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Research Paper: Outline





Introduction: 1paragraph
a. Hook- In many science fiction novels, we have seen cloning used to create an interesting
story. However, major advances in cloning have made what was once fantasy become
b. Claim/Thesis-Cloning is beneficial because it revives endangered species, creates
embryonic stem cells, and producing more livestock.
Background Information: 1-2 pages
a. History of the topic-Cloning is producing an exact copy of an organism. Cloning animals
dates back to the 1800s when German biologist August Weismann proposed a theory that
the genetic information of a cell decreases every time a cell splits (Harvard Medical
School). Later in the 1800s, a German experimental embryologist Wilhelm Roux tested
Weismanns theory on a frog embryo (Harvard Medical School). In 1894, German
biologist Hans Driesch proved Weismann and Rouxs theory wrong by experimenting on
sea urchins. In 1901, a German embryologist named Hans Spemann split two-cell
salamander embryo (Harvard Medical School). The two embryos eventually became two
organisms which meant that the two cells kept the genetic information.
b. Address the pros/cons or address the problem-Cloning can be used to make medicine and
keep endangered species from dying out. However, cloning can cause the loss of gene
diversity and many people would protest on cloning because of their ethnical beliefs.
Supporting Evidence 1 that proves your thesis or claim: Scientists can clone animals to revive
extinct or endangered species.
a. Topic Sentence-Many people have wondered whether extinct or endangered animals can
be brought back to life.
b. Explanation-Scientists have discovered that you can successfully clone an extinct animal
if you have DNA from the animal that has not been damaged.
c. Evidence In 1989, a species of mountain goat, known as the bucardo was becoming
extinct when only 6-14 bucardos were left alive (PBS). However in 1999, the last
bucardo named Celia was found dead.
d. Explanation of evidence-From the DNA scientists preserved from Celia, they were able
to create a clone using the same technology that was used to create Dolly in 1996.
e. Evidence In 2013, scientists examined a preserved wooly mammoth in Serbia. Experts
believe that it is possible to take DNA and cells from this mammoth to clone the extinct
f. Explanation of evidence-If the DNA and cells can be taken from the mammoth, scientists
will be able to bring the extinct animal back to life.
g. Concluding sentence for this section- By taking DNA and cells, scientists are able to
recreate animals that were once extinct or endangered.
Supporting Evidence 2 that proves your thesis or claim: Cloning is beneficial because we are
able to create embryonic stem cells.
a. Topic Sentence-In many conditions, humans may need a new muscle, bone, or tissue.
b. Explanation-By having a clone, a person that is in need of a specific cell can have it
c. Evidence By cloning, scientists are able to create stem cells which will replace the
human body through our life.
d. Explanation of evidence-This will benefit lives of humans because everyone deserves a
second chance to live.
e. Evidence Creating stem cells can increase the human population.
f. Explanation of evidence-Stem cells can heal damages that are caused by heart attacks,
broken spinal cord, etc.





g. Concluding sentence for this sectionSupporting Evidence 3 that proves your thesis or claim:
a. Topic Sentenceb. Explanationc. Evidence d. Explanation of evidencee. Evidence f. Explanation of evidenceg. Concluding sentence for this sectionCounterargument: (to anticipate your readers objections; make yourself sound more
objective and reasonable)
a. Topic Sentence:
b. Counterargument Evidence:
c. Refute Evidence:
d. Concluding Sentence:
Conclusion: Re-state thesis and argument
a. Topic sentenceb. Review evidence/claimc. Call to actiond. Concluding sentenceConclusion: Why should the reader care about this topic?

1 page

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