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RESOURCE NOTES - 3 STATE AND REVOLUTION Published by COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MARXIST) EDUCATION SUB COMMITTEE Franed by Han Srgh Kang for AKG ‘oh ay, Hw Oe on bat Conmui Pay ‘sna (rt So so cre Pres Aw A fx Road Share, ob 10009 FOREWORD ‘Toe Education Sub Commiuee ofthe CPM) Cental Commit: tee has decided to provide resource material fr aches aking po lial eases on Marist fondamentals. This sso iter 0 lp ‘stants ho wish to learn Marais fom priay sours ‘The massive onslaught on Manis inthe post Soviet Union er, has aon socesfuly countered by CDKM) through vigorous eolgicl ttle. The developments in Luin America i the beain- ning of he 21* conury indicated new situation ground the world "The wotking clas is once again consolidating its pon, This i Providing geste ideological space for Communist, ‘Utsiag tis opportunity in this station, an ideological offen- ‘siveaso be launched. As apart ofthis Party has decided w equip the cade ar al levels trough an intensive drive Fr poliicaeue- ‘oa trough lasses and tvinging out publications. “Towards this end, series of books in bth Engi, Hind and ‘ter resionl languages ar being brought out. This series tied “Re- oaree Notes il stat with set ffive books on Marxist Philos ‘iy; Police! Economy State ani Revolution; Pay Organisation and Methods of Stady i Maraism-Leninsm along with suggestive ‘eating The sours of the material provide hese hooks realy fromexuscis of tooks by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Sain which were published by out Panty in 1969. Relevant study material on these topics suggested by Maurice Cornforh has also been incorporated for those interested in following up the study ofthese subject “This booklet inroduces the concepts of State and Revolution ran from Marxist class. Fist par ofthis book consis of ex- teat laken fom basic wings of Mark, Engels, Lein and Stalin ‘The second partis taken rom Maurice Comforth's "Basic eadingof Marsisn- Lens” ‘The Pary Education Sub Commitee hopes that this material would be sed by Paty care tall evel, Howeveritistoheempha- ‘Sed tht his mate sno replacement fore sady. This should ‘lp asa tool for fuher study of Marist class and Paty doc ‘mens. The Party Education Sub Committe also decided to publish ‘prescribed ellabus textbooks on certain basic subjects, We wil be Coming oat with hese books for eae shot. PART ‘STATE AND REVOLUTION (GERMANY: REVOLUTION & COUNTER-REVOLUTION [Now insumection sana quite as mucha war or anyother, and subject to certain rules of proceeding, which, when neglected, ‘will produce the ruinof the pry nepecting hm. Those les, local deductions fom the naureof te parties andthe eiteunstances one thas to deal within such case, aro plain and simple thatthe shot experience of 1848 had made the Germans prety well acquainted ‘with them. Firstly, never play with insurrection unless you ar fully prepared to face the consequences of your play. Tsurection is 3 ‘aleulus with very indefinite magnitudes the value of which may ‘change everyday, the frees opposed to you have ll the advantage ‘of organisation, discipline, and habitual authority unless you bing ‘strong ds gains tbe you are defeated ad ruined. Secondly, the inurrectionary carer once entered upon, act with the greatest ‘etermiaton, an on the offensive, The defensive the death of every armed rising: itis ost before it measures isl with tsencmics. ‘Surprise your antaonints while their forces are satin, prepare new successes, however tall, but dally: Keep wp the mora ascendaney which the first saccesifl rising has pen to ous aly those vacating elements to your side which always fallow the strongest impulse, and which always lookout forthe ster side force your enemies toa retreat before they ca colet heir srength aginst you; Inthe word of Danton, te greatest master of revolutionary Policy yet know, de audae, de aude, encore de andace | (ENGELS, Germany, Revolaion and Counter Revolution) ‘THE LESSONS OFTHE REVOLUTION Five years have elapse since the woking cis of Russi, in ‘October 1905, deal te fst mighty blow wo the rit atoeacy In those grea days the proletariat roused millions ofthe working people 6 to struggle spans their opps the space ofa fw months of that year the pleat won improvements, which ring decades the workers had been vainly wats fom the "superior authorities” “The poletariat won fr the whole Russian people if ony fora short time, something that Russia had never known befor— freedom of the pres, assembly and association, It swept Bulgin’ fake Duma frog ie path, extacted from the tsar a manifesto declaring 3 consutton and made i impossible once and for al for Russia to be fale without representative ntiations, Bot the grea victaces ofthe proletrn proved te oly sem victories because the Garis regime Was not overthrown, The December inuetion endl n defeat he art atoracy began ‘0 tae back he guns ofthe working clas oe by one as the aes offensive weakened she struggle ofthe mses declined In. 1906 “worker” sts, peasants anoles” ubreaks were mach weaker than thy had bsen in 1905 bat were sl very formidable oneal ‘The sr dnperaed he Firs Dum, during which he milan ofthe oaple ba begun Yo mount agai, but did ot dave wo change the ‘lector lye all once. In 1907 the stugge of the workers grew ‘weaker il andthe tr, havi dispersed the Second Dutra, staged ‘coup detach lane 3, 1907), He broke al te mos solema promises ‘tat he had made no promulgate las without the consent of the ‘Duma and changed ke electoral aw insucha vay tht he lands nth eaptais the party oth Black Hunde clementsand thei Servos were assured fa najonit ia the Dua oth he victories andthe delet ofthe evouion taught che Russian people some great historical less. In honouring the Fin anniversary of 1905, let us try 10 ascertain the main substance of theve lessons. ‘The frstnd main sone only te revobtonary staggle ofthe masss can brag about worth improvement the ves ofthe workers and inthe administration of the sae. No sympathy” {ar the workers onthe parvo educated people, no truxele of lone ‘eros, however hero, could doaythingto undermine the tsar ‘sutecracy and the omnipotence of the capital This could be {Schieved nly by the srugle of the workers themseves, onl by he ‘combined struggle of milion atl when thir stupa grew weaker 1 ‘he workers iumedistely began to be deprived of what hey had won, “The Russian revoiton was confirmation the sentiments expressed nth intraonal hyn of abou No saviour from on high deliver, No tas have we in prince or peer: ur own right hand the coins must shiver, (Chains of hare, greed and fear ‘The second lesson is hati i ot endugh to undermine and restrict the power ofthe te. It must be destroyed. Unt the saris ‘egimeis destroyed eoncesion won fom theta wil everbe ning “The tear made concessions when the ide ofthe revolutionary “offesive was ing, When itebbed tok tem all buck. Only the ‘wining of democratic epuli,the overthrow of hearst regime, thepassage of power ino the hands ofthe people, can deliver Rasia from the violence and tyranay of offiialdom, from the Black Hondred-Octobrise Duin, from the despotic poner which the Inndlords and thie seritors wick over the eoantysie. te miseries ‘ofthe peasits andthe workers have become even harder to ear bow after the evoltion this ithe pice the are pong forthe at tht the fevolution was weak, that the tsarst regime 9a not ‘overthrown, The year 1905, then the fst two Dumas, and their verument This the conraision which ha ens up td which has ben the see of the compensa and inonsisteney of per, al tht “instal es” {te 8 Rand Manorbshaveen cage ih suchanfortte orth opt) exter Inca Joe 1917, 11 he Assan Congres of Soviets ‘ateter he Soviets wold dpe and len nls ah OF al power mathe tansfered to them. The eens ly and Ast have very convincingly cone the corte tee words No mater wht he ashes of he Drum any Pater, ethanon and thr wh dopa eal he ‘ase of ower it val afr toany min oe por the borg thespian the power lhe Sorc, bsed ‘ean cbs joy othe ool can eae ‘nly Seve power sid bee nd ote ovetnowa cre inthe storms amet ofthe rms even, Oxy i per B could ssn she continons on road developmen othe evolution, the peaceful stage of pares within the Soviets. Un his powers created, there wil ineviably be indecision, instability, vacation, niles “crises of power, a constant fare of rinses ‘utbursts on th ight and on the et “The slogan, “Povies", however ive often, if not almost always, understood uit incorrectly as measinga “Cabinet composed ‘ofthe gros ofthe Soviet joni)”. We should isto pe into more etl on ths very fale notion ‘4 “Cabinet compose ofthe partes ofthe Soviet majority’ rmcans a change of ind! Mintrs with retention of the ener ‘okt government appara, athorouphiy bureaucrat and thoroughly undemocratic apparatus, incspable of carrying Out senous reforms, ‘even such as are contained ig the SR_' and Mensheviks! Programmes. “Powertothe Soviets” means rata change inthe entire old state apparatus, in that bureaucrat apparats which hampers ‘yerything democratic. It means removing this apparatus and ‘iting forisnew, popu one je tel deca appaats ‘of Soviet ie the rgaised and arined naj of the people—the worker, solders and peasants, pcan allowing the maja of he ‘ropl itave an independence nx only inte electon of depts, ‘but also gate administration, inimplementing efems and various changes ‘Tomake this difference more ler and camprehensil, tis ‘vont calling 4 valuable admission made some tine ago by the sper ofthe governing party ofthe SR. s, Dyelo Nard Ie wre {hat even in those Minis, which were in the hands of socialist, ‘minisers (hi was writen ding the notorious coin wil the Cadets wen some Mensheviks nd Rx wore Ministers) the entire ‘Miminisraton apparatus ‘ut remained unchanged and hampered et, “Thisis quite undentandable, The entre history othe bourgeois patamentry, nd also to considerable extent othe hours eo ‘onal cies shows tn cep ol Minster eatery nl, othe eal woe of sdminsation ste hams fan enero army of oficial. This army, however. is roten tothe core wih 2 non-demacratc spit, itis connected by thousstds nd ailions of threads with the landlords and bourgeoisie and ¥s completely ‘dependent on them. This army i sutounded by an stmorphere of bourgeois relations, and breathes nothing bu this amosphere, tis sein its ways, pitied, stagnant and doesnot have the power to ‘cuca itself rom his aumosphere. [canon thin, fee, or tin the old way. This army is Bound by servility 0 rank, by certain rvileges of stat” sevice: the upper ranks ofthis army are, through ‘the mesium of shares and banks, eel ensivedby finance capital, ‘being wo certain extent its agents and the vehicle ts interests and inuence. Wisatemibeilosion,ateribe self-deception anda deception ‘ofthe peopetoattemp,by means of sis sate appara, cay ot ‘such fom asthe abolition of landed exates without compensation, ‘or the grain monopoly, ete. This apparatus can serve a republican bourpeise creating epubicin he shape of “monarchy witout 4 mona like the French Third Republic. but ti absolutely Incapable of carrying out eorms which woul teat series eat ‘orlimic the right of eaptl, the rghts of “sacred private propery” "oto mention their abolition. Tati why it abways happens under allots of “coalition” Cabinets with the participation of "socali™, thal these socialists even when individuals among them are absolutly honest, in reality tam out o be either useless ramen of sree forthe bougesis goversment, «ort of lightning conductor to diver the people's indignation rom the povernment, a tol forthe ovement to deceive te people. This wa the esse wth Leas Bane in 1888, and dozens of times in Bin and France whem socialists Partcipatedinthe Cabinets Tix was alo the cas withthe Chernovs nd Tseretelis in 1917. So thas been and sit wil be a ong a the Dour system ents anda on she ren rene State apparatus remains ise ‘Onl the dictatorship ofthe proletariat andthe poor pesamsis ‘capable of smashing the resistance ofthe capitalists, of displaying realy supreme courage snd determination inthe exercise of power and of scouring the entosiati ees and tly her support of ‘he people bath athe army ar among the peasant 15 Power to the Sovets—thi isthe only way to make further progres: gradual, peaceful and smooth, keeping perfect pace with th polial consciousness and resolve ofthe majority ofthe people ‘and with ther osm experince Power tothe Sovies—this means he ‘complete transfer of the county's administration and economic ‘onto inthe ads af the workers and peasants, to whow nobody ‘would dare fer resistance and who, trough practice, through thet ‘wn experience, would soon Teor bow wo distribu lan, products tnd grain ins correo manne. (LENIN, Selected Works, Taree Volumes Editon, Vo. 2, pp. 24-97, 300) MARXISM AND INSURRECTION A Leter To The Cental Commitee Of The RS DL PB) ‘One of the most viciows and probably most widespread “isortion of Marxism rxorted toby the dominaat "socialist partes isthe opportunist le that preparation for isuretion, and genealy the eaten’ of insunection as an ant “Blanguism Bersted of oppertnism has already eared himset fortunate fame by acusing Marxism of Blangois, and when our fresenty oppor cry Bln thy do pot mere om or enrich de meage “ideas of Berscin one nae eelociiiaaea erect asian Can there be a more Migrant perversion of the rat, when not {single Maras wil deny that twas Marx who expres himself Cn this score in the most definite, precise and categorical maner, ‘referring to insurrection specially as an ort, saying that it must be tected a am ar ha you must wir he st success and then proceed from siccesstosucess, never easing the fev aginst the ener, taking advantgeof his confusion et et.? ‘Torbesuccesfl, nsrecion must ely act upon conspiracy snot upon a party, bat upon the advanced clas. That the first point Icurection mast rely upon a revolutionary wpsurge ofthe 6 People: Thats ihe decid point nsarecton must ely upon hat ‘ning pina the iso the rowing revotion when he evity ofthe advanced ranks othe peope isa ts Height end when the ‘clan nthe ranks ofthe every and he ranks ofthe weak. half heared and irresolute fends of revosion| isthe third poi. And these thre conditions fo ‘of insurtectin distinguish Marsion rom Bangui, Once these conditions exis, however, 10 refuse to teat insumetion aan 7 is. beuayal of Marist and a beryl of the revolution, “To show tar it's precisely the pret moment hat the Paty ‘must recognise asthe ane ia which the entre couse of evens as ‘objectively placed insurecion othe order of the day and that Jnsuection must be vent an et, wl pers be Hest oe the method of comparison, and io craw a parle Between July 3-4 andthe September days. (nJuly 3-4: could hae been aged, without violating te truth tat the corect hig todo was o ake ower, frou enemies would in any case have acased ws of insrrection and ruthlessly treated us as rebels. However, io have decided on this acount ia favourof taking power at tha tine would have ben wrong, cause the abjectve conditions forthe vcwry ofthe insurecton did not 1, We lacked he support ofthe elas whichis the Vanguard of he revolution Wie sl did noc have a majority among the workers and soldiers of Petrograd and Moscow. Now we havea majority in ba Soviet I was created soles by the istoyof uly and Agi, by he exer ofthe “ulss treatment” meted out othe Bolsviks, and by the iperence ofthe Keriloy evel 2. There was no countrywide evolutionary upsurge the in. ‘Tere is mow. after the Koriloy revolt the situation nthe provinces and asumption of power by the Soviets in many locates prove this. 3. AXthat time there was 90 villain o ay serious pola v scale among our enamies and among the iesolute petty burgesses Now the vcillation i enormous. Our main ‘enemy, Aliedand wort imperalisn (oe word imperialism is headed by the “Allis”, has Begun to waver between & ‘wat toa victorious Finish and a Separate peace directed fzains Rossi, Out petty bourgeots democrats, having ‘eal lost their majority among the people, have begun to Yecllate enormously, and have ejected bloc, Le 8 ‘coalion, wih the Cadets 4, Therefore, an insweection on July 3-4 would have Been a mistake; me could not have etuined power ether physically ‘politically. We could not have retained physically even ‘hough Perogra wis a ies in our hands, because at that time our workers and soles would not have fought and ded for Petrograd. There was not atthe time that "avageness free hated both ofthe Kerenskys and afte Tertls and Chernov. Ou peopled till ot been tempered by the experience ofthe persecution of the Bolsheviks in which the Socialist Revolulionaries and ‘Mensbvikspatipated ‘We could ot have setained power politically on Tuy 3-4 because, fore the Koray revo he army andthe provinces could nd would have matched aguas Petograd, Now the picture is entirely erent. ‘We have te following ofthe majority ofa clas, the vanguard ofthe revolution, the vanguard ofthe people, which is capable of ‘uying the mses with i ‘We have the following ofthe majority ofthe people, becase ‘Chermoys resignation, while by no means he only Symp, the ‘moe striking and obvious symptom tha the peasants will not recive Tend from the Socialist Revolutionaries’ blo (or rom the Soca Revoutonares temseves). And that i the chief reason forthe popular character of the evolution We aren the adeantageous poston ox party that knows for stain which way to go ata time when imperialism asa whole and the Menshevik and Socialis Revolutionary bloe as a whole are 8 ‘ailing in an inedible fashion Our victory is assured, fr the people ar closet dexpeation, and weare showing the ene poope a ure Way ou we demonstrated {o the entie people during the "Kornilow days” the value of our leadership. and then proposed to the politicians of the blow 4 arama atough hei ep it 1k would be a great mistake 1 think that our offer of = ‘compromise had not yer been rejected, and thatthe Demoxatc ‘Conference! may sill accept it The compromise was proposed by a ‘par 10 pares; ieoul not have boca proposed in any cher way. It ‘was rejected by pares, The Democrat Coerence is aconference, ‘nd nothing mane. One thing must not be forgotten, namely, tht !najriy of he revoltionary people, the poo, embiteced peasants, ‘eno represented init is aconferece ofa minoiy of he people this obvious tutb mst not be forgotten. I would be a big mistake, steer prliamentary reins on our part, if we wer to Tega the Democratic Conference a partie foreve fi were a procaim ‘itself permanent and sovereign parinmentof the revolton it would nevertheless decide nothing. The power of decision les ose in ‘he Working-

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