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A man is hired to cut cake at a party.

He was informed the day before the

party that 28 people could definitely attend the party but one person
wasn't sure if he could make it or not. To make sure everything would be
fair, he decided the cut the circular cake into slices such that if either
28 or 29 people attended the party, the cake could be distributed evenly to
all attendees. What is the minimum number of slices the cake cutter needs
to slice the cake into such that either 28 or 29 people can attend the party
and the cake can still be distributed evenly?

In yesteryear blockbuster Hindi movie Sholay, Gabbar Singh is a fearsome

dacoit leader who is upset with 3 of his underlings A, B and C. He fills up
his 6 chambered revolver with 3 ADJACENT bullets. Then he spins the
chambers and lines up his gun on dacoit A.
He pulls the trigger. The dacoit survives. What was the probability of
survival of dacoit A?
Now Gabbar lines up the gun on Dacoit B without spinning the chamber.
Click! The dacoit survives. Whats the probability of survival of dacoit B?
Finally Gabbar goes to dacoit C ( named Kaalia in movie). Pulls the trigger
a third time without spinning. Dacoit survives. Whats the probability of
survival of dacoit C?
Answer as probability of survival of dacoit A B C respectively.

Dave, the janitor of an apartment block, notices that the boiler pressure is
rising, and will shortly explode. He phones two of the residents, tells them
the news, asks them to do the same and phone just two more people, and
then get out of the building. Assume that each of the residents is in, and
answers the phone immediately. Each apartment has 1 resident. If each
phone call takes 30 seconds, and it takes each person 90 seconds to get out
of the building, how many minutes will it take to empty all 375

1000 people are standing in a circle all numbered 1 to 1000. Person 1 kills person 2, person 3 kills
person 4, ... everytime the person kills the next in the circle. This is continued till there is only one
person alive. Who is the last man standing ?

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