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| verhand Throw ie) T Position a f Step/Lessen Objective: “4° Demonstrate the correct T position when throwing a tennis ball overhand ot loust 20 feet, starting from a side | “enma®® — orientation, See Fooching/earning Progression for complete stp objective destistion. i Equipment/Materals “Reis? = Poster for overhand throw sap 1 * One sot bal per student (se of emis bal) * One poston marker per student Setup + Display the poster + Place postion markers in ine, cout five fet cpart and 20 fe rom the walls) Motivation Student Expertations To theow well, you must lear fo move your body the right Today yos will learn to mate te leter T with your body, ‘vay. Ths wil lt you row straight and for when ploying and then throw a ball overband. Treen Mando Yop Tw Trier de nes Common Errors \ * Holding bil in tke polm » Holding boll wih pom facing up | + Holdng trong elbow to ow | * ting how wth arm instead of unk rotation LTE tw cont NT Dail 1 Dri? (1) Hat students: (1) Hae students (n bal: Goto amare Got into T poston (hoon top) ‘Pup pefend bal st hee uy. + Tu ther body othe pretend bolls anay fromthe Tile thir kee ‘target. * Repeat several times + Pregre otro by showing theT poston (hand en. (2) Previde ve proms wth eck movement. toy (2) Repeat the ety with al Repeat several times. Teday you loarneds Have students demonstrate: + How to stand in oT positon * Stoning in T poston * How otis your tummy as you throw Tustin ther tummies as thy throw © That your throwing hand shoold be near your knee after Ticking their knee when followin through you throw 7 “ _ Honevr: Show an adult how to ston ia Tt i it a Dreesasat bol sole rk pes, Seo Rion cor adel prac eas PEC 6 2008 nichiganFiness Foundation. Al ight reroned verte" T.Position Step Description: F< Demonstrate the corect T postion when throwing a tennis ball overhand at least 20 feet, starting from a Venmn™ side orientation. See Teaching/Leamning Progression for complete siep objective description, * Ohserve students on these criteria during the pracve portion ofa lesson or inthe enforcing acts. ® Use the recording sheet on the reverse side to document each student's results on each al Total the nomber of correctly performed elements and use the appropriate rubric below to T Position Hand en Top Twist Tummy Tickle Knee Performance © Sideways to target *Hend on top of ball Rotates toword forget = Follows though Ball raves 20 feet in cir CRTERIA 9 © Ame out to sides 4-point Rubric Scoring 5-polnt Rubric (with Performance) Scoring Elements Mastered” ‘Score “Selémenis Mastered: ‘Seore O/4orl/4 =1 0/5 or 1/5 2/4 =2 2/5 3/4 =3 3/5 4h = 4/5 5/5 “Your school sre ma require ether a four-point o five-point ubrc score. Ascring option foreach is provided above. PRG © 2005 Michigan Fras Foundation Al ht oerad OVERHAND THROW STEP 1: T POSi Hen atoll Reloar vara Fotou aTE Farmition i grand reprodce ie pope fr we wih students tight by single physio eduction aacher BPEe 2006 Michigan Fass Fovndaon Al igs, Qverhand Throw T Position Reinforcing Activity @ Fruit and Veggie “T” Toss ‘Nutrition Concept: increase fomitiarty with names of frvits and vegetables, DESCRIFTION Students form a "T" bofore throwing soft food toys (or other soft objects). MATERIALS /EQUIPHENT ® Soft fit or vegetable toys (or any softtype boll} at least one for every two students SETUP «= Divide the gym in half using existing centerline. PROCEDURE (1) Tell the studonts the nutrition mesa *+ You need to eat frits and vegetables every doy. * There ore many fo choose from. + Today we are going to play a game with some fruit and veggie toys. (2) Hold up ech of the fruit/vegetable toys and name them, or ask students fo name them. Scatter them ‘long the center ine of the gym. (8) Divide the class in haf. Hove half of the students stand on one end of the gym and the other half stand on the other end. (4) Toll the students they are farmers and the side of the gym they are on is their garden. Explain that ‘each group will need to keep any fallen fruits or veuetables out of their garder (5) Demonstrate the T position for them. (6) On your signal, have one of the groups run to the center line, grab o fruit or vegetable toy (or soft ball) and say its name. Then, have students run halfway back to their original spots, turn, form T, and throw the toy toward the other end of the gym into the other group's garden. () On your signel, the students in the receiving garden run and pick up the toys and throw them back into the opposite garden. (8) Remind students that they need to keep their own gardens clean, so they'll need to quickly pick up the fallen fruit or vegetables and'throw them into the other group's garden, ae () Continue until all farmers have had gruliple ‘opportunities to form a T and throw fruifs’ or vegetables. NOTE Ai this point in the teaching/leaming progression, itis. ot necessary that students throw accurately) this, game is to give them a chance to practi rmitig: ri T before throwing an object. i IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE ao le TPE 2 2006 Mictsgon Firs Foundation. lights reared. (beth notin cone! and retrucsonel porns vl Gverhand Thro T Position Reinforeing Activity Sculpting “Ts” DESCRIPTION Students mold one another to form sculptures of T positions. i MATERIALS /EQUIPHIENT : * Poster for overhand throw step 1 \ SEUP | ® Display the poster. PROCEDURE (1) Divide the class in hat. Remind the “clay” students they are lifeless and (2) Half of the students ore pieces of clay and are scat- shouldn't move unless the sculptors move them. tered around the gym. The “cloy” students can be ‘ny position to begin. The other half of the class OPMON vill ke the “sculptors” © To challenge the sculptors, have.groups of clay stu- dents intertwine themselves so that the sculptors {8) On your signel, the sculptors will run to a piece of need to frst untangle them from each other before clay and form it inte aT position (*motding it”) aS forming them ino quickly as possible. When they are done, they can ¢ go to another piace of clay to “sculpt.” (4) When oll clay students ore “sculpted,” they then become sculptors and the sculptors become pieces of clay. | Instrucional Sogment Provide aditional practice for your stedents by introducing the reinforcing ocvities to your | * students afer 80%. of students demonstrate correct execution of the step in the drills, EPEC. 2006 Michigan Fiat Funston. Al gh eos ‘Sverhand Throw Open to a T Step/Lesson Objective: Demonstrate opening fo a postion correctly when throwing a tomnis ball overhand at least 20 feet, starting from «sie orientation. See Teaching/Learning Progression for complete stop objective description. * Poste for ovehond th stop 2 * One sf bl er student (ze of tennis bl) ° One poston marker pr student Setup Display the poster. + Pace poston markers naling, bout ve fe part and 20 fet om the wall). Student Expectations ‘Bocauss hips and log are sronger than arms, you wil tow Today you wil learn how to throw using your legs ond bods. {aster ond forthe if you lear how fo use them as you throw. ‘wit tommy Tele Knee Common Errors ** Holding ball in the palm « Holding ball with pln facing up + Holding throwing elbow too low “Initiating throm with orm instead of trunk rotation Dail Drill 2 (1) Have suds (vth bal (0) Hove students (ih bl) + Sten ono marker. + Sand ona morkrand foo the target wel «Sond sideways with thir feet close fogother and their ‘+n your signal, open to aT posiion then throw ‘hands infront of their body. correctly. '* Step toward the target and assume the T position. ‘Retrieve their balls upon being told. ‘+ Repeat several times, ‘Note: If students ball hits the wall while il inthe ir, have him er ‘hor take one step backward and try again. If it does not bit the wall, |hove him or her take ove stop forward ond ny egeln, Today you learned: Have students domonstate: * Howto stond sideways othe trget + Howto stnd wher geting ready to throw © How step toward tho target and move your ams fo « Stepping into T poston nate oT = Twisting thet tomas they throw + How tots your fry os you throw ° Finishing the throw * Hot point your shoulder a the frget and nish the throw by ing your knoe while standing sideways tothe target, and then sega = See Reinforcing Ati for adtiona rai eos. BPR» 2006 Wichigon Fans Foundation. Al ight reser Overhand Throw Open to a T Step Description: Demonstrate opening toa T postion correctly when throwing a tennis ball overhand at least 20 foot, ‘starting from a side orientation, See Teaching/Learning Progression for complete step objective description, = Observe students on these rfria during the practice portion of a lesson or inthe reinforcing activities. “= Use the recording sheet on the reverse sid to document each student's results on ech el Tote the number of correly performed elements and use the appropriate rubric Below to rmine each student's sore, GUE Stand Sideways Open to T ‘Twist Tummy Tickle Knee Performance = Sideways to target "Stops toward farget_ Relaies toward lorget = Follows through Ball travels 20 feet in ot (CRITERIA) 3 Arms near waist © Extends arms out 10 sides 4-point Rubric Scoring 5-polnt Rubric (with Performance) Scoring “Elements Mastered: | (oS Blemienié Mastered” O/or 1/4 =1 0/5 of 1/5 2/4 =2 2/5 3/4 =3 3/5 AA = 4 4/5 5/5 “Your schoo! district may require either a four-point or five-point rubric score. A scoring option for each is provided above. [PEE 2006 nchigan Fees Foundason. Al rights resaned. @VERHAND THROW STEP 2: OPEN TO AT spiewon aaa esr peaiaget Rt OTT get lens HO Post | Pre Pemitaon i rood to roost page for ue wih sides toatt by o single physical educalon tech, TPH 2008 michigan mee Feuncaton. Al igh eevee Overhand Throw Open to aT Reinforcing Activity “1” Time Tune DESCRIPTION ‘Students sing a song and go through the motions of step 2 of overhand throw. MATERIALS /EQUIPMENT * Poster for overhand throw step 2 SETUP © Display the poster. PROCEDURE Sing the *T Ti the students poster) in each verse, without a ball. (sing to the tune of “The Mulberry Bush”) ‘This is the way we throw a ball, Throw a bell, Throw a ball; This is the way we throw a ball, So we can play in games. ! Let's begin by standing sideways, Standing sideways, Standing sidewoys; Let's begin by standing sideways, Sideways to the target. egies inlnded fo sup ing eces ate Instructional Segment Provide addtional prctce for your students by i studs Now move our arms to make « T, Make aT, Make a T; Now move our arms to make: T, To get ready to throw. We twist our tummy as we throw, ‘As we throw, ‘As we throw; We twist our tummy as we throw, To make the boll go for. Finally we tickle our knee, Tickle our knee, Tickle our knee; Finally we tickle our knee, And now we are all donel PR 2006 michigan Fess Foundation. Al ighs reserved Overhand Throw Open te a T Reinforeing Activity Hungry Sharks! DESCRIPTION Students demonstrate elements of form for “Open to a T” while in a game situation. MATERIALS /EQUIPMENT * Poster for overhand throw step 2 © Eight to 10 mots or large hoops (or tape to mark. area} = One soft food toy per student * Container to hold all food toys SETUP ® Display the poster. * Place mats or large hoops, equolly spaced, 20 feet from the walls), or mark off several areas with tape. PROCEDURE (1) Tell the students the nutrition message: * You need fo eat fits and veggies every day. ‘+ There are many ways fo eat fruits: whole, sliced, cut up, fresh, frozen, or from cans (like peaches) or jars (like applesauce). + You can put fruit on cereal or in smoothies, or mix different ones together for fruit salad. + Today we will play @ game where we feed healthy foods to sharks. {2) Divide students into eight to 10 groups (about ‘throe students in each group). {3} Assign each group to a mat, large hoop or area ‘and explain that itis their raft, and the gym floor is the ocean. The wall is the shark. They need fo stoy ‘on their raft or they may fall into the ocean. (4) Give each student a food toy, naming each as you do 'so. Tall students the shark is hungry and wants «healthy snack. The tna james Inscionl Segment Provide dona pacc for austen by nroduing he pee ais fo your Mutrition Concept: Incroase familiarity with nomes of fruits ond vegetables. Identify favorite frits and vegetables. (5) On your signcl, have students in each group open to a T and throw their healthy snacks (fruit or veg- ‘table foy) ct the wall fo feed the shark. They should say the nome of the frit/vegetable as they throw it. {6) When all students in a group hove fed the sharks, have them run to retrieve the food toys and get back on their raft before a shark gets them. (You con pretend fo be a shark wile the Huda are retrieving their Food toys, or solect sens 10 be sharks.) (8) At the end ofthe gome, have each student drop their fruit or vegetable back into @ contdiner, name what it is and indicate whether they likeli6f not. For example, if they were holding the breccoli toy, they would say, “I like broccoli” ornons fruits and veggies. © When the students are running back fa nt, hove them pretend to swim by usi coed xin of he tone ‘PIE 2008 Michigan Fines Foundation. Al ights reserved cpl he raion concept nd inetonal pone ral

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