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HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 1f WE BASE OURSELVES ON A SCIENTIFIC UNDER we Meg ued eben amen, hoe ortons have ale SEMESS Otto ane snl, by te gow and ee ihe Commonst movement feu Sug seer ers Out Pay mubome major fe wi Revels movement wrt the CI has een st eg'tan bse Toes proved by stort stent Set he an maven 2a ye Te wih SEEN pape he pot! santo fo he oot "Usd ary dey ea mar foe of the 1A anc te trp wet to cet ot erent he EST erate ener We hve ty me eae seers ec vent on for 2 Sede ide the a Fa par and wih ako eel he sp $e dress bose rena. Trot ie apie ot the repeated extnations om te abc, Hedin ted ot hein nde rotate Is Hee ta fe some tt the pte und Comma oe esl telnet Commit Pa OE Pes Ther the ilo deren he word ame er movement bed sce Tay ae adited tat ae atm afar on queef Poy aed Pour Bat wasn to them thy wero con) nar. They Wan frog trp thse srg wich west ow Snide the Renard for aboot» cade wa sue betwen $eoinerone of sa saorton and te oer of ca stragle opposing it. Lt wa no this ioe. ‘Within thee jeu” tine fr te ropes we aoa 4 151, sot ofthe ess fermions came to rec ith (he rein ofthe lian situnson snd the question fence ing the Programe ere on the agra Stas te Se that du tothe changes nie ternal aetna wl ‘Ge fnteaastvaton, tbe Goverument of Inia made 2 si fn 4s foreign poli. abo publaied the raf of he Second FiweYear Pin which emphasised tbe bug f te plc sectors inplemeration a land efor. "akg int acount the radia mood of te peopl, he rang” Congr party Adopted at ts Ava eon the gol of + "Soc pasern of (tose Tis was wie by «ction oft Party depo its abe Paty tothe path of cae colaborstin, They Pepa erring that the natioal bourgeois had spit into twee monopole section standiog fr out-and-out colstoratonisandeading fnd compromive with inperaliom and native feudal whe fhe ote section wat opposing imperaism an feudal. Toit line was. ist advosated by ten members of the UP. State Co- mee ed by the ate PC. Jost bat was jected by the Cate Commitee nits mesing in September 1954 FFoxrina Aconavanos Gs did ot pit sa en to the difewaces They got free Aggrnaied afer the Andhra secon in March 1988. The CC. Report to the Fourth Party Congress Palghat) stated im the period after the Andira elections, thee of the CCeniral Commie deepened. The CC mesg held in March 1955 to review the Andhra lets produced esauion wich ‘ost Paty commits rights conde tobe uneatiacony. hie was inevitable becuse inside the CC, there wa sill NO led uoderatanding onthe prevailing situation ile" The report further stated "Dillereaces inensibed inside the PB, virtual iting The June meeting of the CC. showed that serene had, Instead of arrowing down, widened and tsa, isin this background thatthe Fourth Party Congest was fomvened, The Draft Resolution of the CC. give enenarage- 4 teen tothe das colaboraionié tread ide the Paty. Tait Tine was changed by a section of the Cental Commie ia ‘he frm ofan leone Draft wl by lnomect to my that ‘A the formulacons in the alterouve drat were based on Sm Maras Leainist postions, because at hat time we Wee stl 0¢ yet able to come ct ofthe famework ofthe 1931. Paty Pro ‘amme. ton the car career of he Stat an las ali {nce we had cometed curves and the alieaate draft We ‘onetyetised the ie of cas collaboration "The Cental Conmiter's dra sorely paced the prog: smmatispenpectve of Popes Democracy, an the las cbarae- {erof the Goreamentassbourgoslandled Government. But {took das colboratonist postions ia tlation fo the oatae Gf Government poy, on the timation ft Sead ‘Year Pan, the biling of the ited democratic Fost and the pace of the Congres in "This was a June 1985. After the publeaton of the Draft Resnatign and alternate drafts serous dette wen on se the Party, a number of Foron wee usted where many lag ‘omreder contbute fo the dete. The ate Bhowan Seo, ome ‘tte important ender ofthe CP, inhi eoptibaton tthe ‘eta easly sated "The prompt and profeudal cis among the big urge anda Goverumeat are not intrested in India’s Independent capitalist devopmet. They fer the people more {han the fmperalss and koow tha Nebr’ progesive plies ‘il imately tegthcn te popalr free nd hit tenses, "The Nehru Goverment, epresenting the proreive section ‘finan Big Busine, fm the main, abandoped collaboration ‘Tite imperitnm and! embraced the policy of peaceful coeti- {Goce and eablahd cooperation with Socialist States” (Fourth Party Congres decamet, No.2, pus 8 He then elas to the "promotion of national burgeis ier a trade ad industry” and draws the concasion “Those mearres are unioubedly eps towards eventual tiguidtonofemiclonasa, leading to economic indepen: ‘Cus: Coutasonsnion ‘These actin, tanlted in tems of demands, meat “radial ‘organisstion ofthe Government” and in tem of the esta polite! task, “buling the one eatnal feats “Ose mone Meat for a united national front wil pare overeat of ation! unity, av an emergency the prompesait and peo‘tads ose ‘The same samen war gen byt sstion ofthe ltder Ship of te Up. Site Commitee Ted by PC. Josh aad SS. Yet tate note thy said ls our opinion the logan of matinat-democate colton GGovernmeet wil nthe present ceeumstances mot eletvely fie the Party to dent and holt the proving od bro-fedal entoores,forae an aiance with atonal Bou fis elements ab lp rain the heron ofthe pelea ‘ver the natal movement” But twat oot xy for them oral the Party behind ths line. Becnee of the alternate deft and diction on the ‘tral endenbip was forced o abet sme ofthe baie pote Hots. Speaking at joint mwtings of he Travancore Cochin and ‘Molar State Commitee explaining the draft revlon, the Tate Ajoy Ghosh then nara! Sertary ofthe Party, care fered the present Siu at a Bourgeosladiond. Sate ae Answered some of the crits fom the Right. atthe dace Soe inthe various State Committees showed that the Pury had got divided on progrmmate propositions aswell ton the treacle, ‘When the lorer-pary dscusion in pepartion for the Fourth Party Congres vas onthe 0th Congres of the CPSU seas hela Some ofthe formulations made Inthe Congres gave fncouragemeat tothe Right rnd inde the CP, and thie ed {0 the further ‘aensfeton of he fcrencs imide he Paty ‘The marty of the Central Consnites refed fo art these formulation and interpcions and the CC. adoped ite ov elution on Stain in March 1956 Fount Panty Cones ‘The Fourth Party Congress mas hel ary two moot afer the 20m Conpes ofthe CPSU. The Central Commits whieh ‘met onthe ee of th Congres to sum up hina party sca ‘Sica made nny coracsea lo tha dea. which sued thoes ‘tha bad placed te alienate dat Incorporated gh static ‘ksi of People's Democracy and ret led bythe working ‘lam. The aerate raft war withdrawn, Bu he result was ‘hata ation ofthe lederhip which wat eae apporting ‘the CC. Draft could aot aproeto the amended drat and moved theis ower alternate reanution at the Pay Congress. They “teers lad by PG Soa, Raestvara Rao, Ravi Narayan, Redy, $55 Yotf, Uhowani Sen, Somnath Lair K. Damodaran and ‘Romoih Chanda, It waa thet ery lenders who, a the tine of the sp, ook over the leadership ofthe CPL "Using the sit in foreign poly, certain slogans of land reforms, ot, the aleaate rsoliion came to the conlsion comms tom wit ine pt 9 Sane wih inpenion ct aa od oar oe So ie renee! pom ppt Yo perl je Sono Copan ed ‘or clang esa on song ey ad TRE lng tat tac of alg op at-Conge eat ot mt spa op tote trae SEE te prptng the aioe among the eo aad prerang be Pa om piig ta niing le” Te dens retuned ma TSG toes at ars tal of he dtopmat of sony anne bas of the thang! corn of Tren ave afte popes ca aes Gov ‘eae non uty car ou ela” ious Goreava nig wih he ug Canto Tout tk woinin we ee Shey ‘Congress, it is significant to nate that it reosived the Spe on hr of ees cig a are Fe oa he sage of oping Fate Ree, ‘joy Ghosh nade conenion atthe Paty Congres whea. BE « (ead that although the eas character ofthe Govecamont was ‘oucpeoiandoct led by the big Bouarani it war 0b ese ‘sry to meson hat I wat ed by the big bourgeoisie Later on, {his mall concsion wa gia stored atrpetaton andthe Goveraneat was ulimatly ceractrsed by the CPI ab ‘Goveraeat of he national orgie, Ta spite ofthe democratic vert ofthe Party Congress, the Teadet who had moved the defeted aerate rapa, again ought within afew months to rae a dssuson on the Party lige fcr an artice by Modest Robensea was published in tio noes of New Ter, Moscow, dnted July? aad Aug 3, 186 The Central Commitee dscased the ance tod femly ‘ject the understand contigd init. On the basi of his ‘ejection, Ajoy Ghosh weos an atic in the Party orga, New “Age, which nas publitied kon New Time, which aid in 8 ‘oncaion + "To conclude: thre undoubiely exists a noncapialst ‘ath for anderdeveloped countries lie India. Bat it would be bn ilo to thnk that te preseat Goverumest headed by the ours ea advance on that pul. The Communist Pay of Ina doe nt sult fom such usios. Therefore, wile ly ‘cogaiiag ceva posites of advance a the eng sua ‘ion and while fly supporting sil mesures ofthe Goverment ‘woh belp te rea hee poslies and suengien the cause ‘Of pase, ational redo and sational economy, tbe Com ‘anit Paty simultaneously sees o strengthen the forces of Gesoency aad Sciam in Ov country so tat power pases Into the ands ofthe democratic mer la by the working ‘das. Tht alo can complete te tak of the democrat evolalon with the utmost rapidity and advance the country towatds Soin.” Bt the comrades who advocated the tine of class collabors- tion didnot relet. When the Cental Commitee met in he frst weak of July 1956 to decide the election tact for the ‘seond general sections, they again advanced the line f com ctraag the mun fre agatst communal and reactionary ‘iris Tht ine wat agun rejected bythe Cental Commie SrRch gave a call for breaking the monopoly of power of the Congres, saving + “The Comtuist Party, therefor, appeals tal Scie od eosrts, prt and progenive people o ete into a {Doon fot aut he Congres oveoment and cout the ‘Ganges candidates sal lev” The Econ Manso ined inh nt wrk of Senay 1957 made s seting ern ofthe ant peopl polis of th CGograt and slot down, Ge emerges of soca oo "Tegel eto gave an inprenive victory tbe CPE Jn Ge form of te reat Vicor fe Rena ding othe oe aton ofthe ret CPt Minty, nde Paty ae Srp ts {he ond ages prey in te county ater he Canes, oth Inter ot vot and sete cs ving tee of Ogg against the Congress Government. 7 "The commun! and enctonary patie io made ome gis inthe tons ress wee he demecaie OveoeN ab weak Thr oun again biglihted an 0 dapper gal by fe Mivorts of te in of ae oar. ‘Summing up the whole pees of the ineepany staple In peso, te eon eve ofthe CO ty ‘ested “Alou the Pgt ution was Sally adopted una mow a number of comrade a te Paty Cong, i ot oe with ory of te formulation of be ranaton, They {Sado cagate tc proraie etrs at bad. ppc inthe Govemmeat's intra plcs and thelr impact the feof Tey fr tat the toe on deta fhe Cel Co ince vended cate ie Panty ftom te peopl, ow doa the posan of radlsaon ine the Congo and Prevent the Panty fom bung democtate ua, They ated har eng te Poy 2 prt ppstn abd ve ot Lat any would mean he perpen of Lear in ‘ppouch tn tates which woul iden te gl betwen te Par mune and ie mae fol the Congo “mason he an of hr adorning that they worked ut & dint roto. Ts in tl ropes died om Ee Adopted bythe Pury Congr and didnot act the ‘densa login ofthe Osta Coates of erate Gree fees in arti States andthe segtening of te democrats ‘Oppstion ta Sc athe Ky son fo the econ In ‘hie to pursue sh polis Spilon and even of democratic ements hie of ts monopoly of ey Ete lerons war the weakenng and beans of dee ctayar power of the Congress. Ti ate exiting tae React ct of a 7 xt during this whole period the Ts sould not be forpoten tha ‘Consannt Puy ofthe Soviet Usicn andthe Communit Party he CPC. Bat our Cental Co- India's Hater CPSU end Bit Congres of SSmitce disagreed wih this asenment 4 Situation by Bot the partis PARTY SPLIT : WHOSE RESPONSIBILTY ? (CPI LEADERS WOULD LIKE THE SYMPATHISERS OF the Communist movement to forget the history of the inet erty ateugle andthe fact that twas they who forced the pit tn the Party in oder to pursue teil f cass collaboration. Butit-warnot pousle for then to rally the majority of he ary beni them Tn April 19S, the Fith Congres of the Party was eld “This wan fier the Conferene of 61 Partin in Moscow. which "Mopted a Decasaton, which was pblsed in the name of 12 ‘artes This Dearatton aalyaed the world station aad gave ‘revolutionary understanding of the new epoch and is impact. ‘on the cour of word devlopmects. pad down reson, 1S thevmein, danger lathe world Communist movement Sitnough waned saint gmat ab. Tania the Commonist Mins ia Kerala bad an impact fm the country, and te ruling party had stared conspiring Absa Boonie of both these actos it was at easy fo he Tevsooit leaders to. purse their rvinist understanding. ‘Bat both the CPSU and the CPC. wee openly advocating tht JavaharlalNebre was puriag_ popes polices and these {eguited sopport fom aldara frees. Using his, te evblonist seeps ofthe CPL advocated hat sce the dagger ‘OtRigh reaction was growing. the main fre had tobe conn {tated agus Right reaction, Tis controversy was nce ‘ye slogan of simultaneous Aght. The Amsar Congres ‘tat “The extreme Right, therefore, cannot be defeated without ‘tinultancour bat wages with dteemeaton and Vigour 1odefeat the antipeople polis Fils cesalag te att hs cdf tsp, a tion between India and China began deteroating and the Chinese Communist Paty camo outwith two arles one On ‘Neh Phowply ind the second More on Nels Plorphy, ‘ving totally diferent understanding as compared fo thee fer Sando the eit nature of the Indian Goverment, Sarsctrsing the Taian toorpeokie as compeador snd the Nehru Goverament as pepet, thos making the sage of the i reoluton asteimperalit. Our, Central Commies ‘ced thls postion. The revonns ako rote the Kerala may as the path of advance forthe Party inthe whole coast. ‘But the FRh Party Conses rected the sin of tbe cievenent of power bythe working dat etalshmest ot People’s Democracy le by the working dat, Butte difeccar es were. acule thatthe Orzunatonl Report ofthe Party Congress tat ay ‘Acie poll diferenes had developed in our Paty ‘fore the Congress These dienes andthe manner in ich they ad been oupht bad led to weakening of the Unity ofthe Pary. Organise functioning bad Bee pra: Iyied in many teas Our ass work, peclly among te sant, had sllered soa ana conmqurce, ent ont Divergeat and contig ides have grown among ieeot comrades abou the des the 2h Cones, abou the Hoptestons tbc pees of pot eatin Be finlsm, After he geerleltons the Kerala State Com fe adopted session tying to link ou sacs a Keala And the formation of Cotirtsist Goverment thre with te broader sue of peacefltrnston. Some CC. members Soh he amet ob wong Sone seed wh Bat These, however aze aot the only lastances “An ate of er indiereoce towards base Seslgia itet hat ‘row inside he Paty. Some comrades even dlsutesoch Ile eonceps of Marxism-Leninism as the ditatorsip of the potaritteing ental forte bug of Sian. a “The Repor further sate: “The muses and even erty sumbers are constantly sb- jesed to ieologial propaganda cstried on by Sourssols fromtgtid, about he ests of the Five-Year Plan which EEtocaced gven the Central Commer in it estimation of the poll suaion before the elton. “Then he controversy rove i. the Cental Executive Commi- few on the eral on Repbtic Day in Janary_ 1959, 04 the {CEC ad to adopt the Fling resolution: MC) Tecotaod 0 reference othe straales waged by the pele. Bi vacesaty lated Congres detaraton o agrarian ‘eforms adopted nt Nagpur (©) Some wenteocs in the arie tended to convey, the Srrong impression tat advance on the sal attained i {Cian wae posible a Tada" without the conquest of power ‘byte tolling people ed by the working cas. {@) Wille retrng 1 the itera dferene inthe Arab ‘ountin, did not specfy thatthe repressive eames ‘copied against the Commonins by the Government of the WAR was daruptive of naioal unity and weakened the satimpeifit rage of the Arab people ‘The Cena! Execatie Committe dicts the oral ‘Boned and the Edtrdn-Chie tobe vipat in fatere and prevent the oorarens of sac ave mistakes inthe ectral ‘ree ofthe party. ‘Will the comrades ofthe CPt ponder at to whos postions et especially the CP. 1940 CEC Marrmo On April 10, 1960, the CBC doped © deaf rection ox {be current sation tobe paced before the National Coun. ‘Toe resuton reiterate polial posiions ofthe Palghat ded Anttar Gongremss, But a weton ofthe CEC dd not gre with tt crcsatd an lterative draft in the mae of S16. Sardi, Bhowant Sea, ZA. Ahmad and K. Damodaran, ‘They advan the thee tht dieretation [sping on inside ‘he ruling caer aad. wanted the Party's pley to be based on ‘hat Inthe alrnate raf they stated “Te growing lfuene of Rightescton bot sie and out tide te Conn, inthe coune of tho fast few years, indicates {hot proce of politcal ieentation s ging on inside the fully anes While the Zndias ougeisi at a cas, stands. Tr ndutilintion and dependent capitalist dvlopmest, a feaion of monopolar more concerned with thelr oarfOW ‘Sis interest then the development ofthe Indian ceovomy as ‘Somote. They, together with the big landlords, are the mai Sbvng fore tehind. Rip etton, both inside and uti the ‘Congess, This dierentiation etn ts cemetary sage a4, therefore the is as yo no polaron within the as of he fougeonie Neverticlen, the diferenntion has already been Drodicng cones of pales and sof geat moment fo the ‘emoeratc movement” "Tse des wee debunked by the CEC. Ajoy Ghosh a tbat time anemeod these eric of the Party Tne in the folowing ‘word inthe Draft Report “The wrong anteMaraat and even revisionist concepts that Time cet into the arty, hat hold back Is advance and preven for playing its vit le fn the preset ste Eon, have tobe ad are a this Naina! Counell meting, fot wih a view osartag eresy-hunting in the Party but in onder to begin the tattle to emia the wesknescs that hove accumulated. Thier = stupendous task. We thor uit we had made a Degoniag at Amar. But tat coud ot be followed up. Ir has to be done now. ‘The sharp manifertations of reformisa—one which we dibewsed in rlatpn fo our atude toward the Communisi= fed Government of Kerala at Madras ia Ostber 1958s Sadoubtedly the fact tha the concee of gradalsm as ome to dominate te otaok and practice ofthe Paty. The Gconept wat that cur sccm. Kerala woud be flowed by lodging the Congress from power ia West Beogal and ‘Nedhr,then would some the ture of ode Sats, and ths “ radualy and smoothly, through «proces of quantitative ‘Scumaltio, the eongist of power would be elected. No ‘oe bas pring patio wo many word. ut ou paces ‘Showed that ne came to Seve in [At timer, we ave tendo 10 act a though we lie that cue bonrgei, tured ia Gandhion tedious bad Some exceptional vires. No wonder, therefore thst the ist toggle to overttow the Kerla Goverament by leat tea (ay 1958) eam to ana srprie.Laer, of couse {his mistake as cored. ‘That i why we eould pat up A reitance. ding the beraton erga and develop fn aod amps TButoue atid towands Kerala inthe eater period was ‘not the onl ination of this reformist outlook. Bas bad ‘ther manfrations a well. [No Gorhmanist Party can work without « perpecve ‘Andie ladraip ofthe Pasty doesnot plac Betoe the Party «comme perspective, then & fale pees, the oduct of the dominant bourgeois ieolog. wil erably fake its place and begin to gle the practi wook of Party ‘members This bappening in our Party ‘Thee dras were’ fo be dicused a the National Coen meting bel in Cacuta, May 1960. Although there wat ai ‘majority inte National Counc forthe CHC, under prewure {fom the Rights, dcusion was postpoed to some faare ate in the mame’ of futher concrete study of tbe Tada simon ater, ia November 1959, Dange had submited hit note to the National Couns in waich Re had advocated the Parts ‘upprt to Nebr He stated "This ras the question aso which group should deserve four attention i this repect. Tae answer would be that those Sections i he Congeess who agree ith Noes 25d his poli, in foregn policy aswell at atonal evelopment, should rosuve fur reppor., thoagh it maybe etal support. Bet the xan Imus be one ts betneen ies and ot novi, Th. apport ‘wool be nt oaly tate mater of foreign poly at ale of Ince development in economy.” “The decisions onthe Party Programme and policy were mending and, throughout, the central point wat thal of last ‘illboron as agaist css strug. Sam Paar Comoe Bytom erences ad droped ie he oui ty ton porate oso he eer Sse wie sige fs tg he $e Coatnin nome Tee wo Commins ih wee Tec! the Nateel Coro atthe rogamme td isa nebten ob ssw te Sth Coons Cae Sinou not come fos common wndertding Stee Sion dnt owtnma hte te seine Ne Behety Senger Th efter wove med st aioe premted by 21 meer of te Nan Cochin te eg mone Tacmoaat of county cena td pot a tion othe stunt oe woking to and eg that Manton. 1 hocnion othe ndetading ofthe Statement of the 1 Commas ane Worker” Put ee on qn of [isopranupeaie i te working oot of caren pit renin fr ost Sapna na sip poy ad the role othe ovntent in ord afin set, Sine unio of te soled rag "fom the USA andthe Wn an well te cen pton and ten poe {im of frtey pate cal oor cnomy, ad te {cocttn et qmton nthe lh of fe Sewe! of TeMocor Cito te ier fhe workings and ofthe lace ottawa and pnts th ingore of we tow outs ia bling be Nana! Denote Fon The queion of sbepush of the evcopment en the sorting out of ecorest potest), png Tevoc actags comp cin pul snd Pouca Tiice tod dsin ofthe mova icntonay it Ship ted eno oporntia hat have mes a ERO ice 6 Lave or rus Raycom ‘The Dat Programme preset by Dang, Josh and Adiach Bihsily ignored he compromising role of the Taian ‘lutbeoie, buth atthe time of the tramfer of power and ce t came to wild State power. Inia, it stat: “India {Go bas nxepled the goal f Social s ber Anal am of ola (Goelopecet, och the dake ofthe inperiaists a expli- fing chases" It edoestd «cas coloration’ wndectanding ‘fhe ara f te Sate ot well the path of evolton A epaas fale, the Dra was set over theft hat ‘ae national Dourgesiic bad compromised wih the feudal Atatode and wat oul shating State power with then wines anemneat of te national Douro, the deat, ‘el amesing the role of the Congres party sated that the Thon rescionary wing ofthe ourasise had) walled out of {he Congres party int the Swatanta Party, lbough many of ‘Bexsupporar wes sila the Coogee ‘The Congres party fSpcture in the Draft a, inte mais, progresive pay ‘Foo tis rat Programe if adopted, wosld. have taken te arg toe pth of outgndout das calboraon "Ar agaist the undorszding ofthe inemaional Communist ‘oven the Draft actly became an apologs forthe Bou fobs ruoning ater Western ad when ed tp cage forvapt evelopment of the India eon0- ny, tenderotimates the danger ofthe penetration of Anglo~ ‘Rueran capital to trtegie les of Inds developoent Ie ‘ets conden to cota he pion, Beam 1 tink pera tm can tle aay fw crore om the country, butt canaak tke ou ldependcooe sod Realom. Hyperion tied it in Egypt and Iraq and fad I es the existence ofthe Sov a eady belp on cal a the bass of ts ata ceoniene: Tis well Enowa that inte pre Congr dicaons §. ‘ange ao put trom the sume argument eglast those Wo Panes to fight his foreign a snd collaboration, He su Thy do you sev only the dallas coming in? See aio the ‘bles athe i.” He aio. poobpoobed this forge iavestment (rof o comoqunce by saying they are “investments is Heby etn Power™ ” ‘joy Gosh, i is eprt to the Party Congres bad hel antes the eines of the aeeparty #irenes at that tine when be ated ‘Oar comrades know sharp dierences have exited among. criee some time, Due to these ifrenes we epald not Shops putea resolution atthe Caleata mstng of Ue ‘ator! Couga Seda yer apo He contin In Decanter 1960, the National Council in is meting i Bonbey formed « Commisios. That Commision owever oul not come to an apreedasesunent ofthe situation of {ekg contsin, Two separate dra were placed fore the National Coun, About the difeoncs be sat That cident hat we dll om te flowing aes (ithe aval impli of the formulations of he Mlowew “Statement in reation 10 newly independent {@ rh political and economic situation in our own country. {Gy Immediate tans before the Pry Man tee dierncs it was ot pom for ws o WOH out {2 elomon pot esolton. ‘the Poise! Revolution tat was placed before the Fay Congr bythe may ofthe Natioal Count! abo rested iy collaborations vnderstnding. The Party thas fice the ‘ios Steer at ho ich Congress In Viayawada. A split Masood nl by sakig the Pole Report ond spech of {he Genoa! Secretary the Das for amending the Poiteal Rawlaton The Prosemne dats, alt introduction, were opt in abeyance and tefered to the’ National Counc wan no dubs a compromise Congres and all th ideo. logical ietenos whieh iided the Pasty remained urs. ‘The nly nity that was achieed was wih Zend othe broad tes that were tobe purscd in the eetions {Gat weet be hei ia ght moots” time. The revisions ation ited all methods to apture tbe Party machine. Te ‘Ger method of pepuing the panel. of the National Cone Guth bas of recommendation of the Sate delegations wat {Gren up. Tosfore, when the sew CEC was elected, Comrades . Sondaryys, ot Basa and Suyjet decided 1 remain out. ‘Gosen, ExxcrON ‘The Party went into the general lectlons wih the slogan of ‘breaking tbe Congress mosopay of power. Meanwhile, Ajoy ‘Ghosh died andthe National Cone! which met forthe review ‘ofthe sets bad again wo drat reviews for discussion one ‘Prepared by Bhupesh Gupa and another ty PC. Joo TP. Yosh in his note wrote: "The Congres lstes 10 the paces the Right uo cae the pre-soaon for balding er and more tind relations between the Commun and the Conga leaders ae also thir cadre. The iia for Achioving thi new wit cngotsbviowaly come fom inside the Congres. I hat be unfold by the Paty. The Pasty cast ‘Mord to remain nk in the mie of scaais or te simp fenton that te dacontest gas the Congest, which. Going the fret and second perl ectoas was gong Let 208 mos towards our Party, snow ging towards the Right. The Party, therfore, has to make « sew tor fos sheer sarival andthe Scone inaes the turn, the stronger it wil grow.” ‘Bhopesh Gupta i his draft, onthe ote ban, drew he ‘oncison from te seton ees that they "have fll con: Sed the comectnen of the approach and uncersaoding of the lne ofthe National Counc Underining the srengthen- fing of the Right reaconary fren, be waroed that wile there most bebo underestimation ofthe communal and Right ‘action, thee end be no exaggeration or alarmist aprasl ‘Ser The fst may lead to sectaraiom and the neglect ofthe {ak of drawing ll seclar and progreive forces ln stvepe Right reaction, th other may lend t alam bind the ‘Rights fore, was the Communist Party to dict its ain re. Sn view ofthe sharp difeences, the Naonal Coun postponed ‘is dtaed review ofthe general detons forthe net meting, ‘din the event a teview cond not be dicted even ate ‘The revisionist, after having sen that thei line dd ot get the sapport of the Natonl Counc, argued that was woe ‘neat go [so apestmortem eeaminaton of he etions, ‘Rete the dfcrene between hese topo view ce ‘head peveral months late, a Mareh 1963, when ge sua eof bye-decuons bad tobe andy te earl lender, and {he revionis wee able to openly advocate this ine Dea of {he change in the ine party station between October 1962 fad Apel 1963. "They even tid not Beste to suppot the Congres candiate who was conteting. agai the Social leader Ram Manohar Lobia Tn Kerala, the Sal Seretary issued a statemet after die ‘union i th Sate Coun on thee byeetons. Inthe at ico he modest cleat thatthe Communists would. g9 in for {shutment of sents othe three byelection wah the Congress uty. He futher sated that sas seeesar Wo support the Congest) im order tosfegars "sowalignment labed ‘velopment soda But his Iie could ot be ipe= teenie doe to etance from the ranks, Batt wos lear tat Shnows comple lining. ap belt the Congres party had eam. the genera ine of tbe Dange group. The ayaa arty Congres ine was compel thrown overboard. ‘body sin uote # sage stance wher sharp divson ud come mide te, NaovalCoonct on anyother se tL ‘hens heeatning the ty of the Party exept hee of ist "The Dongs ladeebip was le to wise the siation ating out of the Tndn-China confit to farther purse their hss coleborationlt Ine. The Government iaunched an attack Suns» vein of he eagerkp and pu them in pron. The Ieadenip sot only Gi pot protest and launch arene ca Frias but ened wih egost-chawitelemeots ote county i denouncing hea. roiseanona MimHe0s Feels no poral io te history of any Commis Party fe the world whee © situation created by an atck ofthe CGoveramcat isi to apne the Party i diferent State ‘When the main enderip was behind the tars, the West Beal Siac Conn was dashed anda POC was forned. In Pu, when the majority of the State Eiecutive Commitee was in ‘prison, 2 Spec Coference wa convened anda new commstoe Siete. Ttvas done inumeintely lr the attack. ren the Inte Bhupesh. Gupta, in his pote to the Cetra Secretariat 09 March 1, 1983, warned: ‘ wrt i ain the rslaton that an extraordinary conference as tecome nzetary 0 reais the ciferece inthe party fer up the organi The rls Tam afd are ping to ‘eenndy the oppose ifthe proses contemplated and pro ‘ote is gone troup, twill grate the situation and, worse ‘uta ors to old the Party together wl Be made more ‘icl.Tam sory to say our Punjab comades mem fo Bae ‘snderestiated the pate ofthe party eis today.” He added “The replacement of the preset Sate Counel by new one ‘ected yan etuorinary conference wil be extremely wrong ‘and une fa the presen station, cally when 0 any of ‘he Punjab leader re elles icine ofthe Deere of Inia Riles and beg pron bar” He cone his ote by saying: ‘The decision to hold the extraordinary Sate Confrence it Q) Poiealy wrong inte preset station, abd is kly to agraate diference intend of svg them, °@) Onsnsationall inappropriate nie dis bound to prove harmful forthe Party sa Punjab a nde the Paty a8 ny "@) Highly doubtul from the standpoint of the Pasty Const, “() Fraght with negative comeqances which far ostwegh ‘the pov gai cavange™ But nobody heeded is advice beat the Dangle eaer- ‘hip was onto dup the Party and ilsng the Government ‘epreion they wanted fo oust al thon from leading positions ‘who were fighting against the class collaboration le. ‘A gstematic campaign was ualeased throwgh the bourgeois Press that those who oppened Danges regan othe National Counc and soppored the tscluton of eter Comrade PP Ramamurthl or Comrade EMS. Numboodiped wee per ‘Chinese This was at me when the borpls Pres aad ane mpogn had reached ths highest pitch ? "The ares of the 3 ‘Sed “pro-Chna elements” a Maharaehirs Was he Bt ation ‘tthe Goverment to fd oot the ere of sypport oul pt, ange did his bot © prevent the resoluton ondemaing thee lames and demanding their relese ting paso by be he GEC or the General Couelof the AITUC which met tn dye late, Having saised elf that it could not oaly hav the spport of Right reaction and the blk of the Congres but alo ‘he suport of popte lke Dang isthe Communi Party, the CGoveramest war emboldened Yo launch the countrywide sinc fon November 2. Even thi however, fil to wake up thse people; hey cone ‘ected no mss campelgs to for the Government fo, rere ‘hove step. Every rol Commas wil sl ashamed tha he ret agaist tbe Govecmen’s policy came not from the Teadership of the Indian Party bat trom ou fateroal partis broad. Even after ternal pats had repeatedly protested, {he Dang, group which was then inthe leadership refused v9 launch a ts campain apne repression, Ths was pethaps the {ist insane inthe istry of any Communist Paty that the lendersip tfisod to nunca prot campaign when section ‘ofthe Party was atacked by he Goverment. “The Sortary ofthe Tal Nad Sate Commitee ordered the duit units to remove the posters they had exited i public condemning the detentions and demundig the relete of Si tose detsined. When Comrade EMS. as eltor of Now Ape ‘Weekly, had writen an editorial in Janoxy 1963, in which be ‘hed demanded the releate of the dtined comrade the tro ‘other member ofthe Etrial Rod by 2 sjrity dein, Aeleted the paras relating to the detention and demand for Th Tog 196 when Dang sted mening of te TUC in yseiaa, ho worker Sones tht he ender sa flisateaie foi pe deed Comme resol fe anpy at the and ovis “nv wl ao a ae ‘Mattna aia J” i noteworthy tat the Boy Connie. onde the pra! psn of Dee, sede ‘Sn conser hug dng the "et Marc Da "B.T. Ranadive Zindabad" ‘ Tio vend at che ok lc air te border le ede The Conn ty akon a {tengo he Emcracs or song most One her nt muy of tom pe open the demand ade by is Gini ie aie oe. eas 90 whe Natal Cov Cl oo loupe ae ania a s esninon he uo fo cag Sean ih oir of hs Bega, et ‘esl Sven och gon oe (hy ofc in ome coeameoa ah Dee parac We mmo, hoe, ht win we at te ope of is eestion. why the Genel Conc ot he AATUC ma, Dage made atmos ha, Aspe, he Erp toad conto. Inst fhe we toa they ote rons Patty Usry Bye end of the ar some comms wore nese {eed to proc the iy of the Panty. Tn the Ooaber 1963 ‘tno th Nn Cc, Come Mose efter made he lon ne prov fo Paty “Th Proinaal Orpnigommitesaputed should in Wes engl shu be “0 in Pub an exerting Provinci! Conerence had toon buried convened inthe wake of large-scale sree Ts cng span rng ths Scion or al ferry 19, and Wet uSow Se Coun, Ircpeive fine eit of the ie, the nery lected Const should $eRSuSay ve, pcs to the one dly else by a ear frunab Party Coferens when the majority of the detalned Tears are eleid from Pilon = UP" 2 tree onot theory ofthe “nos imporant dion er feces tae)” beingbetmen the macs flowing Se emer andthe democratic Opposition sent pat te Cones ong. withthe advocacy of font ith the Congres mer stack Right ation 4 sot come inthe way of she lang bands wit sets ofthe Swatanra Party 18 U.P. a ee nthe Satta signboard fora wile, a in tbe Yi ee sry or tac vnderandiog with the Biba from py athe Bhavanagne Municipality whe Seet Chakenan ws fered to a CPT sopra Sy ty emer the alianoes apd foots wth Tena Sangh UP, Bibre end. Puna and joined the non Congres Se ein thes Slates They found Chaplet 9 of thet SOETEST aconenet forthe oppotenit dens with thee rreefonty foe and Sled it fom the Progress, ion they attogeber forgot the class character of ‘nce prc and one ons. 8 fad any cn of thse parts in thi propaganda and agitation, They hid bee epetig the “demagope”slgan of Let wity wile folowing {he opporanst policy of allying with aybody and everybody to oat the CPT (M) and to dup the Let Fron. “hey would not aaiys ten today why thre were shite fiom 4 poley of proCongresism to one of balding an Congres and again to pro-Congressicn aod then agin anti (Congres. 1s this the way of buling Let and democratic ‘iy? ‘What made them move from one poston to another asin ‘heels calboratonit positon of cooperation with the Gover tment Eales it ws line cooperation. with te Congres SGoverameat sow they ad comet the ine af eoopeation with ‘he non Congres Goverament Nox- Coens Govemors & CPIM) Inconsstenee wih out understanding, we alto characterised the dflat of the Congres asa ved agnnsttsant-pople polices and, a sch, «democratic verde. But we dierent ‘einen the various aon-Conges Goveraments and refed to gin any Government where we were not an eetive fre Escept in Kerala and West Bengal, where our Paty wat the ‘major fre, and LeR and democratic Goveraments ame ato ‘tens playing a very import ole in dersoping the mast ‘Boventats, we dived the Tet ofthe no0-Congres Gover ‘Best into tre categorie, ‘One, in Tal Nadu where te DMI, by if, hada mai. iy.” Gur Party deeded to pve coodional supporto and ‘tt join the minsy even fam ler was made.” We deided tosit isthe oppsiion and at on the Treasury beaches. The second category was the Governments of Pao and Bihar ‘where the Left ad democratic foros were coment tong but ‘tee not ns posiion fo Kelp form Goverment cher without the support of the Jaa Sangh aod, Swatnta Party or witout four support The szengih af the Congres and. no-Coogres free ms evenly balanced that our support Tar the formy: fionof « nonCongres musry became’ crcl While me leat our support tothe formation of thee ministre, we efi to jon them an te eld fronts een on the bas of “agreed ‘progamnes”..‘Thp third category was the Governments of ‘Bra UP. and Haryana whe the Gominiot frees were the ‘Sratstra Paty, Jae Sangh ad rebel Congressmen. Inno exe full they be beter than Congress Governments. ene the ‘Sesion of our seppocting them di not sre, ‘But in this period, the CPI, bang itself on the som: ‘Congres Govertents, advanced the dogan of replacement of {tr Congres Government with a. nop-Congres Goverment ‘Stick meant the applation of hit model tote Cease They fad no betation iit amet the queion of purtiipting ia fich& Goverment a the snc, ‘omrorronst AnaWNN ‘fer the formation of the non-Congress Governments, thie ‘Secsament of the Congress undernenda bg change They ated in heir epor that ine emerioce of the r7-Congtes Goveraments and the isintgration ofthe Congres hat sot howevet ed the Congress {eread the letra mandate honey or dra owe Ison ‘On the contrary, the Congres ads are now opely dying {he elon verde gad oping the nom Congres Goverment ‘orale mothe, "Tole war aguas th noo-Congress Gover ‘ents thay have oow proclaimed in thet Intst Hyderabad ‘Tom sno.” How. did they explkin the change ia hee ie? ta he “chaple Some of eats four monk, the eport tates that Site Party's lin of evereomiag the divion between the mais following the democratic Opposition and thse following the ‘Conaes ws agua incorety and aacrowylatrpected to fot ‘Sinn Righopportenit attades towards the Congres. We fre peveclly cores i emphasing. te postive sppraach = fits demeraic cmests (ose the Conse —H.SS) but there wos comideabe eragsraton of thelr potentiates In fur apluton and. propesaeds,whle tng ati them, we ‘idan alvap pay dae attention a to ow the Left mses and ‘there who hod moved away from the Congres would react.” goes onto sy tht ‘ye sndertnted the depth of the ris inthe rotng ‘ivonlbourgvie und nthe Congres pay. We undeeth mated the extent ofthe poplar dscoatent nis the Congres. Soycten athe Ianony 1986 sasing of te Natio Coun obs of os wore aking of opal sspporig some progres Congres candiéatsin the ction ‘Te tend. was 0 cong (Gate hat to prvie fortis inthe Notional Coun iective anasion on prepa fo the lesion. This incorrect under Standing tod everesimationof oar wn capacity Ted us fo put {he decor ht agin the Congress and agit the partes ince 10 Conanss It's yey har tat the staple Seween the 40 tse? Ht tar eo at betwen the proletarian Se ab Inn ‘Sees oie Soupesse Thi ine of supporting the no {Conmesminstice won again pen up fe te spl nthe ‘Cees aete endo 198, At the Cochin Party Congres, ech churctcted he spt the Conon ws of eae hearer The port ated: “ep nthe. Congres ret! the aan fhe pro- ces of iret nth nda pita cs ata Soo oii the ul ot de prosper, pomoncpait, Teoataand un pope nd atin for ng ont inte Syciteunde tbe nip of Natt, Mer ences Ga Guna and Pal, es he ame Ge. Tee vemd i Inde andhis camp san) vc and Ber Stony cement to obo the sndualaton of the ‘Teanaton ar nel spore eee, The Pine Miner femetrack oct poston” ron hin they advooned th eof iy ih the Con zon und met ints an laos nth the Congres he ene ‘Seine “The report stats Seg quatin of enients with he Congr) wa vey a mela se conan oe dinng 10 somehow gin wn The adjsnent bee on $0 fatal im tae wider sone of be So nse ig ccton and of saying forward the ea of Let tod demccrte i. raat the udetadig tind hello fat nod emote uniy mest, coma, uy wih ° ‘Congres. Thi was reece in heir raping the United Front ‘Governments is West Bega nd Kerala and helping the Contes {fo orm Goveuments in ity with the CPX agua te CPIM). Tis not aciental ani ths pio they ent tothe extent of fog fronts spsnet the CPI(M). Can they expnn against ‘Mish lam or clases he ant-CPIOM fons were formed? Were These fronts nt dicted ealst the working cls with the oppor! of the bourgenislandlors Congres party? Have they ‘ret eleriealy eramined att what damage such foot id {othe eae ofthe working class, Left unity and tothe Left and ‘Semocrate front?’ When, nthe 171 aeons, the CPI(M) be ‘Same the singe largex_ partyin Wert Bengal though it id not Thies majoniy, andthe Goverament could ave been formed cooperation with i the CP refused todo 50, and this ee ‘lind in ther rept tothe Cocia Congres in the flowing "Pe CP(M) approached our party ln wiht ia forming ‘Government and even ofered the bat of Home portfolio to ‘One party natural etd the proposal. Temny Be asked Inky the ofr as refed. he Sst plas, io Wet Bengal, the clstioos were fought on the apeade ine of wheter the CPIM) shouldbe allowed to return to power inthe State. The ‘veal was leary again. Our party stood by that vert, Derclary when share were no lalctons of any change what ver inthe CPKMT' poy icading ie plc of murder Sod terror which, leiden, was intense alr the pola tome ares, prtculaly agaist ou ary. ‘Secondly, patiaton in 2 coalition Goverament wit the ‘CPN onthe Bais of an ane-Congrets front would have toeant plain reversal of the pliteal line of the party and a ‘ow tothe slogan of Left and demperai unity. It woulé have ‘been am act of the worst opportunism, Tit, to instal the EPI) in Goverment woul have been nothing Bot dieing (governmental power and machinery tobe used by then fo Tu {Ber dacuption and deeds. The lege of the Minty could ‘01 be separated from the fundamental fisve of Left and demo- ‘re unity, the detration of wih consis major fentare ofthe CPM) doll and plizal ine. The CPIM) wat solslaed from other Left parts that could aot mers osc in the Asebly.” ft inthe same reper hey tad to make some eco oftheir pley, ta the chapter "Some serious shortcoming hey cps that "somatines our progammatc sand of onl damerair revolution has Den interpreted 88 rfor weet tad even with a aortas outlook, The quai of Tet snd demowrate amity tends to De understood a almost ‘etnias ke CPE-Congres eit andthe eds to the nto STine nent of wining over other Left and democratic se © the caus of nity and une trues” Bor ined er te Beene ent be Conaes regime. The hopes of ee er uring the esian camp neve big Ee, ra ee cunt and Prine Mier Ina Cand ee Tela, isp por phenonenon, 18 Aug 1972 acpi is Nal Counc of tebe tos that“ at ens ua eater ing th aod Se gucand tn boorgos thesis th We sae aay counts fhe wor, wher Seles or devon serra ih r,t td tat "The preent cin in hie af aoe conamer” goad ik Tod, rust and lo the fe aon fae people sa the he pi vat a cy alin ofthe big money, the banks Se a aa ad ine nny of the. Govern” a84 tae tbe Goyerenent camo be alowed to He 1 Mee sam alan nd poles onthe coum fmt bowie png be nop, hares ad terol ater atenan totam went fF aa Toy tee, 3 mean tk” MA es tate new pros and pone 20 so rae mater sshck in poles fom the eo- sent ne the, cts an 0 ene ad cath tote a ee erate hing for ral plementation of thane 1 reskin oles canbe se tay Ce ac eran rare anda te Sell of ate Sonoply menus” In thee Tenth Conger documents, anayig the mations pola sens they ated tbat the policy of cenrim_ urs by the rang party was in 8 ‘eit of the anpeilsts, monopoits, Indlrds and thet etna a wit as borsatoatic representative, the rll pay Ted is Goverment fave made. compromises wid and ebace- Siler hee forms, hoping to conolate the ene capitalist ‘Gat around ‘So, mead of winning over the democratic for inside the ‘Cong the CP come tothe conclusion that efor ate there Sessa a the eapitalit foros nthe Congres, bu hey pan advocate uly with tb Congres, when th rport endorse eeeeatceresltion of the Nasional Cunel whieh nd stated “pte te weakbves ad dices aberent nthe mature ‘Pine sting ese tel both tthe Centre and in he fees Sut, experince has shown, atin the ight to defeat the Fight counterofesive and ng abow a shit othe Le, ou ‘lai at smn the progesiv sections ise the Coo- (Fes and the maser flloming the Congr. Toth extent we FSi ths alance, tent ito it um actions at ‘Shekels and fry ase cares on i, oly to hat ‘Soest can ne break the CPAO)sse-p withthe forest Right TEtoe ta fore some of le ranks and) masts 1 forge lat {son with oan the pli ple” Tron tis approach hat they refed to supg0rt Trib ‘coowaluy, eae of he RSP in th presidential lestioo b= ‘Sloe according to them, wood not be pomible for tem, ‘Srike oor band owupport se. Congress candidate becuse of Auin‘to the Right on economic polices an te suppreion ‘tthe raiteay ike and ober mass stops by the Goverae ‘beat Ba, onthe othe, they didnot pmo the Tet candle (nt beats, sxoring co them, “he alowed hime t Desome isin of the Raitt pase So. they cai tht te par Shand play ito the ade ofthe Rights ae abo of the {Letvapportant sponsoring the Oppostion ceeds Ho did they aotageetrgalen ith hie understanding Inrmetining the tact of trae, they sated that hile {aking the native in consodating he ams wsue® and con sing mas stolen, "our party must be vig to ee that ‘he rationay patio do aot cary the anes withthe into "anal Bas o ths undestanding they tbo the rating Cope bs ren roe considerably da othe i+ us mame mbey cated by the path of spilt deveopmest, he anhpcple polices tas Yee pursing and is shane teiraya othe promacs i had made a thé ine ofthe 971-72 ‘eons Bet ove afer thi analy, they di nt hesitate to {ay tebiog te Goverment evea when twas establishing an oviaron reine. coset Duman RRACNARY owed of sering the mane dscontent agin the thor isan occ they began Gubbing Ht as counterseotutionry. ny arucle “Main Tass Pacing Tenth Congres of the ‘Goma Paty of India” Ganon 2,195), NK. Kishan, Smumter ofthe Nas! Soretaria of the CPL, wrote "Si common platform being evolved ise our country preat by the coublaed fres ofthe Rieh-reactonry and Eetropperunet parti, groops and. indus under he ‘el of ya Prakash Nerapa'sedeship has a i b> the the revral ofall progressive poise that Tnda Bas been ‘unui, ot athe feral andi he ternational spheres, [Et hese years since dependence. ls objective internally © Righiat “etatoreip” waly commited to defending te Tere of monopoly capital abd fens! lancordim against the omnes of the working people rel amit the cake {ain sytem and tbe captlat path of development. Us thjectvnternatignally to severe Tada’ polices of nom “Tpment, proce nod. Ciendhip wih the counts of the ‘Sos camp and toe Inia. to the neocolonist ait of US. inpesatin “The CP at its coming Congr at Vinyawads is fed with the tak of working ot was and meant of bling wp the Tide ‘ponte ‘nations! democratic front to teat back this Trasterrevolaonny oes.” ite wloanst of the Rights anger and the orpnt sed 2 to mobili the widest possible unity of all Left and democrat forest Beat back ths danger and atthe same time to bring tout a Leeward sift io the county's politcal ie ccspies the cee pce nthe politcal resoftion. In the cones the polical resolution sttenes the imperative wed for unity and tation Betweon our panty the one ind and the demo ‘Gale progesve wetions of the ruling Congres. and the Congress mites on the other Without seh unity the ro Taion emphases. nthe can the Right lease be beaten back nor cana Laftward shit be rows tu coats pol feat le inorder Bnd our way out ofthe presat rn” “Then he comes to the conclusion ofthe messy of allying bebind the ruling Consre sd sys The recent decisions lac by the Congress lean 10 mobile te oop actively pint the RAgbtatolfnsne and fo srk the cooperation of all Left a democrats forces inthe tral aint the Right hr created very Tavourabe cond oss for ecesing cooperation beineeh our party and the ‘Congres incerta spheres withoat peje tout indspen- dent role in Sehing against tbe ant-people poles of the ‘Congiss Governments and for scaring La sbi ia pie. “TEmpbasuing the baskroptey of the noclass concept of tind an-Congfessiom arising out of bourgeois coosttutons- Tin and bourgeir pelamentranism andthe eollape today ff the tradiuoaa Left pert following such «concent, the polical resolution pint out on he gueston of Left uty. {he prt empbatealyrtertes i onto. that the Let hat « future in thi countr only iit can cary the broad democratic muses and foros under Congres iaonceligsing with thie olting and polcalydsaraing Right reaction, wher ‘orerstes rom ose the Congres oe fom islet" "Thus, wl o the one hand, the CPT eaders adie tut the policies being pared bythe Congress were antipeope batt the people were donteated,Intad of joining bands tit Le foes to lead the discontent of the people apne Cones plices they continved theirline of as cllaboration, the lne of ity wih the Congres under the spuions ple of 0 ofenve by Right reaeonay Toes a v DIVERGENT ATTITUDES TO EMERGENCY WHEN THE CONGRESS PARTY WAS ABLE TO DISRUPT Tat any, andthe CPL had completely oie hands with aod Tei ated ace the growing dacontentment ariing out f the a Motes of he Congres Goverment and i poly er egteon ot demteatic sights, our Party at Hs Nath Cosma ISTE, gave a cal 0 expose and ih the Towing SES iodtaresan and lcatorship of the Congress SEER ane Plc! Reluton ofthe Bh Conga, sarang RES, series and democrat gh ofthe people were undet tone ack by the Congress Government, had stated: “We fee Sey cathe fat for il ers and democrats a Gen to deft the monster of distatontip:”| 1 rout that cs Pat had ee “onsite eadewvouring prone ot oer thatthe tack on coattates a pele © teeeick on the democratic movement, that this was rig Sed’ athens any heeor, "this cls for the widest ‘eile oat of all ocr prt, rour ad indivi ‘Tt the meh to one-party italoshp". Frc, that Gor Dery would forte Left wis, “Slay. when tre ears inte, the Emergency was imposed ‘on hue 36,1375, the Cental Commitee of ob Paty came $5, ha cl fort "Broad Pront of Fighting People” “Toe ergy bs iolodced « quaiatvly new fextre Inthe pea! station. Ta eontast to wba’ Bas bappecd {i War Bengal in 1972, i innot ou Paty alooe tats fa cd bot a wiet spectrom of Indian sctty and all mek pri ia oppo tothe Government, respective Petia coloe, Th, combined with the eericatig e000 semecrac movement ot the Energy nd re fiaht of elndan peopl, Th wil ct te sane ‘tthe Lal and donner Assn cS ‘Our Pary, srry, slo veleneiy oppoed te ‘Ames oe Costin AS oe i ur Party se he dfn: ofthe Congres 20 month of Emery? Se a "The endlg ofthe Congres one party mavopely ule, de feaiog the div of the Carver cabin he feeine of autho samt Sette hn ‘ending ofthe semi-fscst terror role in West Bengal, fuse ‘ining the ater ote cling Congr an sib to State the CPM) an Wo aoxtoy fe setorng of cl ere, demecraemighs ad pases) does, snd creting more fvowsie coniton to gh athe By SEB Lean deecr fous, thee he tone of tbe most portant pus for whic he Mindast bes rola Gquaghtyam ot The oun ofthe rae cache thw abo rated “jects hundreds of Party ended Gown the nek. ad Becta ment sans te oe fmprioemen, a'many other scr wet tude ye ‘artyand cis and. mas cranstons ld by Who che ‘ake more pride nthe clement hs one Pry? ‘ied owing Ene in wd on ae tout wp onrpartydatatorhp defeated.” The imines ‘reat 10 il bert, to the fondamestal right of oe ‘ion aod to th very sytem of parimentary dew) ‘saved, thera nd democrat ight wih wre stropsted during the peo ofthe Emerpeney, ae restore ‘AEs ee Amt heCntae tual sabvetig the Comsatin tr ated done oon ? Even while we were copeatig with the ual Raye “Sonning th ment ofthe Enersney sed for Be ra ‘tos of cence kts, we ee eget te lass hare af the Dntn Pty and nated tht epee he ane 6 Seward cm Congonhas ty when re the pl or fon of ems “Site muses theta cpa pt eo ee ected pocee deen we SET, Ser open vo ans Fey ovr Ee aw ot Tet ym Tove, ox tal oa Kon i Art ae Coen roe cml a eal et op Sa aa Stearn heen te ol 2 ac ane wen he ert ets rattan dor oe Cooven oe st tts ro leer So iy etn tebe: ae con Sen ae cena gon Soe ee ants lan oe Cpe coca aa aia pt ft soa frm wos Seat [aa cw one ape et ces pal sgl sole an tte of he nas nde oe tds aeag om fom hao Coreen eum etre tn ht fac ier na. rons ted by een cet Gumi 1 Burns ‘low the CPT fooked et the growing danger of autorttae ‘ion andthe imposion of the mergency ean be joe fom Thar sitements nade eve after one ear of the inpoition of {he Emergency hen everybody had begun to ee the flay of the Godaration of gag agin the Rights force, tn their Poy Lie of May 1976, they came out in pre of he Emet- fey inthe flowing words "Srhe Emergency undoubiely srck a ex Adnbotea” plan of itera! reaction and imperil directed vow democracy. Topstber withthe Prime Ministers 20-point “Zotomis‘ropretame, it conmitled the democratic cote ‘Stomine coe wide font. Ic eld out pou of «26m feu ur the ei polis san ropes democratic dpa forces pasar inte Conte a ‘ier wav ktmeny enon Ts bop cng Sk fete ag ed wert sno ema ies fre ‘alto of oe don Th operatic os tbe ae wer ed wh a ewhope tte pot hat Me nding i ton saat opin an oka nolan, Roepe ey Podinalesunte opps spite Boer, The tee f lt cuantor tt appe ‘orang Tes ppt etl rere onde Comat ©. Rajeshwara Rao stated bey ty "inte bd hat ntl en pie a pnd Icon een tany show pls fsa nae ‘Siinprit bogs bt t,he Sa pes zien mat oe int png eek Now ie ao coco fing tack oo psn “oe ulametary denotes tne tbe eed ‘o's mile then eee mo ee cpt teunemoiicn al fr Ue baie meeeonene enti Sat Thy thon bates er nee pain the pes ap ad lnencn ‘Policies and decisions. Re iba ob cei etn dng ie ut eae inne tn dno roms Nee pes Saba thant tne ofreioe “aaaien me ae Sie meng ete de ol certain mato the hows ay fe Cong be (Psst eter emer parts mae a et rnin ea ig fama cpa ca pias of tomtenhdnnay eet te cies ane Sr oie snows mas pops Now thse Seth tour te meee fea pong ono milo oly wh he Conse ro A at on mien et 6 Be tay reel tok Wi te Cor co Tie gute prong core wat wi or mon mitts Bete prema ona SEATS SR adeno ate mtn ma erty pone von bhcertent nat ieee ee wee a hay ema Boies nese ee ee Ee ares ee one Gece eel Ie yy co et Eemenenaey toute se sn sn Se se aah tee a oom ret iain ower ion, ei Se et marcas oy ‘the British Prest, public eae tsa, se magn open of action Me acon Sage fea SO So a nye, ik the Prem ron emer Se ne nan of reg, stuns cen hve ot ely ted SERS IS sme ete ee a re Mini eed th game of “Never in the past ns our county recived ch wide International suppor as on the reat Emergency ease, ‘This eo beans eouuteseolutionary subvesion, actively ded ty the imperil, ea word, phenomena.” Tending Me ful suppor to the ethoraran forces, be pet: Is the eas of formal pourgois democracy which have ‘ploped our minds The vrcaled fie Pro snd Indpendent Jair, a check onthe econo of the excel, hays to De ‘amined inthe ight ofthe experience of the 28 js sine Independence re feacioary frees have gained the mos by out following the ideas of formal domacraey, though of couse he Left aud democratic forces also cou we tem to sme ‘ext inthe nts of te toling mame. at democrat should ot beaded Hythe inconvenenss ‘and woubls they hae ofc they abould see aginst whom the mala ow is dreted ‘Tey shuld try to get over thee ‘bales trough other means” CCoutasonarion wrt Eurtovens Sk oainal apex tody comprising top leaders of the AAITUG,INTUC tnd HMS swell employe ongaiation has been setup ts del with the questions of indus ations ‘The nly and pre-emptive Blow stock by he Prime ported that the Cones has decided to set op popilarcommites coniting ofepreseatatives of tbe Cone ‘other partes and organisations commited to the Ipementation of the 20-point programe athe State, ditt, town ad ical r Hackitrle "Thet are no tvo opinion bout the ee fr soch popular ‘ommites for mass nteventin, for eecive plementation ofthe ogre wel aor chi one roa ‘On the basis of sve undersandiagit was ogi for the to suppor th 2nd Amadnent to te Constin whieh | Ses ocnt to ee cooitsnal secon to te asboaran | ins ty not ony caring democrat rights bat abo by akg Ptamen ive etal feet oc ee pe oho ee me ser aires err eres eS a ee ie pore et en er occas eee rea en ac sein per. cee peer cen eae Do ned of quoting all of the. atl hs not rvisoism, what eli? Tet them a. ‘mine cach sttemestof tes te ight of the wrtigs of Mars, Bop, Lenin an Sai. Vectin Ast SL AEE or alg Shins he torts, They Ti eects scat cl colton tat eh TE SRS ecg 9, i eta he see teen wetng nr movement nd tog sean moreunt whe oy wo Oak so rst, thy ol sat a Se ee tran 10 be contol eoportelhe PETITES Senay wrote poston of te “Oar Party had made leas fom the very begining that cling ses wanted to tack the working clas and the esc St democrats movement hough the Bmereecy reine, The‘ tne 20pm programme was only a manoeuvre to hood a Wink the muses. But the CPI wan sot abet see the have ooeto the Tndlan democratic nstutions ar well the deme {cate movement til the beginning of 1978 whee ther 1th ‘Consres met. Even inthis Congres they coud ot go ino the roots ofthe mistakes. They ware fred to admit tht thie trys independent image ad been Blurred ad Pad got iene withthe then ling Congres pat. They sated the Political Report tht Indira Gand sms in impng te Eergncy were pot fully lear ia that extemal earulnt and complicated station and weat on to sy that im sach stustion it would hate been pride on out pur tebave waited to grasp the fll impiations of the Eee) instead of ashing suppor “They explained hat, on te other Rand, they had come to the mistaken understanding hat a pit had taken pce betmcen the snthinperalst, democratic. eatlone ofthe Bourpesic tnd "the pro-imperilst, most reactionary, promod pol, ‘round, ant+Communis sections and tht “the Emergency ould be used to bring about propel sis nthe" cors ion of ores sod ‘State power in 4 natioal democrat ‘Seeaon™” The undestanding dea was thatthe Escegeney foul be sed to buildup unity wih the Congres sod arance {ernational democracy i alae with the Congres, Titer, they Ba to ait tht their atest of pit ee neem antinpeiaint and prosper sections the Dou [oie mas wrong at onl afer doing nese atm to the ‘movement drig the at 15 yeary They also admits “it ma oatisendy rested ha the Het sina thence singly ante eope terol poise ofthe Ini Gandhi Gover ‘meat ha o be given priority by our party even while sxppon” ting its anthimperiait frig pleas well sits peogrenive nena measures 1 wa not peopery ead that a progressto {vcgn poiycapno be safeguarded wilbou progres oer: al pole” Marans Pannatty Sen ‘hen they goon to speak of “the fare oa the pat of the party leadeehip to rsp i fll the motives ofthe Congas Brak our poly swat othe Pay Sent oe Daa eat and ere Pr Tre ict of te Congr, pacer tes Kopetio compre say een Pie spc: he bourgeois won. {eben soporte Cone ston Mra the tin of Leta Me of CP-consres unity aoe conf rabag bind te toro and ing I lg They tnd wd be lot ofa asin RM ee iy ekg the Bourget cent Fe a census seve the. ourgciendard Sem re coumee the Let end. democratic fore 1, the alo la oie. cos cr Wren OU ee a etn, at tn ate SERIA ne Sa olor pos atonal oman nerf clan ni see advocated by the CPIM) and the understandiag of (=i in agente he CP, TS oe Mag tind ofthe CPD, anh ie of the CPO) ee Ee te Lt an emirate fr ist we tiem he ceine eae ea vn an memati ofS EDEN uy, ae he 118 Cone: sain trot was agin he Janta Paty wheret oor Pty was ‘ying sess on fighting the authoritarian foren.They were -hacactrising the Janta Party an"he wos reson fee Tecame of Jana Sangh and BLD somone Dut ts ne ‘of thls also had 1o face a Saco, They had to come oat a ‘Suppor ofthe formation of te BLD id mit te Cote, ‘Ding the perio of 18. year thei lite baling the Lett ‘znd democratic font bs proved to be the lie bling CPE. sll ae of walling Behind the bourgeois Tie ourh general tony, 1o uppot the noe-Congres ‘mens, wheres Our ne bas ext tat ‘Se Cong pry sd be burpottesord Govan pane nye Mas Base ‘Av a reat of ths pliey of ls colboration, twas nats ‘al tht the CPL oats ass ba abd ont Pay, pussuing = ‘roudly corel ine of truape apart the Bovgiotelandlond regime gine i stengih and became the main fore of the Tain the eounty, but fortes the CPI leadership i aot ‘reiied to recone isl 0 this positon Talehelbar Rody, in hi arte Sola Domocatle Yoda ‘of CPI), eps tito judge the stength an0 growth of uy party ftom a eletoral Jurdik 8 soca-democraic. orton. No doubt ston resis do ot fepeent the roe ftreogh of Communist Party because of he bourgeoisiand- 3 hol f State power, but they bo doubt ae as ideation of aden, T would just quote para fom th Feventh Congres repost ofthe CPL’ Whan even afer the defeat he Congres athe ‘Centr, try contined ina ont-Maris frat with be Cong: rear ang, nity wih the Congres a0 other casei pats, tron th election, thei anlys was the follwing: "Is this conotton the example of Kerala would cal for special meotion Beaune ca Ine of Left and democratic wy, Stich had een ese by the CPI(M), sto ance again vind ‘aed bythe splend eul of bath the Lak Saba tnd the Amenbly dectons that took place there simultteoay. The ‘Kerala sited ont has woo all th Lak Sabha set eal Mepmaeeaion fom the tat tavng gone, wp fom thee wo foes In the Anenbly tae oat of a sets wit our Party’ representation 18 Ut .gto 23 Toe CPIM) sagt has come down om Bein" 1 rermcmbered tat the CPICD with ts alie bed ee Oat of he vores In shose lations Wat te, see em scts than the CP, ty stated ha he CPE ear ot antl bal there” 1 Rabie Rely (0 met fener, He would nd that thts what it Sands wosit-demacratcyrdtick ek» sy ie argtek, nowt 1108 Party COO, rom repore we pune the gues of meme ‘au organi tus Ains, AIAWU, DWE, DYFI, SFL ee: CIT, AI tos around 16 millon. Let he CPL gre {he oct member of vss mas aod cat OA Mee tay ave working. Prhaye #08 wil at BE 8 ‘conaucr Lise tue Yarosics Sami udtnd that or Consul the cxantlon Toe et of te Communi Party depends the comets of the bof pleentalon.. Whaat we have Deen Sion sgn agin hess and_provdag tem with the Ske as of a subetve under cre gente burmese betwee the monoraly sang ony sons. Tas rs doe Baume of Chie sae prosaic understanding 8 eof Communi ary emer fom 8 o> rammtie ubdeniandng ‘sying tnt they Bare zammaog ths micas ot bro fA) WORE Pe ve soraaming but bene of devon fom gama on, why they have been coaanly Tae ee terpreation of he Progam a, aig th terrae mae ig changes now in hie tata 6 Tn, They tae cn ou of the anc Marit ta see wt en mer eeepie La iy an yavntray for at “in deere rot Bat Sn egg ten oe me cme ot fe ng og ‘tng, Arter pce ta tage hem an and festa Port moan fc eyo ea fortunes Lt nd amos Bt theo te ‘Sy in ste ever the Con We wl dour mot Strengten Lett ua Sentient fhe CUO) ad he CE vi BOURGEOIS-NATIONALISM. VS. PROLETARIAN INTERNATIONALISM. [MOST OF THE LEADERS WHO ARE IN THE CPt TODAY five bozo vistims of tourecivnanaisn and, chew Minor the ‘ougtlriodlon! partes tried t9 rouse the Fniom of the pool. Whee twos the question of he Bou Tiny nate betwesn Mabarassta aps Karat, the Tie (Chan Jopute or the lado-as war, they wee xi aay by Gaetan vee oe the nee of defence of te Soci stem, Srion the goesion of the defers of the ditatonbip ofthe Prottrat eames hey were prayed and ner prepared to ron to the exe the Nourgeoie was pepered to go. Dange soir members ofthe Maharashtra Commitee were ‘Betated ie by the National Coase In contrast hose who Ste CPIM) today ave alma stood fem ie hog wo fhe tanner of teobetatin sleautonalim and defence of ‘MorismLenitiaa. Mtoe CPI(M) has alas upeld the revelation psp of tr 1987 snd 190 dosent of the intrpaoas Comat (Cevtmcn sis held igh the baner of proletarian inter ree gig all tens of Sourgenirntionalis, cha wieethd jingcam, H bs consistently defended the Soci Tum and supported every wep taken to thwast he atempts PSSactrrvcution jt bar denounced all deviations foxy StectcLenoy He bas always coniered US. imperial, Je word geod asthe mui enemy ofthe peoples of the ‘word and sosompromisinly onpod i. o Dara ox Doors ‘There wee diltrece i te wot Commanit Pact) on the Scertndig of the tro lmparant docmets othe er Tonal Comsinst eaementthe Mosow Destraton of ToS? aod the Satomemt of Pari of 196, Tn fet hese documents wore never aed inthe Paty Even wee the ‘Push Stal. Commie andthe West Benga State Comme fumed ots for imnuos on he 187 Desaration the Madea’ Nationa Count meting fn. Oxtber 1986 he dice fi ent Tho yn ed at Bow sono trad coroding the slope mooring of or Par. een caer cet Cosel Ete Gere er ent understandings of the Samet pecan ses which fas deect impact on ws. The te Ajoy Ghosh ad circled 2 note on the Mos Conference to the National Couell remeron Jansary I, 1961. The late Bhopesh Gupta si ‘ated. hs aoteon January 14,1961, expressing bis agree ‘tent nth some of the formations ade by Ajoy Ghosh. ‘On the question of peshul coertence, Bhupes Gta sated: “Ajoy Ghosts note sys, "eacefleoextenee in soci nen. epic form of cas supe, an econmi, poli fal and ideological struggle aetnst the imperiasin the wold ‘ten, in which the fre of Socials, while preventing imperia- tim fom rearing to arms, prow contin stronger. Lj the above explanation rests the evolutionary siicanes of the srg for peaceful continents and not (herfore actuate Th ath dat te df form of clase apa betwen Soin and cepts in the. word arena Comrade Si, ix his spect in the Drafting Commision, pointed out hat pncflcoxieae cosidrably els drelog- Fen of cas sugges lathe interest of the working people nd for Social. The Statement ei sy, Peace 8 loyal of socal, Tor tine & working for Svalon aunt INArIONAL ADVANCE Cathe ciplanatonofSextionV of the Statement “eaing with Pe Mtnoeat teation menement and pewly berated counts hopek Gupta sted: "nish the explanation bad lowed Tae hee of presenti a it athe Statement te, Comme ‘Re Terouecs« iteent way f dealing wit the gunston. “eet fal the note ports a. new expresion duane white quoting the. peragaphs fn tbe Statement hat nec ihe urgent task Te Statement understands thee SE he ast tthe ations, ant-imperaist, democratic ‘erties Suclycnationl advance’ does not cover this ‘Rimeas concept. Even before the consistent accomplishment of ‘GeieRionaantiperiait, democratic eolaon, there may We iitona advan Take India. There hrs been a measure of aasrasertdvane, butt camot be cbarcered ms const “Ronplsment of he antinperat, damocratic revolton SERRE concept of revolution should mot be eonfised wit he SSoset of matonal edvage mach i powible even throu GoerEoin sere and under Bourgeois leadrsip. One ‘ate peoramnuti coneat, the ter 0." ‘Oui dnl character ofthe bowreobie del with ia. Ajoy Chow's ate, Baupesh Guna commen stn uot refer othe dsl character ofthe Bourgeste and Jaye The laement srenes the Gal character of the tos SUkc which ontinues veo afer the atanment of fesom eo he part which the. working clas-pesat alone plays in rasteractng compromising tendencies ie. tbe causation shosld have stray flowed the restsen’ of the abet an athe Statement. That $6 gute ee ry an lest. Mijouerr, afer winning iadependense, something more tuppoan The Statement say “Afer winning independence “tion pron te otional bourgeois cline more ing with doa reaction and pee Amu Pic the Sinement immediatly ads: “The poonie Hem bepin to se that he best ay to abolish ge 005 RoXivacdnar aad inprove thes ving standards hat of neo TGR development Inthe same pargraph he st sentence Seles he wottng cas andthe broad pessnt masses are 12 ly the eading part (te enecept of hgenony) in ovng hit fre ail probi” aye Wi ro Coavonsnon The fev gots from Biopest Gopi ste show chat dhe eenoo ibd vadesadigof the hereon ee ‘Sow tnd tor lor were tog made to perk to ‘pane tui poe ts wey fr eam cosbortion- Sabet ces tow bow is along a aed ‘Soman Ge CPT ope dco ace ine en te eid Paty aoe neo te anentc coun- srw Hy 9 aa mae tas cP ar te opt calcd 4 tas pureed ‘tia hem es wet she x feng rt {Sateen oe et haut at the Cl hour Te mane wash tds o ‘the India-China war. Pere ‘fers we athe CPIM) wfc wih he Indie ‘ates ar 96 and wht wee aad ee 7 ‘ar Fry sod fm” demanding a nd oh at and equated en of a apts aa en he Son ne: ‘feet ene py woe at ‘ie fe tha he CPM) ay camped tis tneed eon ie tts ee Kcteip ftom the Goal Cosi down o Diet Com ics, bu dancin pe 'ENiS Nebr te on lender of the Pay fe a tht ine, nest ond the county, aking ti ine of the Pay He sarc hoe ales Tong one tens a ek of opie Cat, at tko Pew conien a any pa Expos te copied Ge pout at ew cat 20 ‘isl ons rene ith Pian sn Chin elt react e ab comatte asian peton te dea term or inp soon by fe, The ely way po Seman bested tough mgstatns day wih the (oust oocrd and srg at peas semen Tere Gis eencadons expo fom feeb peyones Teoria Pry. » “Sram on o-Pax Wa Yon nas the CPs stad ? Let thee own seri mage at The putn Congres speak: a the fit place, wedi 20 ay ak attention to he necesity of appealing the besthy re ie Pakian, and in East Pakistan.OUF agitation at ROS Ts Seta the sae hat medi aot lent stress Ge Stator an nd tothe war and on peel methods. Thee ‘oa have been comclos and sharper demarcation fom what ‘Bevana Sangh aad ote jing elements were saying. ‘Over wenkness was Fevcled im our lokewarm atid f0- swags be Soviet proouacemets abd moves which weet ed Tike Taste wa In fact we were in tally erie! of ome ‘Sows statements a somneton wit he Ind-PaBstan war.” "al this meats that tbe CPL had become 30 much a ict of sntional Chauvin that i id ot reat potively Per ein inti taken by no Bs county than the Soviet Union “Te Crom Ceo, Tea in 1968, snotier challenge was thrown tthe Sosa Jaca aod the inernjoes! Communist movement whee ‘isteercvlatin ated ie head ia Cochelovale. The CPL {fats ful suppor to fhe revisionist propositions of the Acton [Progemme ofthe ten Dubock leaceship of the Communit Panty of Gusconovakia. Not oly was the CP leadership all Paes for Dube’ counter revoluoary programme Bot they mer rc of als and pablabed many ilerviews. SPB ‘Mor cven when Commons Parties were addressing eters {othe Co. of Cshoovaki exreing this concr ovr the evelopment, The CPL orgs, New Ave, init editor of Sane 2, 1968, wrote : Chersivai tn dou psig shough en important ‘istrelprooe 284, bap. the pros ed by its Com- {unit Party tele. Theron, sborcomings end defomitin fm the Cocholovalin society, special in he ber of co, ‘oy, pial ses and the Party, have been faaky nailed Soma ee ow being imiated, Tht Being dove not to ‘ates Socom but to corre at Socialism ries formar, ‘Tikiers oy abolte ier and methods or by conservatism, ‘A sem Tne of action, a expounded in the Pat's Action Pox ‘rome, bs bee found pce for meeting the. demands ia {he new stuston arisen In the wake ofthe realtation of the ‘Social reoltion in the coustry. “he editorial pss onto sy "We do not have detied n= fomation abot everything tht i happening in Comoran {ouuy, However, jolaed by want is lady avalae her, ft ‘would appar tha op te whale the caren development ie ‘ing othe eovhment and expussion of Soca demceracy “oer t0 be welcomed. The new leadership oft Coho Slovaian Communist Party can count on oor support and fompsthy fe the dicult and complicated tak bar wader Ears compiated tsk 1 ended by eying: “Now, frseacingeconome reforms rein prope andthe coustton aad lave ae ting amended fd ree to eee effective guarantees forthe beter. fenstin- fog of the Sovilst economy and for the development of Souls demoeacy. In ode to uaranice the egal af he Caste abd Slovla the ntoducion of federal eyeen has ‘cn peopoied. The Navona! Awembly willbe suigned & eur and eohaned role in shaping State poly. So wil be {he partis and social organisations constituting the Natio! From Fusowe Surtone (On ily 2, New Age publihed a spec interview with Coste Sher, Seretary of the CC. ofthe CP, of Crchalovaki, ih the (lowing imtoduction "Cut, a lesing Sen the current democratisation deve in Canhosovakin, niverats number of questions fom cut ‘Correspondent onthe development inhi county. Defoe snewereg the quesions the CPCé ede fst expre= seed appreciation of the New dgeedtoral Jane 2) on Cxcesk ‘aki forts understanding smpathy and oppor.” (Op Isly 21, New 4ge publated a sbor arte from its ‘Correspondeat wth oe faring somment "The New Age Corrempondeat vised Prague for nine days and bad inererle dacs and esig® th not only he Ider ofthe Coma uit Party, wade wons, youth, juris, * Tin and dence of the Soci sate, Our Paty didnot ‘fae cen thos wba hosed a th Czstodinak Comme ‘ExT soy ns mong win te framework of Socal and 2 Cone mein of ponunon. We do ot ined toe Terria om eur rt tht nebo ony ter {ome the CC an PD. recuin Tris rosin on dvlopnmtsn Cabana, the to sewing bel om Ang? 11 1968 ate SfataneSelopmon in Soa Choro, dung Roe monn, hes sre 9 ease for eon ene and ‘Sit all Commons and prelim reohionarin Shrooiowe te word osha Sortt Repay thoueh Scat Pro, Roe and Tekiaon an open and pte Sit was und apo mime of te onan Za pins so on demoarte etal, esti tthe tert wad the rl ofthe Commit Prcrintygkumocip ards the baling of «ces Src end Commoret svty_ tn the cone of hee Seffening tere develope stat at ony to ce Sich tetas fhe Cotsen rte rd pene ut abo Thy oreie cuntis of the Warn Deen Pat thor fret undermining the iy of the world Sosa ‘ap, which, ofc, slady found i the midst of ‘Sit ieress nad von, The Cera Commites of {Ee Communit Pry of lai (Meas) Geen dete rertioe sd developments and west expres i seson8 Soot ove them “Du Panzer Quesion ‘uta the the stacks on base Martst-Lennst concepts were alg made uoder the cover of Righsomdag sogens lke “emocrcy” ieralaton”, et, without aking the pertinent (geaog feedom nd deers of whieh clas or canes eC, rsolaton add Tikal the more eqrtable to se tht tate Righ-oppor {tnt slogamn have come to be upheld and supported by Certain Tender who are atthe heim of some Communit ‘aris inthe worl, quit blios ofthe counter eeluio- ‘hry character ofthis fave which as come to be aca 1s tne by arch tetonaie al oer the wold, 18 conclson, tbe esauion sid ‘The Cental Commies of the CPI(M) hopes that the ‘rcesary cones lewone are deta fom these alarming ‘Golopments inthe Socaist camp and world Communist Imoveneat by every clas-onscios worker and. Marts. oninit and that they wil be stra to action in fihting ‘he menar of eisai, no mater what gar it wets. The ‘Cental Commitee ale equal) conden thatthe poe Tears revolutionary forces sn the word arena are strong, ‘nvugh io defent he imperial reaction and sobverson, Provided they exeese the aecsary vigilance and show ‘seve determination fo deat iperaie end the reaction ‘that bas phere around ‘Scrronr ro mast ‘When the Wars Power were forced to intervene to flat {he coutergtlution, the PB, immediately came out with the folowing statement These deveopmests in Cuscoslovakla highlight the truth thatthe wold impeiist fores headed by the USA, despite ‘hae tlk of dentin Europe btwoea the two ams, thee deceitful tak of peacefl eoettence, cc, are de peat pursing hei path of druptag and woderining {Be cam of Soclisa sed democracy. “Aner reerag to imperial’ snterentionst and aggresive ‘ation in various para of he word the tatoment sid = What the German fascists achieved by Munich daring 1938, thet heise to be dreaming of achieving in 1968 fom (ei undermining sts inthe ast European Sciit State. The cstubing deveopricats in Carsbodovaia that ‘wee st oli since yearby nowy a a pointer. th ‘eskground the Cac lenders are doing the pope with high-fown pitas of democricy,"eedon, ‘eration’ tnd the ke, which n he concrete conditions, ae thing bot a slvr cnver for ation and couse ovolitin. “The watement went onto) “The foros of counerseoltion inthe country seize this 8-4 golden opportunity to work up pasioos of national 6 havin and antiSovietim amoag the people and throw the grnune Soci and Communit Fores onthe dete, ‘Ionvng them as clr and ‘stooge’ of the Soviet Usion hd eter lied Soda Stats, The tray clas-consions torere and all Roost Mares who, fe momcat Fe ‘cng this eel tat wll ave to” realie tha they re 20W psig heavy poe for the gcvous mistake of Right Fevngeiam and boreuuenticsuthortaranism of the lender {hip ote State end Comminst Party in Crchoslorait; ‘We have evry restos to hope tha thee fres wil ie 1 {he canon, tea down the cosner-eoltin, parse he ‘erty end Site sppartor ofall the untlable mens, esi the bares mistakes and authoritarian abuse of {he post, and reawere thle nation's independeoce and quality stone the Socialist comiy of mao. Exreaonoiny Bor Nicest [over ts etig on September andthe Po Beas ‘Sho repeing the Wess Pet nterention © “he Ft ures coun is exaordnary ep er {icin the ines ofGeeoding the Slat ie fe chook, we fly sar ofthe fc at ti rend cofoon sony he, democrat foes sae (Goons hands tote comet sade ocala sie oun ane at tat sage vor te dt of «Sox ‘Dion a ie Spel wos simp machine Cie Soc, Dee the diftcces which oot Pat SLIT he crs, i dt not bot een Or moment ‘Stung ui sepa fhe teton a Cahora fo Sites at Sc, We sonic our plan te toto yt do “Sing an april of he Mowow Conese of 190 the Cet Comer ou ary se “fs docomet of te Content pore ‘eo compiny af comtrsevltn again «county of {be Soca camp Cahora. In te gh of all tn, can te CPL cam tat tat be hating Seto of Masiun-Leism ad proletarian ne Sceain ? ‘When the Bedi Confrene of the Commis Paris of ‘Europe wat held in 1976 and adopted statement. our Party fable most of the speoches and. docemets with oa ‘Sppraal and rstatog st adherence to ths fondamental prince Ds of MartsmeLesinism, soch as opposition to mpeiais, [dhereace to proltrian international and the. Setstorhip ‘Ofte poetarit, whe the CPI mary sep ver. Ryvouenos we Arowoasra. ‘Then came the Saur Revolution in AMphanstan la 1978 which ‘war welcomed by not only Commant Part bt all progesive ores the wold oer. The evolution enjoyed great fund of (godwily bot stared facing tremendous dicate because of fer party problems is whch Hatialah Amin was plying @ rape role. Waa, istead of consldting the revolt, ‘Sneak wy launched tte instanceof Amin om 4 seton of ‘Sonveyed the impreison that Terai bad resigned and Amio ‘Bad ben lected the ew leaer. They didnt vase a voice of ” ‘tis ford stinking in the minds of he per ements Tol fSecrip and. Tanks hime came to the coo ‘hae tat + eo rol Big aed y Ain for tiuidtng the Paty and parsing the Government ra ary removing valable experienced cares fom a oon Taki then tought of resioving Amin. em Si a A te tc Se i nr See cea ai Sohn gon Time gory soi bry nama cara Sen mca =o arene Se Secrest ae ae Masrsale ad severe rpresion wast oie From pe afdian peo eps eign, Tae sai he orcnment paras wee TORE, WA a one aus od fr lo Rees oy ie detucon of mowande of Ta eric sec them to sve oa oe tn coumey and fg, mato cxgting ral dicots omelet noi th st igure ad wa fH A reo’ a cee. Amin used ral oss ng cis elton, The prsaion wat pening Soe ral epeion. Town ead AES ie and abled and thousands of insect pele wor ie Trem at eo vin of nn reife and xonk aa, ee and how. Mow than 1500 war pay ein pon Taft wrk 8 Te acto li fh Pay ee ney iis, bY soe ty and 228 te Hi mwa deny the Pat erin iso pasn nets Sv ae ae fs orrtrown abd the adi was » taken over by Babrak Karmal and they sought the help of he Soviet army to defeat the forign nteveatin, ou acy did otha to come in support of becase bee api it wat ‘S'qvation of deoace of erlution apis imperait eforts St oranisng couatersevolton, {we Aci Tis: Avera ‘The CP nde nabs to defend their indtese postions, ty to make oo that out Paty has alo changed its polon on lous fang the inteoational Communist movement. We Want them to. qote a single lntios where om ero qusons of ‘denogy each the understanding ofthe new poe, partan- hip fr the Soci amp, damental pris of Marie {Lesiismy roca interationlisn, theory ofthe State and the dictatorship of the proletariat, or deface of revolution, we fave ever mierod Fort, US. sperm, the word gn fdrme, ha retained the main enemy of the people of the world de have alvays firmly oppored it. We have judged the tiude of various Paces a the bai ofthe atte to the US. perl. "While mecoming detent, we had! always warmed hat t snub an loon f anyone considered thatthe US. imperie Tour would adhere to, Inmedatly afer the formation ofthe CPI, we sod othe ide ofthe ors eugliag agit 1S. imperalon td for national salvation, and today aso we inde es by the ume yrds ‘We asa frm blvers othe usty of the international Commons overeat an seems work fort, We ecopsise the Sov Union, the People's Republi of Chin and ll other Sova countess Solistcouties and do at indulge in fry neh clic tat Grits he Sola str $0 thse Ghuncies Wo would tke the Improvement of rations between the Soviet Union and Chin Toy, hiss lhe mote aecetary Ta the strugule aguas the US designs of « mucear war ected asst the Soviet ‘Union andthe Sots system aswell as gst the people of the whole worl The Soviet Unions a te fortont of this Strole, Weeestnd allout suport to the Soviet Uoion and ‘old ike the whole Sociast com, olaiag the PRC, to join nario eno he mca mai et ee miroaonls ne that out Pa) se Stren bat mar anes mage a Jn ca and terion vets ani cin of are omingveaiation he asous ‘he Soclat ynten. Ther 5 a se eat hema Comma money a ee ws CPO I Fr second yt pee ta do Meee att he ting ofthe CPL vir IMPORTANCE OF CPI (M)—CPI COOPERATION IN THIS, SERIES OF ARTICLES ON CPIOO.cer Aiteence, we ave dealt withthe question of the pit inthe Tadian Communit movement, the Ideologal-polial de ences between the two parucs as well atthe dilerensson Th presating our pont of ew, we havea fr at pose, quoted sberfom the documents ofthe Congress of the united Party or of the CP, esving m0 scope for any allestion of di tortion of anybody's postion. We hope that thee ales now ‘nil put an end tothe conttonery heer the pit in the Tauian Commins movement had taken place atthe ekest of the Communist. Paty of China as alleged by the CPL ot was i the eau o he prolonged loner paty rage Between the to Ties one of abr colboration andthe other of cla sas “his tue hs been clinched by the events of the lest 2 year afte the ap and these evens lo go to prov tat those whe formed the CPI) bad followed the sae lie wich te CPT bas bee flowig, tie Communit moverest inthe ‘county would have aufered' lt. Te wuld aye been rlueed {eran lgnifant pola ‘We have tid 0 explain thot apart fom the difeeaes om the proprammase understanding. there Have bees to dierent tndertndiags of fro hare documents ofthe iterations! Communist movemeat, ba, the Declaration of 1957 andthe ‘Sttemeatof 1960, We hav sls tid to explain how our Party ths been wptoldiag the revoltonay priacipe of proletarian Inveotiopalam at agsne the bourpetenaioali indurace ich hod been corroding the CP to his ast arte of te seve, 2 would ie to deat wih tne "quation of uniy of the tro partes which Raja Ready bar put fornard a pespectve (os ouned in helt Bhainda Conpreu. dosent), and the question of unity Bete freon the two faten ie building the Teft and democratic ont ars ral alcrontne 10. the Dourpeielandiord cist fe 0 Uarmo 18 Two Pas Peaks ee gton of wy ote pari Fe ras tne chou he Comune cane Totes be feel te bio Saar tnlan emul has tobe ile Merit Cong docaments of the CPL 80 Se et ot cfrontch aac 1936s wie 89 hs cone 9 a reo i tin Pl ad nen eCPM) scion of Marcas oh Tad Seis ep ome damental qo of Pay sian eet tec are of ie Sa a et ing fl ofthe rotting Stn a cereesas of we emma tao a te Pont Se cet of mace eos, nd nant : ‘Pap understanding ofthe CPI i not based on the cooerste og d' comre smnton, bora sete ot oN Seaton ot putea emo One ey aoa a mown te eae nae Na me a ire ie bmpsan hc a oaerly TEESE Oe flea thy cm cope, adie he Sat ad PEGE ERE sare cane ite coven of re ‘ying eof on dency out he Woe ‘Soe pcan fe eden Naruas or Sa ari pcsion of the lass ature ofthe Sate, We have Famed out atgoraly, sted ia our Programme that 8 ‘Polis tastond Sat Sel by te big Durer and we can Psat pole ofthe Government tard 10 andr Sats" vaca to malaationas, grow of monopotes, ink 8 ‘ape with he World Bank and IMF as walla ant-Communi. 1 terms of thigcbarcteration. Butean the CP lenders ei the ples being pursued by the Congres) Goverment ia tems of thir programmatic understanding of te nate of he ‘State and Government? Let alone giving any ech explanation, ‘hey donot een try to examine the fat that they have wobled Inaty tines on tere es. At one tine, they had sted that Tandlrds etree immense infueoce onthe Sate, eel {ho Stats level At another, "they abd hat the big Bourse estes tremendous inflsence om the polices of the Central “Governmet, But they never admit that the landlord are te lis ofthe bourgeois and share power with tem ang tht te ‘i tourecte in the eaderbip ofthe Sas, On tbe ther andy at est foo times sce the split inthe Talan Communi ‘overeat, they ad said that pls had taken place te ‘ourgense withthe prosnperaist monopoly sections Breaking fey, the anions Bourges, which part of the natiooal ‘Gemocrate lance, holding the Slate power. On ths bass bay fad Ben, working out their cutent acis fr elyng Dbiod the bougele In thle article of C.Rajeswara Rao in New Age dated “August 18, he at teed to recon his pson wih tht of ‘Our Programme. He sate "Wile oor party programme sys that the States of the tice bourgeois in which he tig bourgeoisie holds powerfl ance snd is wong in league wih the landlord the GPM) Prograsime aye ii the Sat ofthe bourpaie snd Ilo ld by the big bourgeois, “Our Hen ie that ery Sal, in eens, a Sat of 008 las, thngh tat lass an tales I tigate the State of {he Cours ta whos whic ie the earning fcr, with andlor a i ally.” "Then he goes oat sy. “Our chatateration of the Sta i one in which the bg ie olds powec¥l infact io the Sate bt i notin Taadraie (emphasis aed) of the Stat” “Thea be explain the dlialty tat i he acps the andere sip of te big bourpooie over the Stats, be cannot expla the ‘paenomnes of to progresie forign poly of he country, “ wile we Bave had. 0 illuly in expllning isin out Pro= frame. AU the sume time be characteris this ifreos on. the State ara soe difrenee. ‘Wun Lesos ra Save? Toth arc, be admit thatthe alors ream allio the Sate bt clains tht the leadership of the big Dougie of the State rot complete. Similarly, on the question of dual leadership, in spite of his lengthy arguments, be is ot able 1 ‘Bre any explanation, on the tua of Marrsn-Lenni, of ether in the Indian contet the State can ext without a as ending and whether thi cas te bourgecie or he trek clas” This is nota “aul” diferenee,a+Rajeswara Ro tes toaake out but, has bad eral bearing om what as ees appening tice the slit inthe Communi movement in Tri Many wellwishes of the Communist movement, in the Imchgrovod ofthe dria of bourgeois parts, and in thee oxi fossa Left and. Cemocrte sepals emerge tthe bourgeois landlord rl, als express heir site forthe ny of the Communst ovenet. Bot categorical answers bave to te sien to the following questions before the btu canbe ried Ty Wether or not he landlord cls share poner with tbe ourseiie in Ina an, consequently, wether the Sate ‘ones shared by the bourgeoilndond nes ort ? ‘Wether the big Bourgoble beading the Ste or not? Decroe the best of he Marsit-Leninst understanding the Sate ie that It Is almaps the dominant section whieh uns he dein of eS ‘Whether, na coun ike Idi, where capitalism was gom- Dartvely developed, where dung te 38 year ar inde Pendens the monopoles have grow, and where not only rbowscise inbected 8 wellkat State apparatus from the Britsh at the tine of the tanfer of power tut has ftrengtened tht apparatus manifold, wheter och bout cis would be pepe to sare power with he woking dle? 4 Comequeny, whether there ny possibly of forming & ‘atonal dmowite State which prempo%es that the wor King as wil not be heading the Sate and. wheter the completion ofthe tasks of the. democratic eston evs he {utile witout the working ls playing the leding Vole) ‘Only categorical ansmers to these quetons and a eommon ‘adetaing onthe sts can este conditions forthe wnt of ‘be Commanit movement of the country; ay oer soue wi Prove harmful ot only to the Commins moveret bat to the ‘Gemocrate movement swe Derncs Revoctmon ‘Similarly, on these of proletarian iteasinaisn we have sways taken frm positns aginst national cauviish td in ‘upp of the Socials stem, the world working clas and "satinal Merton forces We ae sgsinnt the export of revle- ‘on and Pelee that revolution the eeimiation of the Cass struggle given oun. We are abo oppoted to the export ‘fcoumterceoltion aod spport all methods and measur to ‘roe the evolution agit ingest mishaation The ‘lled our atte to tbe Hongaran events, velopment in ‘Gecchoslowakia and Afghanisten. We were aver ifesced by the bourgoivatinaist. propaganda and id ot swallow any ‘vison eas so far a dlence of elutins in concent, ‘The CPT can ook buck oni mn positions i his tps (On Buxoise Lerr Usery (nthe question of crm aces, he CPt made formulation long ago tht the main cvson eon the mases was Recon thot flowing the Congres and thos following the. Let aod demoerati patie aod, on that basis, thir underanding of Left and democratic unity sometnsledibom othe slogan of way (ofthe CPL andthe Congres. This also had tee stretched f9 {the pint of formation of snt-CPI(M) front. Tcontas.ourundentending has bere that the Left ile nce, aking the county asa whole, is weak and tht the mala ison among the masses sbetween th Congr) on the one Ind, and other bowrgeoieandord. partis on te ether, od ‘hat els the tak of the Lf to wean sway the mas fom the uence cfBourgcieandlord putes and ally them behind 6 ‘he Left and democratic programme. We sated fnoerJallunder Party Congres recuion tht the rag to build thisont is pat of our endeavour to tring about & change inthe contain ofc foro, fd station in Wicd the peopl ean choose oly bern two bourgeisladlord perter and et inpriooed within ‘he framework ofthe present stem. ‘Such Font, according te ws, bas to be built through sregle 4nd, in this uated sections of the working clsy, pene, ‘employes, youth, sade women, ete, Rave set importance, Teva weleome pn that Rajhetiar Red, these capitalist path with miaoe variation” Tf this uodesitding is cated forvard in working out ‘urent pty, tis bound to help the coming closer of the So purest ball Let and democrat unity Aero 1 Orn Pans Tec ther plat of ede on he os scm ote Gheton. of ppouch tats ine teerpobrbsdind postion price Holdae no ihn tat cooperates wh other oxrbnandors. parr ay sheath he Letvand donate font kas to be ged teas {pet lt to py bg esas he star {Sin ein ad some tet polces Tae ake {Sound the derpenng ta te Inn sonny ae {i a he ng ces ho ean ao fo tbe stows of fhe common an ad The lg pare ‘ewig wlacs on etigerand Wer ofthe poole to sop eit reste, niporatt ak te copeaon ot ‘sar Opposton pres oy Sse of hi ais ed ‘Saeons wih fb lg per nadernet as ror oj un wae Lat te oun feof donc} td eral mane woking as ‘00 he peste, This hep i devag the mass Sd " thors pata ato common action, and stenteas the popular esianc othe an people plies ofthe Govern, ‘Thee inno dou hat taking the country a whole te ‘Lefts very weak bot the ston 6 avourbl fr the, growth Lal Golopmeat orvhe Left movement. The two Lat Frost Governments of West Bengal snd Tripura play an important Geta anping soi elvanting the atmosphere Italo te {atthe main fre ofthe Lat ote country tbe CPUMD) and EGE Todas coopratin vey evtential for devloing the Le morement and the democate movEME consort fot | TTA wiess wh he trea omc rw TEU Rlatsneoe pyre daneome ome When ae ean emit py of eee me 1 8 Gat su, vic aso pris ros scl sateen he meg pne ao ac Wat Mee nod corer of he. couny 4 the the pee Saas ms monet een atest tects one wo ple Porm aceon score amon oh ty eatin no cv talog people dw to tie atipeone Feet Gocrner is fowing at and he Conse) Fee oer ie tne formato 0 Ser cms monomy, aa rr had noe et Tinasincas moser weno he Sommer mene Guieeceres sve pore oad mms Soe, Hei ion ante, damit of Se DE ie inthe Senora den eerie when core, sqrt 20 commu teddy tao, ing de ee otek Te aeee"Sanccs waa seo denna te count, 1 erat Governne: pcs ply oi eng Minhas eos nk Lat sd enor Weatiocapss er um ad bite ad deat hem. Hee Meng apo oe bot plaed yt PIO) ‘ie Ct io Ins oe of proving dicmtn, wen the Goverment ou eg pie sma of eon ‘ude

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