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Did you know that there are planets which exist outside our solar system?

Extrasolar planets also known as exoplanets are planets which exist outside our solar system
and instead orbits a different star. It was year 1992 when the first extrasolar planet was
discovered. As of September 2014, there have been 1,743 confirmed discoveries of exoplanets
and NASA group continues its vast discovery in this matter. There are two techniques in hunting
exoplanets and these are; radial velocity and transit method.

Types of Exoplanets are:

Gas Giants- Gas giants are planets similar to Jupiter and Saturn. Their mass is mostly
composed of hydrogen and helium with possibly a dense rocky or metallic core.

Hot Jupiters- Hot Jupiters are gas giant planets similar in mass to Jupiter but which orbit
very close to their parent star.

Super Earths- Super Earths are potentially rocky planets with up to 10 times the mass of
Earth. The term Super Earth simply refers to the mass of the planet

Free Floating Planets- Free floating planets or orphan planets do not orbit around any
star. It is believed that these isolated worlds were somehow ejected from developing
systems and now free-float around the galaxy.

Pulsar Planets- Pulsar planets orbit around Pulsars or Neutron Star- a massive star after a

Water Words- Water Worlds are planets whose surfaces are entirely covered in water.

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