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The day has cometo saygood-bye.

To day is my last day asyour Stnr @dbuneweekendcarrier.

I was informedthat beginningon MondayJune 1sall homedelivery of the
StarTribune,New York Times,Wall StreetJournalandotherpaperswill be
delivsredby the St. Paul PioneerPress.
Therewill be a massiverestructuringof routes.Presentcarriersof the Star
Tribunewill be offereda route somewhere.I was not"The PioneerPress
doesnot haveweekendonly routes.
I want to thankeachof you foryour kindnessandgerrerositythroughoutthe
years.I havebeenyour weekendcarrierfbr 3 years.I will missdoing this in
the morningsI hopeyour new carrierdeliverswith the samequalfy of serviceasI have.
ThankYou All.

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