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Technology Skills

Student Readiness Skills My Students Will Need to Learn

1 students can use digital note-taking skills while viewing online

I need to
this too


2 Students can use and modify databases and spreadsheets to

analyze data and propose solutions.
3 Students can write correct in-text citations and reference lists
for text and images gathered from electronic sources.
4 Students can integrate audio into a presentation.
5 Students can make strategic use of digital media, video,
podcast, text, etc., to enhance understanding.



II. Basic Portfolio Skills
Open two of your favorite educational web resources you use for your classroom. Open
them in separate browser windows and resize them to show both on your screen, and
take a screenshot. Paste it below.
The (shortcut or application) I used to create this screenshot was: Control+Shift+4

Favorite shortcut:
My computer: I will be using a Mac laptop for the majority of the work for this course.
My favorite shortcut is and how it saves you time:
I like Control+Z because it restores or undos whatever you just did. It saves time
because making mistakes and deleting text happens so often, so undoing things is a
great thing to learn.

III. Standards & Best Practice

ISTE Standards for Teachers

1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity:
a. My example of something I do: I will use technology to let students compose their own

music on Finale software.

b. Something to improve on: I need to work on a site for student to upload their work to.

2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
a. My example of something I do: I will create online tests and quizzes on music theory for
students to take
b. Something to improve on: Have more opportunities for students to learn through

3. Model digital age work and learning
a. My example of something I do: In my classroom, we will work off of Ipads to get new
music fast and paperless, if able to
b. Something to improve on: Finding tools to connect with the community using technology

4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility
a. My example of something I do: We will do many activities to learn about intellectual
property and copyright information in regards to music, and I will introduce examples from
the past
b. Something to improve on: I need to research more on the applicable side of digital
citizenship with the arts

5. Engage in professional growth and leadership
a. My example of something I do: I want to go to technology centered conferences to keep
learning and improving in the area of learning digitally
b. Something to improve on: Need to implement what I learn

IV. Best Practice Connections

Best Practice
Brief description of what I do
resource or tool(s)
Setting Objectives
and Providing

Finale, Google Docs

Homework and

Smart Music, Drop Box

Polls, online quizzes

Will have students compose their own melodies

and use the Finale Software to transcribe them into
the computer. They will turni them into Google
docs to get feedback, then rewrite them with the
notes they have been provided. This will be an
assessment for the middle of the year and the end
of the year.
Students will be given homework assignments
weekly that will be completed using Smart Music
technology and be turned into a Dropbox Folder.
During class students will be in sections working
on a certain piece of music. When finished, they
will fill out an online poll as to how well it went
and what they worked on. We will go through
these answers as a class to see what we need
improvement on.

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