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Problem Solution Essay

Original grade: 86 B+
Reflection Paragraph: I chose this to be in my portfolio because of the wide
range of facts presented throughout the essay. I found this one the most
astonishing Since 1950 adolescent suicide has tripled (TEEN-AGE SUICIDE:
EPIDEMIC, NOT TRENDY). After I saw the fact, I immediately recognized that
there is an issue and it needs to be sufficiently addressed. With this
compassion and dedication, I was able to brainstorm an effective solution to
a terrible issue existing in todays society. By reading this essay the reader
will gain knowledge on the current issue while it simultaneously will be
spreading awareness to the readers.

"Each year 30,000 people in the U.S commit suicide and a much
greater number attempt it-estimate range from 120,000-750,000"
("Suicide"). At such an alarmingly high rate this amount is disturbing with the
fact that well over half a million Americans have contemplated and
attempted taking their own lives. According to Washington Mental health,
90% of people that die from suicide had a diagnosable mental disorder. If the
victims were aware of their clinical diagnoses, there is a chance the rates
would be a lot lower. With adequate time and attention needed, people have
a substantial chance of overcoming the mental illness. Victims of suicide
often feel as if they are unimportant, won't be missed, and are in so much
pain to where it is unsustainable for them to live. No one should feel as if
killing themselves is the only way out of their problems.

Causes of suicide can vary immensely. According to, the

number one leading cause of suicide is untreated depression. Depression can
be linked to major life struggles or it can be inherited biologically. People that
have never undergone any traumatic life events or struggles could still be
diagnosed with depression. Treatment is very important and it can take
someone multiple tries to find the one that is effective for them. Some life
events that can trigger depression are the death of a loved one, drug and
alcohol abuse, all forms of abuse including physical, mental and sexual, a
divorce, feelings of hopelessness and countless other factors. If people
become aware that depression can be inherited and also be a result of a
negative life experience, they can obtain the help they need. Depression is
not the leading cause of suicide, untreated Depression is.
According to the Teenage Suicide Epidemic, adolescent suicide has
tripled since the 1950s.In order to stop this number from increasing there
needs to be a significant amount of change. To prevent suicide due to mental
illness there needs to be an organization created to specialize in helping
people get the help they need. The organization would consist of people that
have experienced and overcome mental illnesses. Most people that suffer
from depression and suicidal thoughts feel as if they are alone. This program
would be there to create a safe place to share thoughts and feelings with
people that could relate to the issues and thoughts they are facing. The
program would be available throughout schools internationally and it would

also consist of three main non-profit headquarters spread throughout the

U.S: including one in California, one in Texas and one in New York City. I chose
these states because they all have a significant population and are widely
Schools would have an assembly in the beginning of the year
explaining what the program is and how to get involved. The student seeking
help would then go to the guidance office and meet with their councilor to
tell them they would like to attend the weekly meetings. Then they would
schedule accordingly to where the representatives can meet up with the
student in his or her study block and if the student doesnt have a study
block they could schedule for after school. At the scheduled time the student
and representative would meet up with other students to receive the same
help. Even though there will be other students and representatives in the
room each student would receive promises of anonymity and their own
attention while being in a non-judgmental environment. The session would
last the whole block and the students would have the ability to meet up with
the representatives as many times as they needed within weekly
On the other hand, people that are not students or don't live in the
areas of the headquarters can receive help from their hotline. The callers will
talk to real life representatives that have gone through similar experiences.
The hotlines would provide just as much feedback and guidance as the

program would in person. The hotlines are available to people of all ages and
open 24 hours.
''Between 85 and 90 percent of adolescent suicides, occur because
the victim was a drug and alcohol user at the time of death'' ("TEEN-AGE
SUICIDE: EPIDEMIC, NOT TRENDY"). With this fact, the organization can
obtain past drug and alcohol users that are now sober to talk to the students
about the addiction they suffered. The past addicts would share their
everyday struggles and how they overcame them. With the representatives
speaking to the students about their past experiences the students can make
real life connections to how they are now. Hopefully it will register to them
that even though they are going through a hard time at the moment it is
possible to overcome it.
"Suicide constitutes the third leading cause of death in 10- to 19-yearolds, accounting for 1,921 deaths in 2002" (Jellinek 25). This fact shows that
there is a lack of suicide awareness in the public. This organization would be
a great start to increasing awareness in communities. According to Lifeline
Research Foundation, "11.6% indicated that the call prevented them from
killing or harming themselves" which further supports that this organization
will be a success.
In objection to this plan, people might say that it won't receive enough
donations to let it strive and stay in business. They might say talking about
the topic of suicide might increase the risk of them actually doing it. They
could also say that the people who commit suicide were unwilling to seek

help. People might say this because of their lack of insight on the topic which
can be easily be solved by informing the public.
As those assumptions may seem valid, they are false according to the
non-profit organization Helpguide. With all the families and people out there
that have been exposed to the upsetting heartbreak of losing someone to
suicide would understand that the help must continue. The grief of the
people will hopefully motivate them into donating to the cause and hopes of
preventing other families and people from feeling a loss. This organization
will also receive donations from all types of people affected or unaffected
from the works of suicide.
Suicide is a tragic thing that is unfortunately present in todays world.
If this plan is adopted there will be a dramatic decrease of suicides in the U.S
and less attempts. By creating this organization it will provide people with
the help and hope they need to get better and overcome mental illnesses.
Having representatives that went through the same thing as the person
seeking help gives them a glance at what their future could be like. This
program will open eyes and show that suicide is a permanent decision based
on temporary problems.

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