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Following Directions | Second Three Indicators‘: Step/Lesson Objective: « ~ Recall definition and demonstrate following diecions by exhiiting tho romsining three bokeviora indicators “eye ‘CHa 8*” when asked by the teacher fo perform thom. See Teaching/Learning Progression for complete stop objective description i ————_ qulpmnt/Hteral * Petr for flowing dein sep 3 [ * One box of issues Dp |} ¢ Sete | = Display the postr. | Motivation Student Expectations ‘fou flow decors, yo wil be abl do things more ‘Today you wl leara tes mor part of following directions cosy andy il andes things beter. andy thy are important. [ Passer ae OLE" ber Yerteader thine Remember seer SE ter nimeatoee * Obey your leaders * Think aboot what might happen when dlrecons are not flowed. PROCEDURE {1}, Poirthe students, (6) Tel the students 0) Tal eset * tec of beng cs, th ine you wil be rains : aes conned fgehe ih a sve arcane ar fine sand ie ade aft elt gine le be : fe train ee geeauae uae “Th second stodnt ust flow th leader ortho issue : fra . wil er, penance +f the sve tas, yoo train is broken ond you most sit eee ae a down where you ore wat! can repicyoor tain. | will + lf you colds wth another car, you must sit down where 40 ta by ging pou enew tse you re util start you again. (7) Bogin the activity, + Bach sgn, the cos must tp or stor. (2) Begin the ect. (6) Have sents chonge who isthe driver and whe isthe ossenger frequently, (5) Stop he octvty ond distribute one tssve to each por of students {8} Hore th studons swith roles fer 30 seen, {9} During the atv, wat fr sic to ight students who completed the exercise without tearing their tissue, and call aention to them oerword by making hem into o {ong train, connected by the tissues, IRE « 2006 wihgon Frets Foundation. Al ighls resend Following Directions j Second Three Indicators (cont.) Today you loarnods Ask students: "Thee important parts of following directions: Obeying + What ar thro ways you leaned today fo hp you ‘your leader, osing equipment the right way, and {follow directions? [Use equipment corredly, obey your ‘inking about what might hoppen if you do’ flow leas and think abou wht might happen they do dren. ‘at follow decors] += ff you obeyed your loodor and used the tissues corey, you ployed more. = Hfyou did't, you sot and watched others play * Ifyou think and fllow directions, you can have fos of fon, *= Watch how fang a train canbe if everyone obeys their leader ond uses ther tissues the right way. ‘See Reining Aves lor oon prac ids. FEC 2006 Michigan Fines Fourdetion A ight served Following Directions oonne ey Eee rae, Second Three Indicators..." GE i Ea : Step Description: “eueent Recall definition and demonstrate following directions by exkibiting the remaining three bokavioral nat {ndiators when asked by the teacher to perform thom. See Teaching/Learning Progression for complete step objective description. Observe students on these criteria during the prodice portion of a lsson or in the reinforcing activities. ~ Use the recording sheet on the reverse side to document each student's results on sach element. * Total the rwmber of correctly performed elements and use the appropriate rubric below to determine each students score, », De What Someone Use Equipment CUES Asks You to Do Correctly ‘Obey Your Leader Think Performance Hh) @ | camer" Belen = meaner! + Obes nde “Tike bores Dommarain tea tha you todo™ idiots without Being caked 4-point Rubric Scoring 5-point Rubric (with Performance) Scoring ‘Sy tBlemants Mastered” “Score: = Elements MaHeret di O/4orl/4 =1 O/S or 1/5 1 2/4 =2 2/5 2 34 =3 3/5 3 M/A =4 AIS 4 5/5 =5 “Your school district may require eter a four-point or fiv-point rubric score. A scring option fr eoch is provided above. TPRR\e 2005 ietigan Finer Fovndosn, A ight exon FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS STEP 3: SECOND THREE INDICATORS DIRECTIONS: qarmowse, | “cetecay Place on “Xi tb axa och sdomont echioved on he pro- or Obey Your Leadon Think a Feeminion rented 1 eproduos hie page lr we with ets ouaht by single pia econ Ieaches OKC © 2006 wichigen Fives Foundation Following Directions Second Three Indicators Reinforcing Activity DESCRIPTION ‘ee “One student from each smell group will tell the others what to do, using equipment if appropriate. MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT + One gym mat per four or five students * One ball or beanbag per student + One jump rope per student ewe — Sm eo Listen to Your Leader | nea pate (3) Divide the students into graups of four or five. + Place gym mats oround the oreo. Detar ,/* Place enough ball/beanbags and jump ropes at {Assign each group fo gym mat. : ‘each gym mat that each student can have one ball {5} Pick one student in each group fo be the aa tind one jump rope. "inatructon" (6) Tell the students: q 5 PROCEDURE + When it is your tum to be the ifistructor, tell your 4 {1) Tell the students: groupmotes to do one of the things yau thought ‘ + When we follow directions, itis very important of of the beginning. : that we listen to the person who gives us the (7) Signal the students to begin. a directions, 5: {+ Tay you will practi following cretion thot) she 20 of 30 stand ston he ot pied committe give you, and you will also give second thing they thought of * Take a few moments and, in your had, come up (9) Select onether instructor from each gro with two things that you could do with the continue the activity mraernks provide (a. gym mot bali/eanbag (19) Mcke sure every student gets a chanc ba *) instructor, (2) Give exomples to facilitate this (e.9., "Stretch out the jump rope and jump over it,” “Throw a ball UAPORTANT SAFETY NOTE into the air and then catch it,” “Roll the ball to ‘another person,” “Pass the beanbag to the person ‘on your right,” ete). Remind students to use equipment and pl Properly ined ih eioring aces your PECs 2008 welizon Fitness Foundation, Alright some Following Directions Second Three Indicators Reinforcing Activity Leapin’ Letters DESCRIPTION Students will work with a partner to arrange jump ropes in order to form letters, and then attempt #0 leap over the letters. MATERIALS /EQUIPMENT + One jump rope per two students + Twenty-four position markers SETUP Use the position markers to create equal spaces for ‘each pair of students. PROCEDURE (1) Assign spaces for holf of the students by asking who has o birthday in the spring (March, April or ‘May and having them fake a place at ane of the spaces (one student per space). (2) Go through as many seasons or months as necessary to fill the spaces with ane sfudent each, {3) Ask the “Spring” people to raise their hands and invite the “Autumn” people (September, October ‘end November) 10 join them, (8) Have the “Winter” people join the “Summer” people until two students ore together in each space. (6) Give a jump rope to each pair. {6) Ask students to take turns forming the jump rope into the first latter i the name af the month in which they were born, {() Tell the portners: * Stay in the assigned space. + Watch the letter being formed, Coll out the letter and the month it stands for. + Jump or leap over the letter ofa part of the letter. {8) Hove the students trade places and repeat the oaivity. : {0} Ask students to describe the game following directions. [Had to stay ins letter, leap or jump, ete] ‘OPTION Place small pieces of tope along the wll of the remaining markers so siudents ki boundaries of their space. IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE Use smatler jump ropes to make sure the not too big for leap skills or available sp PE c 2008 nich Fines Foundaticn, All ight seve Following Directions Demonstrate Following Diréélicn’s 7, Step/Lesson Objective: “eapgetrge Demonsirte fllowing drotions by exhibiting the indicators when asked by the teccher to perform tho wile lel learning, procticing ond participating in physical activities. Equipment/Materials += Poses for following directions : ii cI * Display the poster * Ask questions you donot understand th gone, * Lill nt repeat the directions once we begin the game, * We wile fou can flow directions os you ploy the gm (2) Esplin the directions ofthe game: * J willsoled someone fo be the tage. + Lnillsoy dracon for how everyne wil more. For example, ight say ‘mow in slow ton, “more ‘backwards “vale while holding your knees,’ or “hop swith one hond on your heod” + You wil all move around the room os dred. + The ogger wil more in the same way + hn he rgger tons someone lightly, that prsan ‘bexomesategger with ie other parson, + Th toggos wll meve around the aro wth ther colons fed —Y Motivation Student Expectations ‘fou folow dreians, you will have more fon, pay saber, Today you wil pracice flowing drecons ond show that learn mara and be opprecoted by teachers and ssnaes. you eam flow dietons cored. 1f you do allow detons, you may b reprimanded, get ourself or otis hurt ge other stdens opt wth you, or ear es, Bo What Someone Upton dvinment ‘Obey Your Leader ~ Remenber ‘aiiorte Be int * Listen. + Ask i yt + Da, Rees wait 3 a + We equipment corey Ae Obey leaders. = Thiak, PROCEDURE * Wham eithor of thetagors gly tp nother parson, (1) Tele stents: thay wil nk elbows wit the new pars, foe * You wil play 0 game of tag, bot it might be different * thon four people hove their elbows links, they wil {rom the games of og you have loed bef. split nto pis of tggors © Liten crt © Both pais will lightly tp people who will become Joggers, 00, ary tine o group of four foams, you wil vide into ‘we pin. * The game wil continue until everyone hes ben ogged. * ifsomeone doesnot flow these directions, il aks ‘them oa of he gore and ck ther what cretion they did ot flow. (8) Ask four students to stand ond elp you demonstte how ‘the gore wil ployed (4) Askif ther ae ony questions, {5} Alor questions havo baon answered, designate someone to be the tagger. (6) Bin te acivty ond cll cua differnt movemontoery 10:30 seconds. (Continued on reese side) PEE 2008 nehgon Fos Founton, Al igh sere, Following Directions Nos tinny, nea willbe tac Tiss yo on * Sand note or pot home oparets/caregrsiriing

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