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MDSC 3311 PBL #1

Dr. Vuma said that for PDQ the scenario will come like a PBL
question and each discipline will ask questions. She said this is an
anatomical pathology question and this is how she broke down the
question on what you need to know from each discipline involved.
1) Anatomical Pathology
- Gross Anatomy- Micro and Macro
- Time frame- Its important to go along with the gross anatomy
above because she said a heart after a MI will look quite
different if you compare it 2 days versus 2 weeks.
- Ischemic Heart disease
- Myocardial Infarction
- Angina (Know the difference between this and MI)
2) Chemical Pathology
- Cardiac enzymes
- Lipid profiles (Tot cholesterol: 170-200 mg/dL, LDL: 60-130, HDL:
40-60) Normal ranges that she gave
3) Pharmacology
-Side effects
- Mode of action
4) Public Health
- Risk factors
- Epidemiology
- Prevention
5) Haemotlogy
- Would throw in a CBC and ask interpretive questions about the CBC
*She suggests with each PBL to break down the problem just like
this so you will know what you need to know from each discipline.

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