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ti mout yel3in dinrab dinrabbek far5 boumatha ta3 zebbi -_- ,zok omek ma7chemtec
h 3la rou7ek ??fiblek brou7ek enti ma3nha "un vrai artiste" ??ti rabbek soutek kil
me3za elli nyekha el3othr ezzebi >_< !nik omou ftha7tna ,l walla aka l'anglais mt3
ek 3ada ,ti zok ommek 5allitna tho7ka 9oddem la3bd !!haw na3tik 7al na ,dw lmarth m
t3ek ya miboun, *ey ey dw lil wabna* ;) ,w bonus min 3andi bil l'anglais
1.grab your guitar (that you don't even deserve to hold between your goddamn fil
thy hands.)
2.take off your pants and be sure to expose your asshole
3.take the guitar and insert it's neck slowly into your asshole
4.if the whole process feels too painful you can use olive oil to prevent additi
onal damage
5.then you'll start singing with a magnificent voice <3 ^_^ !!
7assilou ya wejh ennouna 9bal manemchi bch nfay9ek 3la rou7ek ,
chouf soutek w soutou w ataw tchouf rou7ek 9addekch insn (ken enti insn min aslou
:3 ) manyeeeeeeekk ^_^ !!!
enjoy true music you ignorant hobo ^_^ !
tfeh ta3 zebbi tfouh 3lik -_- !!
i just can't can't see throught the patterns of my love to you
you grew cold it's easy to see
now you wanna leave for eternity
i thought that flame would last forever
until the blood grows cold in my veins
i know i lost you
you don't want me
stiil want you
but won't beg
but will cry
emptiness is all you left for me behind


our fountain of love got dry

that it had died
your feelings died for me
you never care for me

what is this raw feeling surging throught me

cold and bitter and slays me
i'm empty until the point of agony
heartless and souless for eternity
you took my heart and snatched my soul
then threw them without a clue
i'm forever meant to be living misery
i know we've killed it
(still alive within me)
i know it's burried deep inside your heart
i'm no saint to bring it back to life
even my tears can't revive
what's lost will never remain...
(hope you understand what kinda pain you made me feel,if you're gonna leave at l
east say goodbye,so i can know everything is over ,i know i can't make you love
me again,i lost you and now i have to pay and suffer,hope you find love again,al
thought you'll never find someone who loves you like me,but it's the end,you lef

t me empty and i can do nothing about,i'll just mourn for my lost heart that you
stole,please if you still have some mercy in your heart block me,i can't see yo
u loving someone else,i'd really do something crazy,if you still got some feelin
gs to me do it,i fucking can't bare it seeing the love of my life taken from me,
,i can't...
hope you liked the song...
may god bless you and forgive you...
and my last words will be i love you.. )

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