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Friendly Ships Accountant

Some things we should consider:


Player Death
Ship Fund
Missing Party members
The ship and the future
The Codes

Player death
Option A: Band of Brothers) we use party
funds and get a Corpse Ferrying Bag or a
rod/wand of Gentle Repose
Option B: Hardcore mode) bury at sea

As we have an enforcer of the

Pirate/Privateer Code (awesome) and a fairly
large party, I thought we should take a page
from some of the more successful mercenary
orders of the age of sail and create a
company charter. This would be a basic
outline of how we would handle many issues
that arise in being diverse murder hoboes
that are all looking at boarding operations,
loot, and characters taking a leave of
absence during the campaign.
Much of what Ive included here is taken from
conversations with many of you. I hope most
of this is stuff youve already heard us
discuss, but I get the feeling that many of
these topics are not as widely circulated as
some of us think they are. While Errol is not
a letter of the law type of guy, he does like
peace, harmony, and understanding to be
the norm on the captains ship (theres more
than enough chaos in a boarding operation
or shore leave to satisfy those who lean in
that direction).

Option C: End this here, now, and forever)

go all anti-undead/lycanthrope, remove
head, stake body, puncture lungs, douse with
alchemical silver, cover with holy symbols,
and then weight, and dump over the deepest
submarine trench we know of or incinerate
on shore
If Band of Brothers:
Bringing back from dead is not cheap but
considering what it is, not unreasonable
either: 8k-25k in gold depending on
circumstances and state of the corpse
Party Obligations
If we are going to try to save those wanting,
we kinda need to have a party version of the
living will how and under what
circumstances do we bring someone back?
Thought A: Party fund) we put 10% into a
bring back fund (pays for aforementioned
wand or bag if needed). If party member
dies and a majority feels so inclined, we dip
into this fund to offset revival costs (note:
even if we have the spellcasters ourselves,
these spells are not much cheaper DIY than
hire a temple cleric).

Thought B: Party pays) we all do what we

can to pay for the restoration of our
comrade, party agrees to some sort of
reimbursement plan for those that
significantly contributed more than others.
Even if we go with A, until its reached 5
figures, B here might still be a
Thought C: Debt to party) Is the revived
party member beholden to the party for this
cost? Does manner of death matter (Grunt
#251 rolls like a boss and kills party
member, could of happened to anyone
same consideration as, picked a fight with
and killed the friendly bartender who was
married to a retired level 20 Shadowdancer
who offed said party member right there
same as sacrificed himself in noble charge to
push the dragon back one turn, allowing the
rest of the party to teleport away and live)?
Do they only get 50% loot until debt is
repaid? Theres no point in penalizing
someone so bad that theyd rather roll up a
new character, but then again are we all
going to pay for stupid lone wolf moves? Of
course, looking at A we could just vote to
not dip into party funds for aforementioned
bar fight.
Thought D: Pay for it yourself) If we ever
become filthy rich, my first 4k goes into
enchanting my swords after that the next
12,500 gold goes into a bring me back
pouch and entrusted to a party member
just Nelson me to a port ASAP and toss the
gold at a reputable clerics feet if were all
that rich and you didnt do the same whos
that on?

How do we do this? We have a massive
party, wants are going to overlap, sticky
fingers need to be dealt with
My proposal unless you were completely
off on your own little mission (not around the
corner ahead of the party, or in the other
room) all loot is party loot. If we decide
that dibs go to who picks it up first when
the TKs start, remember I told you so. Also
if we go the finders keepers method do
you really want that as a rule with a
telekinetic, invisible pixie with move 60 in
the party?
I.e.) Entire party fights epic battle, 4 of us
slay 50 grunts on one flank, 3 hold back elite
enemy reinforcements at the gate on the
other flank, 3 beat sticks charge the boss
regardless of how he dies, does the first to
pick up his sword get it? Or the person who
landed the killing blow? The one who did the
most damage? Why does holding off endless
hordes to make the epic fight possible mean
that player never gets named awesome
equipment whose title is always read is if in
purple glowing font?
At the end of the fight/day/boarding
operations, etc, I propose we set aside
magical and exceptional items. Everything
that is going to be sold in mass, just gets
dumped into party/ship funds (if it was a
boarding operation) and the shares are
distributed by ships charter or, in the case of
a fight on land, evenly among the party.

Magic and Wondrous Items:


Special cool stuff: we wait until its all been

appraised and identified and then go in order
and each pick one item that we want. I think
if its on some sort of rotation, that would be
most fair who ever picks first, goes to the
bottom of the list next time, and so forth. If
someone wants more than one item, they
buy it at market value from the party
funds. No loans from the party funds for this
stuff either. If you really think that the holy
avenger should go to the paladin, yet hes
last to pick, convince the party to not take it,
or take it yourself and ask him to return the
favor later, or deal with the fact that were all
privateers/mercenaries and convincing
someone to pass on the 120k gold item you
could sell in port for 90k and take the 10k
one because someone else thinks it fits them
better, is going to be a hard sell. The
alternative is just always sell everything and
just pay out straight gold I doubt anyone
wants that, but if thats how we avoid strife,
then there we go.

1st Loot

So, heres my proposed rotation for large loot

piles. I know its not perfectly fair, as all
ships/large encounters wont be equal, but
this works as well as anything I can think of
and should eventually pan out even. I should
also note that we have a crew and a
contract. Were stretching already by each
taking an item we wouldnt let the crew
each grab what they want and leave us with
a worthless cargo so one item per person
after that, buy it from the ship stores with
your own gold.

The Draco Ventas is probably going to be a

home for at least the foreseeable future.
Most of us have already made a noteworthy
investment in it. Even those that dont
own the ship should see it in their best
interests to keep the thing battle ready and
in good working order.

However, loot acquired off the ship probably

can just follow the natural party dynamic of
get what you get and we certainly dont
drop into the rotation unless a majority of
members present decide that this is a big
enough haul to warrant using the rotation
and advancing everyone one space after its
all sorted out.



3rd Loot

4th Loot




The Ship Fund:

The captain has proposed, and I agree, that

all high-ranking officers and investors put in
a flat 10% of their payouts into a ship fund.
This makes all expenses (such as food, which
you all eat, water and rum, which you all
drink, and the maintenance of the ship,
where you all sleep) even. As ships
accountant I would enact this by just taking a
10% cut of the ships share and dropping it
into the ship account before telling you your

Absent Party Members:

If you miss a session and there is loot to be
had, I say that you simply get first pick of
anything still in the ship stores when you
rejoin that isnt already a designated party
item and you get your split of the coin
(though this wont keep us from selling stuff
off hopefully the party sets something

Future of the Draco

Unfortunately for those wanting in on ship
shares, campaign has started. Ship is
owned, no shares to sell. If a
player/character drops off, I propose we sell
his/her shares to those that are not owners
but after that we simply have the ship buy
back its shares, as we are the owners of
the ship, it just means that everyones pie
slice gets a little bit bigger.

The Codes
Below are various pirate/privateer/ship
codes. I dont know that they all fit, but they
certainly do give us some guidelines to go

Jeffery = Cap

Matt = Johnny Muggins: Halfling, Drunkard, Crook, Fraud, Smuggler, Enemy of the Faith, Charlatan, Upstanding
Member of Society, Supporter and Advocate of Legitimate Business Practices, First Mate aboard the Draco Ventas,
"Alleged" Professional Criminal. Rogue. 24 words, 3 titles

Eric = Halfling, Boram Ir: Composer of the Dirge of Dustiness, Initiator of the Combat of Much Regret, Choice Food of
Trolls Everywhere, Practitioner of the Style of Buff-then-Hide, and Current Ships Master of the Draco Ventas. Bard 27
words 4 titles

Jeremy = Kitsune, White Wishes: the Magnificent Draconecutie, Chimeradorable, and Cutesune Extraordinaire; Druid
3 words 1 title each
Rhy: Sphinx, Brawler

Baker = Pixie, Errol J Flint: Guardian of the Sidhe Court, Captain of the 2nd Diemdale Artillery, Knight Errant of the
Order of Iron Leaf, Champion of Lord Timothius, Aspirant of the Dueling school of Eslodano, Bosun to the Draco Ventas,
Friend of the Preservers, Purser and Bearer of the Green Visor, Gentleman at Large, and Adventurer
Extraordinaire.,Swashbuckler 47 words 8 titles
Responsive: Scout of Nevar Hallow, Duelist of the Faileas Mirror, Houndsmen of the Seelie Hunt 14 words, 3 titles
Fey: Scout of Nevar Hallow, Champion of Lord Timothius, Knight Errant of the Order of Iron Leaf, Houndsmen of the
Seelie Hunt, Duelist of the Faileas Mirror, Guardian of the Sidhe Court 31 words 6 titles

Dakota = High Seas Inquisitor Marlin

Ben = Human, ?? : Mercenary, All Around Pretty OK Guy, Disciple of the Iron Tortoise, Golden Lion, and Broken Blade,
Marine Commander of the Draco Ventas, Warder 17 words 2 titles

Micah = Platinum dragonborn, Ilidan Lightborn, hospitaller paladin of the good dragon Bahamut, The Sparkling in
the Smoke, The Extreme Edge of Naturally Handsome, Blue Eyed Devil Slayer, and Ship Doctor of the Draco Ventas.
Also known to friends who can pronounce it as Chishingtironklklou Tsuboubrook. Iron Bandage Box 28 words 5 titles

Jared = Aasimir (Emberkin), Guilliman Voss, Apostle of the Sect of the Ancients, Aspirant to the Ward of the Shapers
of Worlds, Son of the Houses of Ayden, Holder of the Grey Hammer of Tall'anor, Protector and Keeper of he who
Commands the Draco Ventas, Cleric 39 words 5 titles

Mitch = Warforged, Rune: He who calls up the four winds, strident of the iron mountain, acolyte of the path to the
drunken master, victor of feast of fists, caller of the sundered way, and Master of the Tops, Monk 35 words 6 titles

Jake = Sylph, Vaati Sosuke: the Trickster, Whisperer in the Wind, student of the Mistress of Illusions: Kyoka Suigetsu,
the Freefaller, the Caster of the Arcane, the Alchemist, Mage of the Draco Ventas, Professional Appraiser, Wizard 24
words 5 titles

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