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Title of Lesson: Antoni Gaudis Color Wheel

Intended Audience: 2-5

New York State Learning Standards:
Standard 1: Creating, Performing, & Participating in the Arts
Indicator C: Understand and use the elements and principles of art
(line, color, texture, shape) in order to communicate their ideas
Standard 2: Knowing & Using Arts Materials & Resources
Indicator A: understand the characteristics of various mediums
(paint, clay, computer) and select ones that are most appropriate
for particular purposes.
Prerequisite Knowledge: Previous experience with the color wheel, color
mixing, and collage techniques.
Goal: Students in 3 classes will create a large 12 petal shaped mosaic petals
that will form a flower shaped color wheel.
Objectives: Students will learn:

About Antoni Gaudi, his art work, and his life

About the colors on the color wheel
Mosaic techniques including how to create a color mix with mosaic
Collaboration skills through group work.

Duration: 3 class periods

Materials/Equipment: Power point presentation on Gaudi and examples of his
work, color wheel, black construction paper cut into a petal shape, colorful scrap
pieces (paper, fabric, ribbon, tissue paper, ect.) in four plastic containers, glue

Vocabulary: primary colors, secondary colors, tertiary colors, complementary

Art Historical References: Antoni Gaudi
Teaching Procedures/Task Analysis
Day 1

A. Introduction:
1) PowerPoint Presentation on Gaudi
with an emphasis on his color.
2) Introduce the color wheel and
related vocabulary.
B. Presentation:
1) Explain that each class will make
four different color mosaic flower petals
to make up the 12 colors of the wheel.
C. Modeling/Demonstration:
1) Divide students into four groups and
assign 1 color to each group.
2) Hand out the mixed containers of
color material
3) Explain to the students that they will
find their color in the container of
material and glue the pieces on the
flower petals. They may also go around

to other groups to trade for more

material if need be
D. Work Period:
Students work on creating their
Days 1-3

Students continue to work on their


Day 3

E. Summary:
Students will present their petals to the
class. When all the petals are
complete, they will be assembled into a
flower shape and used for
demonstration in color lessons.

Conclusion: When all the petals are complete, they will be assembled into a
flower shape and used for demonstration in color lessons.

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