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Listening and pronunciation + reading and writing

Name: Jaran Hernandez

Teaching time: 50min
Student Level: Intermediate Spanish 201/202 level.
1. What are you teaching?
a. Language points: listening and pronunciation (reading, writing and speaking are also involved).
b. Language skills: Listening for pronunciation and understanding of intimate feelings and assigned vocabulary.
c. Language aspects: A short film that accentuates how romance is expressed and an example of what could happen when we revealed
our most intimate feelings.
2. What are your Student Learning Objectives for the lesson?
The students will get introduced to new vocabulary, thus building vocabulary and correct pronunciation by listening and practicing
new vocabulary words. Reading and writing activities will be included to balance the lesson.
3. When/ How in the lesson will you check the students progress toward the above Learning Objectives? What behaviors/ activities will show
you whether they have mastered the material?

The students will demonstrate their listening skills by filling out a sheet with important key questions of the short film. The students
have to work individually, then in groups of two to compare answers. After the group activity if done, the students will share their
answers with the class. The teacher can address if the students were listening to the film by the answers they provide. Pronunciation can
be check when the students are sharing their answers.

Preliminary considerations:
a. What do your students already know in relation to todays lesson?
The students have read a sheet that the teacher previously provided, with vocabulary pertaining to the lesson and the short film.
b. What aspects of the lesson do you anticipate your students might find challenging/difficult?
The pronunciation and recognition of new vocabulary words could be challenging or difficult prior to listening to the short
c. How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in your lesson?
Providing students with preparatory materials prior to the lesson and an on class review of vocabulary at the beginning of the









1. Greet Ss, introduce ourselves,

and asks the students if there
is anything from the homework
that needs clarification.
2. Introduce todays lesson and
ask Ss to pull out homework

T- Ss

1. Ss will compare and review homework

answers in pairs.
2. T will ask Ss to pick the words that
were most difficult to pronounced and
write them on the board.
3. T will go over to correct pronunciation
and teach tips on what to listen for and
how to pronounce correctly.

Ss Ss

1. On class exercises related to the short

2. Use the vocabulary from homework to
complete sentences.


T Ss
T Ss


Activity Purpose /
1. Established
rapport and
atmosphere on
the classroom.
2. Activate Ss
listening and
attention by
used of new
vocabulary and
vocal sounds.
3. Introduction of
lesson and new
4. Setting clear
s expected
from Ss.
1. Group work
will provide
extra support.
2. T engages with
Ss and gives
3. T demonstrates
how to

1. Pictures will
help Ss engage
with the film.
2. Connect

3. Identify what word doesnt belong to

the group (exercise)
4. Introduce sheet with vocabulary related T- Ss, Ss-Ss
to the short film, and group work
5. Pictures to make prediction of the film. Ss- Ss





1. Mini group activity prepping for film.

Make your own story (2 mins).
2. Introduction of the short film and
cultural aspects of it.



T- Ss

3. Play the short film (6 mins).

4. Reading exercise with a partner
5. Group writing activity using film




1. Film comprehension exercises.

2. T will read the sentence and Ss will
provide the correct answer (choose
from two alternatives).
3. T provides vocabulary from the movie;
Ss have to use it as reference to make
their own dialogue.


1. Quick review of the lesson

2. Answer questions and provide
3. Assign homework.



vocab with the
Vocab related
to film to
facilitate Ss to
follow Film
Ss interact and
exchange of
ideas. Putting
Language into
practical use.
Activity will
give the Ss an
idea of the film.
Explain cultural
aspects in Latin
Listen to
and link
with actual use
of the words.

1. Check Ss
of lesson.
2. Check Ss
3. Put language
into use.
1. Provide
and go over
important key


Las relaciones personales/Personal relationships

Las relaciones
el alma gemela = soul mate, kindred spirit
el nimo = spirit; mood
el chisme = gossip
la cita (a ciegas) = (blind) date
el compromiso = commitment; engagement
el deseo = desire
el divorcio = divorce
la (in)fidelidad = (un)faithfulness
el matrimonio = marriage
la pareja = couple
el riesgo = risk
compartir = to share
confiar (en) = to trust (in)
contar con = to rely on, to count on
coquetear = to flirt
dejar a alguien = to leave someone
dejar plantado/a = to stand (someone) up
discutir = to argue
engaar = to cheat; to deceive
merecer = to deserve
romper (con) = break up (with)
salir (con) = to go out (with)

Los sentimientos/Feelings
enamorarse (de) = to fall in love (with)
enojarce = to get angry
estar harto/a = to be fed up (with)
llevarse bien/mal/fatal = to get along well/badly/terribly
odiar = to hate
querer = to love; to want
sentir = to feel
soar con = to dream about
tener celos (de) = to be jealous (of)
tener vergenza (de) = to be ashamed (of)

Los estados emocionales/emocional statuses

agobiado/a = overwhelmed
ansioso/a = anxious
celoso/a = jealous
deprimido/a = depressed
disgustado/a = upset
emocionado/a = excited
enojado/a = angry, mad
pasajero/a = fleeting (temporary)
preocupado/a = woried (about)

Los estados civiles/civil statuses

casarce (con) = get married (to)
divorciarce (de) = to get a divorce (from)
casado/a = married
divorciado/a = divorced
separado/a = separated
soltero/a = single
viudo/a = widowed

Las personalidades
carioso/a = affectionate
cuidadoso = careful
falso/a = insincere
genial = wonderful/cool
gracioso/a = funny
inolvidable = unforgettable
inseguro/a = insecure
maduro/a = mature
mentiroso/a = liar
orgulloso/a = proud
seguro/a = confident
sensible = sensitive
tacao/a = cheap/stingy
tmido = shy
tranquilo/a = calm

Prctica/Practice (Definiciones/Identificarto be compare with classmates)

Definiciones Completa las oraciones con el adjetivo correcto.
(Complete the sentences with the correct adjetive).

Miente para mantener las apariencias. Es _____.

Muri su mujer y vive solo. Es _____.
No le gusta gastar su dinero. Es _____.
Se siente mal y est triste. Est _____.
No vive con su esposa. Est ____.
Tiene muchas ganas de ganar. Est _____.

A. tacao
B. falso
C. deprimido
D. viudo
E. ansioso
F. gracioso
G. separado

Identificar Indica la palabra que no pertenece al grupo.

(Indicate the word that doesnt belong to the group).

deprimido tranquilo preocupado enojado

discutir enamorarse coquetear querer
pareja compromiso nimo matrimonio
casado disgustado viudo soltero
inseguro fabuloso maravilloso genial
almas gemelas pareja chisme matrimonio

Preparacin para el cortometraje/short film preparation

Vocabulario del corto/short film vocab
abrazar(ce) = to hug (each other)
averiguar = to find out
el boleto = ticket
la broma = joke
meterse = to break in (to a conversation)
suceder = to happen

Vocabulario til/handy vocab

la caja = box
el cortometraje/corto = short film
la escena = scene
el guion = script
la historia = story
el protagonista = main character
la ventanilla = ticket window


Cunto hace que! = How long has it been since!
No, no puede ser. = No, it cant be.

Definiciones Empareja cada definicin con la palabra correcta. (Match with the correct definition)

_____1. Algo que se dice o hace para rer y divertirse.

_____2. Objeto que guardamos para recordar un momento especial.
_____3. Descubrir algo despus de hacer una investigacin.
_____4. Personaje principal de la historia.
_____5. Parte de una pelcula.
_____6. Recipiente (container) para guardar cosas.

A. averiguar
B. escena
C. protagonista
D. caja
E. recuerdo
F. broma

Fotogramas En parejas, observen los fotogramas e imaginen lo que va a ocurrir en el cortometraje. Comenten sus predicciones con el
resto de la clase. (with a partner, look at the pictures and write what you think its being said. Share with the rest of the class).

Amor a primera vista En parejas, miren las ilustraciones y describan qu est pasando.
Imaginen la conversacin entre los personajes y el final de la historia. Despus, compartan su interpretacin con la clase. (Describe whats
happening. With your partener, make up your own story and ending. When you are done, share with the class). Hint (Love at first sight).

Momentos de estacin

Students will watch and listen to a 6 minutes video to analyze and extract information in order to answer questions,
conduct in class activities and discuss what happened on the story.

Short reading exercise. Read the dialogue bellow to help you understand and review the short film you just watched. (Cajera = the
woman/cashier, Viajero = the man/traveler)

-Viajero Estoy enamorado de usted.

- Cajera Cmo?

-Viajero tenia que decircelo hoy. Es

mi ltimo viaje.
-Cajera Esto es una broma.
- Viajero No, no es una broma, Ana.

(La seora del abanico llama al hombre

De la boina)
Seora Chist!, Juan, qu pasa?
Juan El la ama; ella no le cree.

Viajero hace ms de un ao que no

nos conocemos. Usted es la que me
atiende siempre. Yo soy el que va a
la capital.
Cajera Todos van a la capital.
Viajero Exactamente 375 veces, sin
contar la de hoy. Mira aqu estn
todos: 375 boletos, uno por uno.

Cajera Qu quiere de m?
Viajero Bailar.
Cajera Bailar?
Viajero Bailar, abrazarte, besarte
Cajera Ahora no, no puedo, estoy

Seora A veces, se le va la vida a

uno sin que suceda algo tan maravilloso. Once aos hace que muri
mi marido. Sabes, hijo? Cunto
hace que no me dan un beso!

Comprensin Elige la opcin correcta para formar oraciones verdaderas.

La cajera trabaja en la estacin desde hace__________ (unos meses/ms de un ao)

El viajero ___________ (prefiere/debe) expresar su amor a la cajera hoy.
El viajero ___________ (cree/no cree) que la cajera lo va a reconocer.
Juan, el hombre de la boina (beret), ayuda a convencer ___________ (a la cajera/al viajero).

5. ___________ (La seora mayor/Una de las chicas jvenes) le pregunta a Juan qu pasa.

Imaginar Lee el dialogo inicial entre el viajero y la cajera. Escribe otra versin con un final diferente al que has visto. (Read the dialogue
between the cashier and the traveler. Write another version with a different ending from the one on the left side of the sheet).
Viajero Estoy enamorado de usted.

Viajero __________________________________.

Cajera Cmo?

Cajera ___________________________________.

Viajero Que la amo!

Viajero ___________________________________.

Cajera No, no puede ser.

Cajera ____________________________________.

Viajero Tena que decrselo hoy.

Es mi ltimo viaje.


Cajera Esto es una broma.

Cajera ___________________________________.

Viajero No, no es ninguna broma, Ana.

Viajero __________________________________.

Cajera Cmo sabe mi nombre?

Cajera ___________________________________.

Viajero Lo averige; no fue difcil.

Viajero __________________________________.

Cajera Casi nunca me llaman por mi nombre.

Cajera ___________________________________.

Viajero Es un nombre hermoso.


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