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Friends of the ibrary/Nenana Library Advisory Board Regular Meeting Minutes For Thursday, January 2, 2015 Call to Order: Ms. Troxel, Ms. Fields, Ms. Duplantis, Ms. Brook's excused absence, Ms. Schneider, Ms. Sugar, Librarian Grace in attendance. Assembly seat vacant. Approval of Agenda: Ms. Duplantis moved to approve agenda with amendment to dates, Ms, Schneider seconds. Approved by all Approval of Minutes of October 9, 2014: Ms. Schneider moved to approve minutes with amendments to dates, as written and read, Ms. Grace seconds. Approved by all. Old Business: Christmas Bazaar Recap: Christmas Fundraiser went really well, raised over $3748.00 total and this is the best that we have ever done! Librarian Grace went over Pick. Click. Give. and the GVEA’s Good Cents Grant. Ms. Grace requested the board to sign thank you cards after the meeting. All agrecd. Living Center Birthday Cakes Update: Ms. Duplantis gave some summary information, February is our turn for this community outreach, Board worked out when to call, and approved two dates (one main, one alternate date) February 11, 2015 at 7pm or February 12, 2015 at 7pm, Ms. Duplantis will ‘order and pick up the cakes for this event, 3 Year Technology Plan: Librarian Grace submitted reports and explained the need to keep up ‘with the ever changing technology. She also explained about E. Rate and how 70% internet and phone bills are covered by this for our library. This paperwork needs to be reviewed and commented and turned back in the next few months for this year's coverage. Ms. Duplantis suggested “TechSoup”. Discussion about computer networking and its advantages. Librarian Grace requesis to review the package before the next meeting to move it forward. Board Bylaws: Discussion about the differences of amending versus revisions, about the need to Keep more current with bylaws and ours are over a decade old now. Ms. Troxel states “Bylaws should be Pertinent for now.” Ms. Troxel expounded on her feasoning to approach amending/revising the bylaws ‘which include the discrepancies from the bylaws to the city ordinances, the “name”, discrepancies regarding librarian should not have motions or seconds if not a part of the board according to verbiage from the city ordinances versus the board bylaws. Board discussed and clarified points. Requested to add ‘0 next agenda, Librarian Grace makes a motion to make amendments to the bylaws, not revisions, ‘Motion was not seconded. Librarian Grace read an excerpt from Roberts Rules of Order, current edition, about Ex Officio by virtue of office. Librarian Grace opposes changes to the bylaws. Ms. Duplantis ‘makes a motion to form a committee of at least 3 people to determine whether or not reviewing bylaws for amendment or revision is requited. Motion was not seconded. Librarian Grace makes a motion to ‘make a committee to look at amending of revising of bylaws is even necessary. Ms. Schneider seconds Approved by 4 (Ms. Troxel, Ms. Sugar, Ms. Schneider, Ms. Duplantis), 1 abstained (Ms. Fields), 1 ‘opposed (Librarian Grace). Requested to add forming a committee to next agenda Librarian’s Report: (written reports submitted) “Condensed Report from 12/11/14: Christmas Fundraiser was best ever. $3748 total. Pick Click Give $650. GVEA Good Cents Grant for New Server. Friends of Library account is used to raise money for a specific purpose, technology this year. Online tutorial hosted for computer code programming Homeschool group Christmas parly and decorating the library. New books ordered, checkout new collection. Totlensed Report from 1/2/15: GVEA Good Cents Grant and new library server ‘coming. Working on Tech Plan. Need this budget for E Rate to cover 70% of phone bills and internet conc, ‘working on her class again. New books ordered and displayed, check them out Treasurer's Report: The last bank statement shows a balance of $5286.95, since we had $369.06 expenses and $3713.39 deposited making the current balance $8631.26, New Business: No new business, Public Comment: Ms. Grace expressed her feelings in regards to treatment from Ms, Troxel, Ms. Troxel stated a misunderstanding and apologies were expressed by parties Board Member Comment: Ms, Troxel inquired about the Library letterhead being updated with the ‘current website address. Librarian Grace stated it has not yet been addressed, jem for the mext Agenda: Living Center Cakes Update, 3 Year Technology Plan, Board Bylaws, Bylaw reviewing committee. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm, Respectfully submited asa draft until approved by board by Fawn Fields, Secretary for Library Board Next Regular Scheduled Board Meeting is March 5, 2015 at 7:00 pm.

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