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- AJAX postback vs simple postback

- Session handling in asp .net

- Instance vs Object
- A class is empty, will it contain/occupy any memory
- An object has int, string then will int will be on stack or heap
- Agile/SCRUM, drawback of waterfall method
- Polymorphism, singleton real-time example
- Execution of .Net framework model
- Get 2nd max salary of each department
- SP vs UDF, UDF in sense of calling
- Generalizarion vs Specialization
- Polymorphism in real life example
- Aggregation vs composition differentiation in car
- What if driver does not able to drive car
- View state in asp .net
- Validation process on client and server end
- Query string, in sense of security
- What is data type of Session object
- Two tables A, B. A has 5 rows B has 10 what will be the total no of rows with
Left Outer Join
- How we make model to make one-to-one relationship between two tables
- Can we make many-to-many relationship
- What are design patterns, why we use them, what if I had written and solve my
problem with my own login and same work
can be done with design pattern, then what will the main difference
- How you estimate your tasks in Agile/scrum model

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