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Grace Maloney
Ms. Thompson
AP Lang Block 1, Skinny B
May 18, 2015
Extra Credit- To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis
To Kill A Mockingbird Essay
In Harper Lees novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee portrayed the loss of
innocence in young Scout Finch. The definition of innocence is the lack of knowledge
of evil. At the beginning of the book, Scout was oblivious to the world around her.
However, as To Kill A Mockingbird progresses and the Tom Robinson case unfolds,
the cruelties of Maycomb County open up into her conscience. Scouts family,
friends, and neighbors all affected Scout as she grew up. Those people all contributed
to what Scout would become when she was older.
As Scout matured, there were many people who affected her, both
negatively and positively. For example, Bob Ewell was a bad influence on Scout. To
start with, he was a downright liar. Throughout the case, Atticus made it evident that
Bob Ewell was the real criminal, not Tom Robinson. Bob Ewell had a bad temper,
and did not hold himself back from showing Atticus of his anger towards Atticus. If
not exiting from the courthouse and spitting in Atticus face wasnt enough, Bob
Ewell went to the extent of threatening the lives of Atticus, Scout, and Jem. If it
wasnt for Boo Radley, Bob Ewell might have succeeded.
Even though there were some people like Bob Ewell, there were others
that were had a very good impact on Scout. One of the positive people was Boo

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Radley. Boo Radley was an honest yet unlikely hero. Throughout the book, Scout told
the reader that Boo Radley was a common gossip subject. There were many rumors,
which circled the town and established Boo as an evil and scary person, much like
Bob Ewell. However, Boo turns out a good and wise person who saved Scouts life
from the villain, Bob Ewell. Even though the community did not seem to have
thought of Boo as a hero, after Boo saved Jem and Scout from the wrath of Bob
Ewell, Atticus made a statement by graciously telling Boo Radley, Thank you for my
children, Arthur (Lee 370). Besides that, Boo Radley was astute. Boo was very wise
to stay in his house, whether it was entirely his choice or not. Radley was able to hide
away from the cruel white society. Boo found a way to stay as innocent as possible,
despite the nasty rumors which the community created. Figures like Boo Radley
showed and provided Scout with love, patience, and respect.
Harper Lee painted a marvelous picture of Scout traveling down the long path of
maturation. The citizens of Maycomb County may not have known that they formed
who Scout was to become, but they did. Whether Scouts neighbors were as good and
respectful as Boo Radley, or as nefarious and evil as Bob Ewell, they gave Scout
knowledge of all the evils of the world. Therefore, Scouts maturation process was
triggered. Young Scout Finch became less oblivious of the things around her, and
more cognizant of things like racism and discrimination.

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Lee, Harper. To Kill A Mockingbird. New York, NY. Grand Central Publishing. (1960).

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