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Relentless Determination to Overcome Life’s Challenges

Interactive Workbook and Devotional Journal
Chapter 1


An Attitude of Determination
Determination: The act of making or
arriving at a decision. Firmness of
purpose; resolve.1

Hopes, dreams, and plans! These very words lift our hearts and minds
as we imagine all sorts of great things. Strong, satisfying relationships,
happy homes, spiritual growth, health, careers, finances, and more! How-
ever, if you have no hopes or dreams, or if you somehow lost them, you
wonder if and how they might be restored.

The great news is, God will provide for you! But seeing your hopes and
dreams actually become reality won’t just magically happen. You must
learn to live so that you never give up—for yourself and also as you reach
out to love and help others. So let’s begin our attitude of relentless deter-
mination to overcome life’s challenges right now!

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,

but when dreams come true, there is life and joy.
~Proverbs 13:12, NLT

Never giving up is an ________________________________ you have to

have about many different things in your life if you ever want to see the
____________________ of your ________________________. You have
to have the attitude of “I cannot be ________________________, and I will
not ____________________.”

NEVER GIVE UP! Interactive Workbook and Devotional Journal

Double for Your Trouble

Return to the stronghold [of security and prosperity],
you prisoners of hope; even today do I declare that I
will restore double your former prosperity to you.
~Zechariah 9:12

What responsibility do you have, so God can bless you with double for the
things you have gone through in the past?

What kind of attitudes does God not work

Hope is the happy anticipation through?
of good—the confident expec- ___________________________________
tation that something good is
going to happen to you!
– JOYCE MEYER _________________________________________________

God only works through an attitude of faith, but what do you need before
you can have faith?

How is hope related to a positive attitude?


An Attitude of Determination

Prisoners of Hope!
Describe how God wants you to be a “prisoner of hope” and
how this makes it possible for you to be a winner in life.

Your Words: Disappointment and Death…

or Discipline and LIFE!
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who
indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life].
~Proverbs 18:21

Let’s get specific. Write down the hopes and dreams you have for yourself
and for others in your life. We’ve provided some examples to help you get

My hopes and dreams for

• Spiritual growth
For myself (for example: walk with God more intimately, spend time in the Bible
and prayer each day, go on a missions trip, or have boldness to witness to others)

For others (for example: see a friend or relative be saved or ask someone at
your school or office to come with you to lunch to talk about the Lord)

NEVER GIVE UP! Interactive Workbook and Devotional Journal

• Relationships
For myself

For others

• My home
For myself

For others

• Health
For myself

For others

An Attitude of Determination

• Finances/career
For myself

For others

• Other hopes and dreams

For myself

For others

Writing those down takes faith, but it is also a big part of an attitude of

We often undermine our success with our own words! Instead of being
people of faith and speaking God’s Word, we tend to fall into the devil’s
trap of speaking negatively.

Look at your hopes and dreams above. Be honest, and describe how you
generally respond at this time in your life when things don’t go the way
you planned or happen in your timing.

NEVER GIVE UP! Interactive Workbook and Devotional Journal

Do you respond based on God’s Word or simply on your emotions or


What is your attitude when things don’t seem to go your way? Do you
throw in the towel and declare faith doesn’t work and isn’t real, or do you
dig deep and trust God?

In general, at this time in your life, do the words you speak reveal an at-
titude and lifestyle of faith, or do they reveal something else? If not faith,
what are your words revealing about your attitude?

It’s Not Magic…It’s Discipline

Our words don’t create magic formulas, but they DO affect our lives in pro-
found ways. The first words out of our mouths when we get disappointed
sometimes set the stage for the rest of what happens in that event. They
can stop the process of what God wants to do.

What is one of the best disciplines we can cultivate in our life to bring our
hopes and dreams to reality?

An Attitude of Determination

Write below how a prisoner of hope would speak in response to things

not going the way he or she wants them to.

Being a prisoner of hope means you cannot get out of the prison of hope
you are in. You cannot get negative! You have to believe that __________
_________________________ is going to happen.

Explain what evil forebodings are and how they can affect your life, even
if you are not aware of them.

Let’s think about this idea of evil forebodings versus faith. Fear is a power-
ful force in the lives of many. Lots of things can cause us to be afraid—fear
of sickness and disease, fear of failure, fear of financial ruin, fear of rela-
tionships, fear of violence, and more. The devil and the world offer plenty
of opportunity to let dread seep in and control us. Yet, Jesus provides
answers for them all!

Take a few moments to reflect on your life. Are there subtle (or not-so-
subtle) things you realize now that are bothering you, hindering you, or
putting a feeling of fear or dread in your life?

NEVER GIVE UP! Interactive Workbook and Devotional Journal

Overcoming the Culture of Fear

One of the most prevalent sources of fear is today’s media-driven cul-
ture. Fear and dread are communicated minute by minute right into our
homes, our cars, shopping centers—nearly everywhere we go—through
the news, television, Internet, movies, music, and more. Advertisers and
newscasters sometimes use fear to manipulate us.

Take an inventory. How much of the evil forebodings–anguish and fear–

you feel in life is creeping in through the media you are watching, listening
to, and reading? It can be very subtle—oftentimes we don’t even notice it,
yet the devil uses these to create negative strongholds in our hearts and
minds. Write down what you are allowing to influence you and what posi-
tive changes you could make. (Should you let some of it go? Stop view-
ing so much TV or Internet? Cancel the morning newspaper or monthly
magazine? Turn off or change the radio station?)
______________________________ Remember, God has a great
purpose for every person. In
response, the devil strives
______________________________ to knock us off course and
______________________________ cause us to lose all hope.
______________________________ However, the biggest ene-
my often resides in our own
______________________________ minds and is manifested in
______________________________ negative attitudes.

An Attitude of Determination

Overcoming in Prayer!
Pray now and ask God to help you uncover evil forebod-
ings and negative attitudes in your life.

“Father God, I come to You now in the name of Jesus, and I ask
You to reveal Yourself to me in this area of evil forebodings. Show
me now any specific areas where the devil, the world in general,
the media, circumstances from my childhood—or any area of my
life—have brought me to a lifestyle of evil forebodings, a constant
fear or dread. Lord, show me these strongholds now, so I can
overcome patterns of fear and dread and live a life of hope, joy,
faith, and power in You.

“Holy Spirit, show me where I have negative attitudes. Jesus gave

me the victory at the cross, and I praise You, God, for giving me
wisdom and victory right now to overcome fear and negative at-
titudes! Lord, I look to You to work within me for the positive at-
titude of the Holy Spirit and Your Word as I enjoy everyday life!”

Journal what the Lord is showing you about:

Evil forebodings, fear and dread, and how to overcome them:


NEVER GIVE UP! Interactive Workbook and Devotional Journal

Negative attitudes and how to overcome them:


What is the truth that most stands out to you in this session? How can you
live it in everyday life?

1. determination., The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edi-
tion. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004, (accessed
June 8, 2008).

When was the last time you felt that way?

It is easy to ignore the suffering from half a world away. As we go

through our busy lives, the devil will try to persuade us to keep
our minds solely on our own troubles. If we can’t get past our own
personal feelings of hopelessness, how can we ever have hope
for those in greater need?

What percentage of your thoughts dwells on your own personal life?

____ Almost never
____ 25%
____ 50%
____ 75%
____ Almost always

Some people question whether God

For the needy will not be has forgotten the starving people
forgotten forever; the hopes of Ethiopia (or people with desper-
ate needs in any other country of the
of the poor will not always world). Many look at these situations
be crushed. as hopeless. But not God. He has an
—Psalm 9:18, NLT answer for even the most despairing

Have you ever stopped to think that His answer might be you?

First Kings 17:7–16 tells the story of a woman whose situation

looked as hopeless as that of many people in modern-day Ethio-
pia. Widowed and desperately poor with a child to care for, she
was preparing to cook the last morsel of food she had before she
and her son died from starvation. It is likely there was no one to
help her, as the whole land was suffering from a severe drought.

Based on Never
Give Up: Relentless
Determination to
Overcome Life’s
Challenges, Chapter 12, “Your
Own Worst Enemy”

It is because of the Lord’s

mercy and loving-kindness
What is more relentless than the light that we are not consumed,
of each new day? God never gives up on because His [tender] com-
us. Stop and think about that verse for a
passions fail not. They are
minute and make up your mind to tap
into God’s relentless love, stability, and new every morning; great
faithfulness. and abundant is Your sta-
We can all wish and plan—but in the bility and faithfulness.
end, the results we hope for can only —Lamentations 3:22–23
come about with an attitude of determi-
nation. If you’ve given up in the past and are not very confident about
your future, there’s good news for you—you can change your attitude!
But it doesn’t come from just trying harder. Remember, you didn’t
receive salvation by trying to be good.

Let’s look for any record of giving up in your life. What are some
things that you’ve given up on?

An Attitude of Determination

Why do you think you gave up?


Many people who love God simply haven’t learned to depend on

His power in their everyday lives. They try to attain things in their
own strength. Then when they quit, they feel more disconnected from
God, and the cycle continues.
God knows we make mistakes and give up. But He will never give up
on you, even if you’ve given up on yourself. His faithful love can carry
you through any setback, whether that setback is self-imposed or not.

If we could be perfect in our attitude and behavior, we wouldn’t
need God, and we would miss out on the enjoyment of a relationship
with Him. Accepting that God knows us completely and loves us un-
conditionally will keep us from guilt, which can “trap” us in a cycle of
giving up. This only adds more guilt and hinders our walk with God.
In Philippians 3:8–12, Paul was basically saying he wanted to be
perfect, but he knew he had not yet “arrived.” Read his words in verses
13 and 14: “I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and
made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]:
forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I
press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to
which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward” (emphasis added).

What was Paul’s “one thing”—the thing he knew would help him
make more progress than anything else he could do?

NEVER GIVE UP! Interactive Workbook and Devotional Journal

To break out of this cycle and start fresh, stop and consider areas you’ve
given up on in the past. Were you “going it alone,” relying on just your
own strength and knowledge? Describe the new mind-set you want to
have about living every day in partnership with God and how it differs
from the way you’ve tried before.

Your past experiences of giving up did not surprise God. Are you ready
to look ahead with a new attitude of determination that flows from
God’s ability to work in you?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that you will not give
up on the next meaningful thing you try? Be completely honest here;
there are no wrong answers.

(Circle one) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

In detail, explain why you chose the number. What memories, thoughts,
and feelings contributed to your decision?

“Father, forgive me for trying to succeed in my own strength.
Thank You for mercy that is new every day. I am determined to look
beyond my own willpower and abide in You on my journey.”


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