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Performance Evidence and Recommendations

Site evidence demonstrated for each component

USF COE Teacher Candidate: Jessica Diaz Date: March 24, 2015 Subject: 1st grade Guided Reading
School: Grand Prairie--Frankfort Completed by: Susan Coyle CT / USF
Planning and Preparation
Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy

Excellent, detailed lesson plans for Shared Reading, Guided Reading (5 groups), Writing, Words Their Way, and Math.
Jessica is familiar with first grade objectives and uses best instructional practices in her lessons including turn & talks, modeling, graphic organizers, cooperative learning, and
differentiated instruction.
Jessica uses her CTs block guided reading plan format to plan the ability level groups. Similar structure but different stories, vocabulary, and skills.
Students read out loud but to themselves as Jessica listens and does running records. She talks about how they used reading strategies using the displayed anchor chart for reference
and a visual. They do word work on slates. They read more. They used Post Its predicting. They turn and talk to a partner about what they learned.
Be sure to integrate content areas.
Demonstrating Knowledge of Students

Jessica knows all the students by name. She greets them in the morning to help students have a positive attitude.
Guided reading and math groups are thoughtfully organized. Turn and talk partners are planned.
Accommodates for a variety of learning styles.
Supplies and books are kept in individual tote bags with their number on it.
Jessica did a student interest survey with 20 questions to get to know them her students personally.

Designing Coherent Instruction

Procedures support goals.
Procedures align with assessments.
Lesson plans move forward building on previous knowledge. Ex. Writing lesson for the week includes talking to readers, making comparisons, writing an introduction, conclusion, confer
with partners, and use a checklist.
Jessica uses modeling, manipulatives, centers, and guided groups.

Classroom Environment
Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

The atmosphere in the classroom is very positive, warm, and caring.
Interactions between teachers and students and between students are very respectful.
After returning to the classroom, Jessica said Reading Group A and students came to reading table. She doesnt raise her voice, but conducts the guided reading group while being
constantly aware of the students working independently, and tells students to clip up or down.
Eyes on me, putting your marker down.
Thank you very much!
Give yourself a smiley face for doing what you are supposed to. Great job!

Managing Classroom Procedures

Routines are consistently followed. It is a well-oiled machine in there!
Jessica and CT really stay on top of things.
Jessica led students in quietly from gym. They immediately got books and supplies from their bags and started working. They were working at desks, on the floor, or in their guided
reading group in one minuteI swear!
Uses magic word after giving all directionsDonald Duck to get started or move. When I say magic word, you are going to clean up, bring your whiteboard, and meet me at the
reading table.

Managing Student Behavior

Really fantastic job on classroom management!
Jessica consistently uses the behavior management plan in place in the classroom. A clip chart is used for both positive and negative behaviors of individual students.
Good behavior of the whole class earns puffs in a jar and once it is filled, the class votes on the reward they want. They earn puffs by getting compliments in the hallway.
I need to see everyone going to their first round of Daily 5. _______, you can clip up!
Co-teaching: Jessica taught guided reading group while other students worked independently. CT answered questions and helped.
You never interrupt a reading group.
________, clip down.
________, clip up. Being prepared and on time. Amazing!
Eyes on me.

Communicating Effectively with Students

Jessica gives very clear directions. She uses professional language and speaks in a teacher voice.
Clear purpose: We are working on reading for understanding. Look for details. You can begin reading.
Jessica taught 3 different guided reading groups.
Students immediately started reading Working Dogs aloud at their own pace. She kept track of the students reading and listened to each student individually.
Great job giving tons of individual attention to each student.

Questioning and Discussion Techniques

Jessica asks both higher and lower order questions. She gave appropriate wait time. She restates correct answers or asks students what did your partner say?.
When I separate the first 3 letters, do I see cap? c a t
______had a hard one. In cereal the c sounds like s. calcium-- cal/ci/um caterpillar
We are working on multi-syllable words. Why is it important to piece them?
What have you learned so far in the details of the book?
That was an interesting fact. Great details.
Yes, the dog smelled a sickness. Can you believe the dog can smell that>
What new jobs did you learn about?
They have 100 senses in their noses.

Engaging Students in Learning

Guided reading groups are differentiated for all students.
Students read aloud at their own pace. They discussed story.
They did a Quick Write on dry erase boards. (vocab.)
Jessica wrote their ideas on Post Its and put on a Wonder/ Learn chart. She wrote what they wondered about the story. Tomorrow we will put your own Post Its in Learned.
Closure: What kinds of working dogs were there? Does it remind you of another story?
Turn and talk: Tell your partner how you will read to learn. What strategies will you use?
Sunflowers is written like a diary. Remember we did the grow chart. Remember that animals drop seeds. Isnt that funny?

IFE/AFE Performance Evidence and Recommendations

Site evidence demonstrated for each component

Using assessment in instruction

Jessica used immediate assessment to guide instruction. today I am going to brag about Delaney. She did a great job reading, as usual. She tried different strategies and figured out
adventure. She figured out Germany by trying g-g-g then j-j-j.
Simon went back and covered word. He looked for parts. Great job, Simon!
Pointed to Reading Strategies anchor chart.
Turn and tell your partner what you learned.
We will talk more about the dogs, but first we have to do our word work. We do that every time.
Formative assessment.

Making data-informed instructional decisions

School expectations require mastery in all objectives. Students are pulled for intervention or enrichment.
All subjects are differentiated for all learners.
See attached document that Jessica provided.

Providing feedback to students to improve learning

Jessica provides verbal and written feedback on students work. She confers with students individually. She works with individuals during Intervention times. She uses rubrics, writing
notebooks, and practice sheets.
She writes, and orally provides guiding questions to students.
See attachment and the sample of written comments on the comparing and contrasting rubric.

Professional Responsibilities
Reflecting on Teaching

Jessica had copies of Reflection Questions Weeks 10 and 11 for me. She does an excellent job on these, citing best practices.
She does a brief reflection on daily lessons citing a positive and something that can be improved. Ex. +clarification
+classroom management
-change up
-time management
She conferences daily with CT to talk about how lessons went.
She has learned so much because she really thinks about what needs improvement and then how to make changes.

Participating in a Professional Community

Jessica attends Professional Growth Seminar at the university.
She has attended staff meetings, grade level meetings, teacher institutes, IEP meetings, 504 development meetings, and Parent Math Night (assisting with math activities).
She and her CT practice co-teaching strategies on a daily basis.
Jessica is doing all the report cards including the written comments section.
See attached document that Jessica provided.

Showing Professionalism

Jessica is eager for feedback and suggestions for improvement.
She is extremely considerate and accommodating to others schedules.
She understands how important it is to be flexible.
She is extremely discreet and trustworthy.

Professional Habits
Timely/thorough meeting of all expectations

Jessica does a phenomenal job on all her lesson plans, reflections, and Reflection Questions. All required paperwork is in her FEN on time and thorough.
She is extremely professional and is a born teacher!

Professional Presentation

Jessica always presents herself professionally in dress, language, and discretion.
She is so positive, upbeat, kind, calm, and a pleasure to be around.
She works very well with her CT and other personnel in the building.
CT shared with me that Jessica is more than happy to share ideas and things she has created with the first grade team. They rave that she is so knowledgeable about Common Core.

Effective Communication

Jessica is very professional in her communication. She responds to all phone calls and e-mails promptly. I e-mailed her late last night and she had everything done this morning which
was not expected or required. She is very organized!
Teacher related responsibilities include: writing the Weekly Newsletter in an e-mail, updating the web page, responding to parent e-mails, and writing notes to parents to put in take
home folders. The CT takes care of phone calls to parents.

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