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Putnam County High School

Physical Science Syllabus

Instructors Name: Mr. Craig Barron
PCHS E-Mail:
Phone Number: 706-485-9971 ext. 1105
Room Number: 409


(Physical Science 40.0110099)

Science consists of a way of thinking and investigating, and includes a growing body of
knowledge about the natural world. To become literate in science, therefore, students need to
acquire understandings of both the characteristics of science and its content. The Physical Science
curriculum is designed as an introductory course covering basic topics in chemistry and physics.
This course promotes the development of science process skills through the study of the properties
of matter, atomic theory, chemical symbols and the periodic chart, stoichiometry, organic
chemistry, mechanics, waves and energy transfer, electricity and magnetism. It also emphasizes
reference and research skills. Students investigate physical science concepts through experience in
laboratories and fieldwork using the processes of inquiry.
Major concepts and Skills
Classifications of Matter Atomic
Theory/Configuration Periodicity
Bonding/Nomenclature Chemical Reactions Law of
Conservation of Matter Solutions Acid/Base
Phase Changes
Laws of Motion and Force Energy Transformation
Electrical/Magnetic Forces Wave Properties
Characteristics of Science
Records investigations clearly and accurately
Uses scientific tools Interprets graphs, tables, and

Writes clearly
Uses proper units Organizes data into graphs,
tables, charts
Uses models
Asks quality questions
Uses technology
Uses safety techniques
Analyzes data via calculations and inference
Recognizes the importance of explaining data with
precision and accuracy

Materials and Supplies

2 3-Ring Binder
1 Subject Spiral Bound Notebook
Lab Report Book-recommended

Pens (Blue or Black Ink) and/or Pencils

Index cards-recommended

Grade Determination

Grading Scale:
The following grade equivalences
is utilized
for all classes school wide:
90 - 100 equals A
80 - 89 equals B
70 - 79 equals C
Below 70 equals F

are used

Gradable Content:

throughout all classes in the science


PS 2013-2014

The following grading distribution

Classwork = 10%
Homework = 5%
Labs = 20%
Quizzes = 15%
Tests = 50%

35% of
Class Grade
65% of
Class Grade

End of Course Test:

An End-of-Course Test called the Milestone will also be given for this course. It will count as 25% of
the grade for this course. The class grade and the EOCT score will be calculated together to yield
the overall course grade as follows:

Class Grade (75%) + Milestone (25%) = Final Course Grade (100%)

On-going Assignments:

Class Notebook Each student will keep a notebook throughout the semester. Your
notebook should have individual section for notes, labs, quizzes, assessments, learning
targets/standards, classwork and writing samples. The notebook will be used to document
mastery of the standards and as a study tool for the Milestone assessment.
Written Lab Reports-Students will be required to submit written lab reports periodically
throughout the semester. A rubric will be given to students at the beginning of the semester
to follow. Failure to submit a written report on time will require the student to submit a
current event paper covering the same standard as the lab. It is not required, but using a
lab notebook to submit your reports in is highly recommended.
Assessments (Tests and Quizzes) A formal assessment (test) will be given at the end of
each unit of study. Quizzes will be dispersed throughout each unit of study and will vary in
format as well as what content they are assessing. Quizzes will determine students mastery
of knowledge based upon classroom learning as well as information found in assigned

Tentative Course Schedule


States of Matter &
Atomic Structure,
Periodic Table &
Bonding & Chemical
Acids, Bases and
Force and Motion
Electricity &

SPS5a-b, SPS6ac, SPS2a&d
SPS1a, SPS3a-c,
& SPS4a-b

15 , 16, & 22

2 Weeks

17, 19 &18

2 Weeks

SPS1b, SPS2c, &



1 week
1 week
1 Week

SPS3d, SPS7a-d

4, 6, & 9
10, 11, 12, 13,
& 14

2 Weeks
1 Weeks
2 Weeks


1 Week

Milestone - December (TBA)


Instructional focus (IF) periods are scheduled into each school day in order to offer students
extra remediation opportunities. The science department also offers after-school tutorial every
Wednesday from 3:15pm-4:00pm. Additional tutorials will occasionally be held throughout the
semester, and they can also be scheduled by request via the student, or parent/guardian.
PS 2013-2014

Stay Connected

There are numerous ways for students and parents/guardians to stay in the know about
the happenings of our classroom and this course. Students will be given a tutorial within the first
few days of school on how to access, login, and navigate each of the following outlets. These
internet-based resources will be updated as frequently as possible in order for students and
parents/guardians to have access to schedules, calendars, assignments, and other similar items.
Please visit the school webpage for viewing grades on the parent portal. Call the school anytime if
you have any questions or concerns you wish to discuss with me. - This is the main site for this course. Basic
information can be found here concerning lessons taught that week and assignments placed
into the parent portal. - This is a text messaging service that functions through the internet.
Reminders, announcements and messages can be sent straight to students and/or
parents/guardians. Information on how to sign up for this service for your particular course is
available on the school web site
ClassDoJo-This is a new communication device I am trying to provide parents and students
real time feedback on classroom behavior. A sign up sheet was given to parents during open
house, and will be given to students to take home if I did not get a chance to meet you at
the start of school.

PS 2013-2014

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