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SOCIAL STUDIES 11 DESCRIPTION OF THE ESSAY ORGANIZERS ‘The following descriptions relate only to Part B of the Social Studies 11 examination (Essay Response). While students should be marked on correct knowledge and understanding of a given topic, the essay should be scored primarily on those skills and processes that illustrate a student’s higher mental processes (refer to Essay Scoring Criteria). Poutrics AND GOVERNMENT This theme examines the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and how Canadians can influence public policy. AUTONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL INVOLVEMENT ‘This theme examines Canada’s evolution as an autonomous nation, its involvement in international events, and its responsibilities within the international community. Socmry AND IDENTITY This theme examines the regional, cultural and ethnic diversity of Canadian society and the factors that have contributed to, and resulted from, this diversity. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY This theme examines global issues that arise from the disparity in standards of living, environmental challenges facing Canada, and Canada’s response to these issues. “Assessment Branch ‘Social Soudies 11 2007/08 Schoot Year Table of Specifications SOCIAL STUDIES 11 DEFINITIONS FOR KEY VERBS IN WRITTEN-RESPONSE AND ESSAY QUESTIONS ‘Suocessful results can be achieved by addressing the specifics of the question, Most questions contain key verb or command term, The following list will help students to understand and respond to written- response questions effectively. An particular examination may use terms selected from this list. Estimate the value of something based on some criteria; present an informed Assuss | ugement Compare | Peseribe how the elements or qualities of one event issue or character are similar to those of another. Often used in conjunction with CONTRAST. Contilasr | Describe how the elements or qualities of one event, issue or character are different | | from those of another. See COMPARE. | Descriss | Give a detailed or graphic account of an object, event, or concept. | Discuss | Present the various points of view in a debate or argument; engage in writen discourse on a particular topic, process or concept. Evawuare | US titer or standards to make judgments about the strengths and weaknesses of 4 position on a particular issue. EXPLAIN | Give an account of a topic, process, or concept, providing evidence and reasons. | ToWnar | Advance arguments in favour of a position or point of view and respond to or take | EXTENT ‘Ministry of Educat into account arguments apposed to that position or point of view. on “1 ‘Social Studies 11 2009/10 School Year Definitions for Key Verbs

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