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Melanie Yoc

Meagan Healy
Art Movement
June 16, 2015
End Of Course: Art Movement
I have never been so passionate about art until I took Art Movement. In art movement we
learned about the different types of art in different time periods. Although not all of them were
my favorite, I did have one I really enjoyed. My favorite one was surrealism.
Surrealism is a movement that began in the late 1900s. Surrealism is a type of art that
includes strange creatures, and every day objects that are formed as surreal objects. Some of the
famous artists that were surrealists art is Salvador Dali, Andre Breton, and Rene Magritte.
For my final project I chose surrealism and I chose Salvador Dali as my artist. In the final
project we were to chose a painting from the artist and the painting I chose was Landscape with
Butterflies. I chose this painting because it really caught my attention with its color and
surrealistic feeling.
Art Movement was one of my favorite classes. It took me out of my comfort zone when it
came to creating art. Being in Art Movement class helped me be more creative and taught me
that art is about having fun and showing self-expression.

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