ever CD after looking through the senarios i decided on the scenario of the life cycle of influenza bringing a start to my project. i then started the whole process of over thinking and idea running itook my scenario and tryed ta work aut what i wanted ta acomplish from this project i had decided that iwanted a strang at style and ta simpley the scenaria as much as possible ta hep it reach a greater audience PERE he ee iwas first of all brought to the fought of yooutube videos especially the crash course videos and there simple and madern grathic style then i had aloo at videns like life naggen and other such short information driven video and started tn think aver what was the most visually pleas- Cron d information acrass toa large audience this lead my brain ta take me ta infagraphics wich if dane right are some ofthe mast visually engaging and remeberable ways of passing on information and have a great art style ta them and madera fall sai went a taok a bunch of pictures from the internet to help witha influenze bnard. aT Re Re ee ete cs ee en ee enon ny chart sa had a strong visual and informational foundation far my porjact . As this wuld both help inthe animating pracecs and in the story ees ome Wary ae Pere ee | Pe ee ce Ce tee OU DSS oa en eae ASSET DEVELOPMENT tion on the scenario it halved my need to develop my assets as Pee ee et el need and as i had decided ta go with a vector graphic stlye far De ee ae ee as i could tweak my desings on the fly i still was having @ conflict Du ka portray the imagry that was now strangly ingraned in my head, ASSET DEVELOPMENT Cet et ty ee ee eet strongest visual examples i could make of the idea i had in my head, GOO UE Seu Runa coulor pallet as my influence material had shown me that i ‘need to go with a strang coulor pallet, SOT pence mani apo Ll — as ihad done my pitch and gotten a thumbs up on my concept and animatic i took my project into Maya my first task was to set up my set asi wasnt planing on maving the carmrea araurd i thought this would be a good idea ta give my production same strong canternuety aftar many attempts and hours of playing araund i finally came up with this camrea and lighting layout and lighting settings i then used this setup as my Pee cis Soe Coy TO te ec ee ie just use a normal lambert or if would need ta uv map my Dee Pa ae seas) Ue ee eco did on the box i was trying ta see how the shadow behaved when the box was spinning asi wanted the SR ae ad after i was satisfied with this i stared on the madeling sf my assets and the texturing and uv mapping that i would need ta da asi had decided to give my assets a texture as i fought it would look good if used couloured card as the texture for the assets and a would help give it a flat vectory look. ASSET MODELING :VIRUS ats ASSET MODELING: Raa Rasy i i -d Z LUNG ASSET AND LIV y’N a TINA Wh) ab eae | N d E C T | i] i ‘al eal ees SN Sas STS v=poZGtTaHliE tfPl https://www. VRAIN CM GSTAAD SY GREAT TIME CREATING THIS ANIMATION IM A BIT DISAPOINTED AS COMPUTURE TANS U ea Vek A ae STR TTA A CTEM CO lL TL Wa a) re eee ATR OE ata las SU SALE CSS SOU aT a ng

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