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®D FLOW SYSTEMS, ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS, AND SPACE REQUIREMENTS 3.1 INTRODUCTION In determining the requierenes af fact, the inpontant considerations are the Aor sptems, activity reltanshis, and spice requirements, Rbw depends on ro asthe logics sytem. 4 schematic ofthe logis system i given in Figure 31-10 should be noted hat the actives associated with the materials management sytem and he physical dissibuton sytem ae often refered to asthe supply cain mat ‘agement system. © coed C= 3.2.1. Materials Management System Atte le process being consene is thew of matenals into a manufacturing facili, en the aw proces stypicallytefered to 38 4 maton management ‘Sse The subjects of material management ayens are the mattis, pas, and Supplies purchased bya fim and required forthe production of ts prot The Sources of material management systems iscude “The production contol and purchasing Functies The vendors The tansporation and material handling equipacelrequied to move the ma terials, pts, ad supplies “The receiving, kone, andl accounting fonctions “The communications within materials management systems include production forecasts, inventory seconds, stock fequstions, purchase ordcs, bills of lading move teketsrecelving repos, kanbans, electronic data interchange (EDD, 20d frder payment. A schesniic of the materials management system i shown in Fiaue 2 3.2.2. Material Flow System Ifthe flow of material, pas, and suppl wtbom a mamfacuning faciay's be the subject of the low procese, then the process called the material flow system. “The subjects of mate flow aytens ae the material, ps, ae supplies sed BY |r it manufacturing prokcs ans components sethin ts Fai. The resources of material low system elude 1. The production contol and quaty contol departments 2 The aufactring, assembly, pd korg departments ©: | pacientes joe cima] Cee] eens ee Tea (Css ae igre 3.2 teri anagemen sem, 3. The materal handling euipment equi ave materials, pans, an supplies 4. Thefactory warehouse ‘Commiinicaton within the materi flow system inchides production schedules, work order releases, move tickets, kanbans, bar codes, route sheets, assembly ‘Ghar and warehouse recowds, A schematic ofthe mater flow system sven Higue 33. 3.2.3 Physical Distribution System ihe flow of products from a manufacturing facil isto be the subject of te Bo then the Now proces is eferel ova the pbyucaldsribution stom. The subjects of physieal dsoston syste ae the Finke goods produce by 2 fer. The r= sources of payicaldsiibution systems chad 1. Theaustomer 2 Thesales and secounting departments, and warehouses “The material handing nd transportation equipment cequlred 10 move the fine ‘shel proce ‘The clsrbtor ofthe ished produc ea Fw SFB, ATT ELAON, ASR TET | pte 3 tee [Tr _ TRgse 35 Mal How stem ‘The communications within the physical distabution system include sales ode, pecking ists, shipping eeport, shipping release, kanbans,electonic data inter- fteange (ED ivolces, and bl ef lading. A schema ofthe physical distbuton system given in Figure 34 3.24 Remarks Modern manufacturing approaches are impacting the logics system in dfercat says For example, some suppliers are lating tiie close to he customer to Aeliver smaller lot sizes; casters are enphiying electronic data interchange 5. tems and Kanbans o request materials is ntime: customers ad supplies ae to tng contnvous comminiction technologies with anspexaton sysemt operators to prevent contingencies; products are being delivered to multiple receiving docks, Droduts are heing recenved in decentslized snag ares atthe eins of Use ‘many cases, no receiving inspection being performed supplies have ben ce fed) and no paperwork is needed: producuon operstors are cetrieving material from the localized storage areas when needed, product are bei inoved shor tances in manufictring cells andor product planing arrangements, and sper rmateralhandling and storage equipeentaeratives ae being employed to receive, Sore, and move materials (production operators peor revival and handllng OP ravens within thelr wok cle). These changes are cresting efit logics > ‘ems wth quality products, shore lead es, and lower production costs v. pane Ri Oo DEERNC TRENT To [— ena] Faw 34, Phys denhuton pt. In adition, megacontainer ships are continual cing developed, which are mane cnt effective interme ofboth time and efficiency aswell as operating costs 17 Treernatonal sipping pons ee being automated. These developments Wil ini ‘ily louershippigg coms, which, nti, wil ve manufacturing attest piace ‘round the world that ean poiceprodicts with cstcally reduced manufacusing eat Paot outsourcing becoming the nor st manufacturing 3.3 MATERIAL FLOW SYSTEM. ona knowlege of materi ow sates sf value tthe alts planer he tne these systems define the cveal ow environment win which sata Stoves ce pace, Te pcp of mining tl fo eres the work Sempiteaon approach (o mater owe work piso proach make ‘allow cudee A. innating ow by puonng forthe delivery of ates nfoeation ope ple Geel tothe pot of sims une sd iistingmermodate ps 2. Miumizing mae lows by punning forthe fom between ro consecue pola use totikeplce tn ae fom movenots a posable, preferably one Combining flow and operations wherever posible By planning forthe Inoveatnt of materia flertaton, or people tobe combined wih a pro cong ep (@ TTR NT OS AEN ‘The principle of minimizing te cost of low may be viewed foe any of the following perspecives Bliminate unnecessary movements of material by seducing the aummber of ‘manufacturing steps, Minimize manual handling by minimizing travel distances lesnate manual handing by mechaniingo- automating Bow. Minimize materal handling by reducing the flow density through continer- Inthe discussion 1 fallow, we wll focus cn material lw sates with ect hast on flow patterns and srurires, as viewed from the perspective of low ‘thin workstations within departments, and between departments 33.1 Flow within Workstations Motion states and ergonomics considerations are important in establishing the Now wihin workstaions. For example, ow wubin a workstation shouldbe sal taneous, symmetrical, natal, ythmica, an Babul. Simatkaneos low implies ‘he coordinated use of hands, ans, and feet Hands, arms, and Tee should begin sl end their motions together and should not be ide atthe same instant except Aaeing vst pesods. Sjmetical Now resus rom the coorkation ef mavemnents shout the centr ofthe body. The left and right hands and ams should be working fn coordination, Natural flow pater are the bass foe fuyehial and habitual we patems, Natural movements are continuous, curved, ae make eof moment, iythanical and halal How implies methodical, automatic sequence of acy Riythmiel and habitual low patterns sls allow for reduced metal, eye, and m= cle fatigue and stain. The workstations could lead to band, shoulder, and buck problems die to twisting motions and inadequate mecha supports 3.3.2. Flow within Departments The flow pattern within deparments fs dependent on the type of department. The discussion below wil foes on low wihin produc, process, and product Ean deparments 33.21 Flow within a Product Department na produet depatment, the processings sequential with minimal or no backtrack fing The flow of work lows the product low. Product ows typical folow one ofthe puters shown in Figure 3. End oer, back back, and odd angle flow patents a nicatve oF product deparunents wile one operator Works at ead ‘workstation, Frontto front fa pater are used when one operator works Of WO ‘workstations, nd citcular flow patterns are ased when one operston works on more thin tw workstations, v (@ TTR NT OS AEN ‘The principle of minimizing te cost of low may be viewed foe any of the following perspecives Bliminate unnecessary movements of material by seducing the aummber of ‘manufacturing steps, Minimize manual handling by minimizing travel distances lesnate manual handing by mechaniingo- automating Bow. Minimize materal handling by reducing the flow density through continer- Inthe discussion 1 fallow, we wll focus cn material lw sates with ect hast on flow patterns and srurires, as viewed from the perspective of low ‘thin workstations within departments, and between departments 33.1 Flow within Workstations Motion states and ergonomics considerations are important in establishing the Now wihin workstaions. For example, ow wubin a workstation shouldbe sal taneous, symmetrical, natal, ythmica, an Babul. Simatkaneos low implies ‘he coordinated use of hands, ans, and feet Hands, arms, and Tee should begin sl end their motions together and should not be ide atthe same instant except Aaeing vst pesods. Sjmetical Now resus rom the coorkation ef mavemnents shout the centr ofthe body. The left and right hands and ams should be working fn coordination, Natural flow pater are the bass foe fuyehial and habitual we patems, Natural movements are continuous, curved, ae make eof moment, iythanical and halal How implies methodical, automatic sequence of acy Riythmiel and habitual low patterns sls allow for reduced metal, eye, and m= cle fatigue and stain. The workstations could lead to band, shoulder, and buck problems die to twisting motions and inadequate mecha supports 3.3.2. Flow within Departments The flow pattern within deparments fs dependent on the type of department. The discussion below wil foes on low wihin produc, process, and product Ean deparments 33.21 Flow within a Product Department na produet depatment, the processings sequential with minimal or no backtrack fing The flow of work lows the product low. Product ows typical folow one ofthe puters shown in Figure 3. End oer, back back, and odd angle flow patents a nicatve oF product deparunents wile one operator Works at ead ‘workstation, Frontto front fa pater are used when one operator works Of WO ‘workstations, nd citcular flow patterns are ased when one operston works on more thin tw workstations, v aa am (0 Ol Se 33.2.2 Flow within a Process Department Ina process depanment, smile orienta machines are grouped in the same de putunent A minimal amount of fow should occur berereen werkstaions win de ‘armenia Flow typleily orcurs between workstations aod alles, Flow pater ae Eicatcd bythe oxestation ofthe workstaons to the aes. Figure 3.6 loseates| {hroe werksaon-anle anangetients and the resaling low partern. The deter: paon ofthe prefnel worksttion-ne arangement pattern is dependent onthe Inveactsons among worketaton aes, the waable space, and the sizeof the mate tle to be handled Diagonal ow patterns are typically used in conjunction with one-way ales, Asis that suppon diagonal low piers often require less space than alsies with her parallel perpendicular worksiaton-isle azangements. However, one Stay tes ang result in les lesbian. Therefore, agonal flow paterns ae not Tlieed often Flows within workstidons and win depanments should be enriched and enlarged to allow the operators to use not onl dale muscles but also thee minds, Nultfonciona operator can work om more than one machine iT needed and ca faa involved In support and comtinwous tmpeovement furetions lke. quality {improvement basic maintenance, matetal hapdling, recon! keeping, performance oe | ==" At Ze gure 36 How Witla proces depres (a) Pare (2) Perens. (0 Diag measurement vacking, and teamwork. Ths means tha ow and location of mater 2s, tool, paperwore, and quality verification demces shoul! he considered a an incensed way 3.3.23. Flow within Product and Process Departments with ‘Material Handling Considerations The flow patterns within departments wil be diferent inthe ease of mechanized nd automated systens evolving the axe of continvooaly running conveyors, su tle cans, automated guided vehicle, robots and other devices. For these systems, ‘We can Hen several primitive flow srctures or patterns, namely (a the ine Flow. SaaS NT ETAT, ATTA RENN — 4+ a ewe MAG Segmcaed hereon depart ow Sac “These analytical tools are discussed fuer in Chapter 10. analyzing problems lated to between-depanieat flows special sttention is eeeded in considering not tn the static requitements based on expected demands. Coasderaton of Fctos Jaelading the ones listed below ilo eral Peakload Congestion Deadhesdine came espacties Machine expacies process torage cpacies Prodoction schedule Carver patching males 3.34 Remarks [Achieving an effective flow system involves combining the low patterns and ‘Sriceaes with adequate aisles to obtains progressive movement from ongina- tion to destination, Elfecive Row within «facility includes the progressive movment of materials, nforaation, or people beureen departments. Elective low waina departacet involves the progressive movement of materials, n formation, or people between workstations. fective flow within a workstailon| dresses the progressive movement of materials, information, or people Through the workstation, Fa RING RE = hte ~ ewe 3.17 ow planing barby AAs noted, effective flow planning s hierarchical planning process. The effecive flow within 2 faci coatingent upon ellecve flaw heewcen depure ments Such low depends on elfeve low within departnents, which depends ‘effective flow within workstations. This hletarchy is shown im Figure 3.17 Planning for effesive ow win the hieratchy eles the comaraton flow ppaternsand flow principles The following prineiples have been observed to frequently result in effective flow: maximization of directed lw paths, minimization of eval ow an! mans ‘om ofthe cone a low A citected flow path isan uniaeeruted flow path progressing rectly Fam ‘ngination to destination. An uninter pte How path ls «Now path tha doesnot imtersect with ete paths. Figure 3.18 illsrates the congestion and undessble ‘etsectons that may occur when How paths ae intecruped. A clrected flow path Dromressng from origination to destination is ow path with to Ducktaching At ‘stn be seen in Figure 319, backticking incteases the lent of the flow path “The concept of backtrcking ts wot as recente ease of low pater that are aot linea. tna loop flow, pars have to travel following the dleton of the loop. Consider the case uf the Toop ow shown in Bigure 3.20 For the flow path A-B-C-D ina Toop Dow, the total distance is 250 feet; for AB-A-CO, the til distance i 950 feet. The backtracking penalty 70D fee For Co Se ewe 318 The input ofinemiptonson fo pais Lime fh (overage fom pt 7 TTT AT RET Figure 3.19 Mustation of how bucking paca he eng ef ow pts a'r pees om mn gue 3.20 ies of tucker a widen! loop low system, this particular example, the line flow isthe beter akenative. The coacept of bucktacking peoatyactally leads us to considur« more systeuutle method of shortening he Lo fate Le the toa flow times dean) "We should mention that material Nowe selued to delivenes of pars from ma chine 1 mane sce note Oly eonsidertion In staiying ow syste IF mate fal banding cars (eg, ie racks, avToraTed guided velicles, et) afe se iene tipeansonated wh eaters aveling empty should also beincude ysis, We also note hat he tips serviced y de aaferaT handling systems must ‘clude due Toad ie, smaller loads leae-t6-£ Righer sumber of tps, which increase the demand 3.4 DEPARTMENTAL PLANNING In his section, we adres the problem oF forming planning departments: Planning ‘epurimens cn vo production, suppor, admuniamve, and sevice aes NS Fee 321, Volune-vaniylyutclseicon Production planning deparments are collections of workstations 10 be srouped togcine dung the faites iyo process The Joraulitlon of egania tonal unis should be paralel tothe formation of planning departivents If, for ome reason, he placement of workstitons wltescetaie orgaizational oh fives, then maficitions shouldbe made tothe yout ‘Aba general rule, panning departments may be determined by combining ‘workstations tat perfor ike fonctions. he dicly with this genera ule is the Sefton ofthe ter ile Js could refs to workstations performing operation on “Sila proces or components orto workationspesformng similar processes Depending on prt volume-vaey, production planning departments can be cles a produc, fixed materias location, produc fal (or group technol Dan), or proces planing departments (ace Pigure 4.21) sjstemavc approach Should be used ia combining srorksations fo departments. Each product and Component should ie evaluated andthe est approach detennined for combining Srortstatios tga planning departments. Table 31 sumnatizes the baves for con Thniny sorkations ito planing depaniment ‘Examples of prodvetion planing departs consiing of «combination of workstations performing aperations en similar prodvcts 0 components Inchode ngine block production line departments, acratfasclage aseembly department, Shu unlfocn Fat sheet etal epaatcots Prec paring dcpartmens may be fanher subdivided by the characterise ofthe products beng produced Supposes large, sable damand exist for a andarlived pod, Hee an engine block dari o be produced in a manafacuring fit In such a stuaton, she ‘workstaort hould be combined into planning dparteat so that all works toms seized to produce the product are combined. The resuking product plan bing deparment hay be refered to a & prluction ine depart ay 9 Ti SSRE AN OTR ORS AT ‘Bile 31_ Procedural Gude for Combing Horst Pling Dartents ‘The Typeof Planning "Werks into nnn HfibePreductis Deparment Shots be Deparinets Should Be Salzed snes Production ie, pit Connell workstations eee Tae ube demaod depute vo peace he proc Pye lg, ankmsrd acl material lin, Combine all workin, move, and has alow’ produ dear. fue ope he ‘pore demand pret wih te re ged Ioestagig the pret Capsiteefeing grouped Pec arly pret Cambie all wovkaatons Into fame oar eparmene ‘ogre produce the amity puta aye pend Produced by gp one of shave Proceadepuninent Combine Meta! worsens oil pring parents an est 0 Sombin snr psming Next, supposes low, sporagie demand exists fora akc thats wey lange and awkward 0 move, for ample, an ate Rsclage. The workstations should bb combined imo s planning deparment hat includes ll workstations requ > proxluce the product and the staging area. This type of produc punning dpa ‘ent may be veered oa afd mata cation depariment Hawere, es not aloays the case that very lige pees exe this type of plang department For instance, i a vepaie Fact for censin comet irate ene aplane vy Se mowed rong several cd pai stations ‘Athiaype of product planning deparunest may be dented when there exis a mediom demand fara moderate numberof mar componeis Sear cnn fxm fara of eomponeres that, in group tecioloy terminology, maybe paces ina group’ of workeutions. The combination of he goup of risaions sus 2 product planning department may erred a a Pt fray department apes of planning departners base on te combination af workstations containing "sila" proceses are metacuting deparments, gearing depart nents, and bobbing departments Such planning depanments ate cefecred to 23 ree darn bce hey at formed by ct wean hat per frm similar" proces, The diiculy in dining process departnents i in the nterpetation ofthe ‘wont similar For example ia 2 ality spewing i the production of gear ge habbing eae shaping and shat trang mgt not be corer san, a each might be grouped ina ts owa planing deparinent. However, ia facliy producing ‘mechanical stching mechanisms, these same pocesses might be groupe into 80, not thre, plans Jepanments 2 geareuting Septet, coming snl eat= Inohbang nd shapng proceses and «taming parent, Even more enter in For ING QS Fursitare iy, all etaiwerig nigh take place na nctabworking planning depart rncot ‘Therefore, the same tse processes might be seen (be sar and ight be [grouped nto single proces planning department The deteninaton of which wodke Stone ut be considered ina depends on at onthe workstations but othe ‘elaconships amaag wotkatitons sd berween workstations and the overal aii. ‘os fallen consis of a iagute of pt snl proces planing departs Forexample ina faci consisting of mainly proces planing Jeparmenss producing lange vary of rahe elated procs, the Jerald placement of ndvidal wee Stations within 4 procesr deparanent mag be based en 2 product planing depart fen philosophy. For example al punting atin might be grouped together 02 painting procese dopant However the layout of te paling department can com evo painting line designed on te hast a produc planning department philoso Dy, Gonwerely, i fly consisting main of product planning departments producing afew highsolume, sunda product ft would et be surpsing 0 fed ‘Sven! spacined component redid in proces lanai departs ‘Suppor. adminisrative, aad service planning departments cde fice ae areas for storage, quality conto, maintenance, adinistatve processes, cafeteria, festcoms, locker, and so on Tadonaly, appar, anniv, and service planning departments have Been treated as “proces” deparanents since similar {cvs are performed within desired areas rganizuions sing modem manufacturing appreaches ae combining pro tacion, suppor, adminstative, aad service planing depamens to create ine fated prdaction suppor-administativeseevice planning departmenis. For ramps panufactring ell dedicate the production ofa family of pars and foith dedicaced suppon aod administrative personnel and services (eg, mainte france. qpality, materials, enginewsing tooling, purchasing, management. vending ‘achines, retoomts, and lockers) could be a integrated planing department ‘Many companke rain ter opecatore in ost of the support adminsirve and snanagsment functions so that they ean become autonomos In these cases, the operators (called technicians or stsorates) ps factator-coordnator can ‘manage the operation ofthe manfacuring cell wh minigun external sppom. “Activity relationships an flow und space equiements fa a facty wth sel managing teas wile tally ferent than sa aly with trina production, Suppor. and administrative fanaing department les material, persone, cooing fn paperwork lw roquremente and less space need). tan) companics using modem manbfacturing approaches are converting their faites to combinations of product and product fama group technology) Planning departments, Group cechnology layouts are combined wih fust--sime Eonoepts in cellar manufacrring arrangements A more detailed explanation of ‘ou technology and elle manufacturing follows 3.4.1 Product Family Departments Praduc amy or gro technology departments aggsegae mein volume-variety pars ito families bese on simlar manufacturing operations er design atnbvtes chines required to mannfactare the par anil are giouped together to frm a Scell-thisth abel cellular manufactur BREET RREE EEGs Caitutar mansfacuring I, 3, 20,25) ivolves the use of manufacturing cel manulactriag cells can be Formed in «varity of ways, withthe ost popula ing the grouping of machines, cmployees, mater, cooling, ane aerial cling and sorage equipment to produce fumes of pats Cellule manufact became ite poplar nthe ate 1900s and often associated with justine 17,24 total qualty tanagement (TQM) (0), and len manufactoring coo gs anc techniques [22 21 (Foraddtonal information on lean manufac oe the Wely ate for the Lean Enterprise site, iip//wor lean en) ‘Successful implementation of munufacuting celle requires addeseng elec design, operation, nd contol ses. Selection eefers to the Kenton of and pa ype for patil cell Cel design refers to layout and produc feo and gratenal ancling requirements Operation of a cell avaves determining eduction it sizes,scheslng, nuter of opersors, type oF operators, and ype ‘xprodection conte push vs. pul) Finaly, contol ofa cll fers oe methods teed to measure the performance ofthe cel Several apprnches have Been propeved 1 addess selection issues of mano facsring cell The most popular approaches ae classfieation and eoding, produc tion flow anaiysis, clustering techniques, hevstic procedures, and mathematical tes. 37,9, 12,19, 20,251 ‘Casifiation i the grouping of pats nto classes or part families based onde sign atten Coding isthe representation of these atibutes by assigning numbers ‘Production fl anal fist proposed by Busbidge (i 4 pancedure for forming pan fanies by analyzing the operation sequences ad the production ‘eutng of par or component through the plant ‘Closter methodologies ae ofen ust 1 group pats roger so they can bbe processed asa family, 1218, 20, 2). Thi medhonology bts pars and ma Chines news aed columns an interchanges ther based an sane cterion such 3s "Slantycocticents, Seven hevasueprocedutes have een developed forthe fo Ination of cells [. 14,18, 25), The method developed by Ballakut and Steudel 3 {Slats auchineso els base on workload factor apd assigns pars to els based tn the percentage ef operations ofa pa processed within acl ‘Sigh and Rajaram (25 present wie eange of algocthms for fring man facturing cel Anvong tose tiey conser are bor ene (BEAD, rnk-order ster fig (ROC ape ROCD), mealfed rank onder custering (MODROO) rect eustorng (DeW) cuter encaton (C1), singe nkage chsering (SLO, and ines cell vs tering (100 algontins. In adaton, they consider the use of malhematel peop ming spproaches, inuding fomulting the cll fnation problem as a Prnedan Covering problem, an esignmert problem, a qusdraicsxgrament problem, 20d 2 ponlinear optimization problem, They alo show how sinuated annealing. genic al _gprs and neural pet canbe use tates the problem of cll foanatcn. Tes portant toot that the formation of ells snot rypicaly dhe responsi ity of the facies planner stead, iis generally perormed bythe manulactong. {chgincer in eounetion wth the prodtion planer Call formation kertory Cm fol comand forcasing. esembly ine balancing, anda host of ther subrects ae of rea interest snd sgicance io facies planning. However they ae seldom Gf ‘Sve found the domain ofthe facies planner For that eason we mention them ‘nly rely Gs Ta ae DERING REDUREENS Because cesar manufacturing increasing in npomsnce and apiicton and because ivan sgnicandy impact the facies layous, we have chose Wo ntodice the subjet thrash the fllowing examples, Fr illrratve parpores, se mil fur usatment tothe use ofthe drt clustering alain (DCA) developed by Chan Sd Mier 9} The DCA methodoogy isa simple proces; however, eae trates the anponaat features ofthe cel ciseing problem DCA ws hased cn ma chine-part matrix in which 1 Indicates that che part eequires processing By the ingiated reachine; blank iadkcates the mache i noted forthe patel pa “The DCA methodology consis ofthe folowing steps Step 1. Order the rows and columns. Sun the 1s in each cokuan and in each sow ofthe machine: part mati. Order te rows (lop to bottom) in descending ‘order ofthe number of Ts in the rows, and order the columns (eft 10 ah) in escending onder of the numberof Is in each, Where tes exit, break the Hes tn descending pumencal sequence Sortthe columns, Begining wit the it row ofthe mati, sift the let ofthe matrix all columns having 21 i the fast row. Comune the poe ‘ow by row unl no farther opportunity exist for shin columns. Sor the rows. Cluron by colums. begining wit she leftmost column, stutrows upward when opportunites exs form blocks of Is. Perform inthe column and row somation = faleated by using spreadsheets, uch s2MS Excel, Step 4. Form cells. Look For oppomtnitics to form ces sch tht all processing Toceach pat occu aa single cel, Example 3.1. © Applying the DCA metho to group 5 machines Consider the machine pn mat sown In Pigure 3.22 fr a tuition ivoing sx pas 0 be proceed five hiner eine as ned shove, the ens inthe ma de {he machine pu combiaton that requ for expe, pl Tete mang by ‘machives ahd ‘Appling ep of he det cus slgou, a sbowa a Fgie 32, the rows Bera sequnce The wow onted soe othe part mae, 41,32 ke eh calarne ae aanged in ateeding oder ofthe numberof wh te ron Sesccncing meri orer the esuling ecm deed aequene lhe chine a emis 4 32, Ih The ordre maine put mat sown in Fue 325 Fee 3.2 wichnspu nc Fee 325. Onlced machine for zeample ra 103, TOE ATES ACTNTY ELRTONSTFS AND ACE ERENT > ewe 326, Fasano ow cll ‘ep 2invcve sorting the sus to ne owad the alco ving 1 the fst som, which pest pat 3. inte clumma for aches Sand 4 ar acl ‘nly column ht rege ots exanple. The esl colons mache-pa a hr dopted a Fur 426 Sip comats of song te rows by moving pat om having in he fo sume at ae ot abeady located fr tomar the lo of de ari epee Sace none ‘nb sf rr or eth mchines 3c the fet ow oe mares tht or pa, sac shown a ge 325 Uhshiscue a thow in Fg 25 the machines canbe pouped ito to cl, wi pat 3 Sad being ocd faa cell made up of actos 2 4 and and wih pure 1 2 and being procoued ina cellconsting cf racine and 3 Unfortunatly icataye te cae clean Rome watt encountering coi dlrated te ampie 32 Example 3.2 {alng he DCA method to determine aeraative groping of achlnes Conider the machine par matte ston a Pgue 327. Api te DCA metiodsogy ‘ula the occ ache at mason in Page 28 Nee a are fovea curb peste p20 to 5A, nts a eee chine Fred for pas 3 and confer acai, we cond say at beste part ‘aster mathines 2a 3, cnfhet ext As shown in Rg 3a, two cel ca be frmcd one cong of rachnes and 3a the ter onsaing of chines aod 3 in ne machining ego or pat un thine? be eked. Arar 8 thowa mri 329m machines and ern forms el and rachis | a8 328 a one a ee 3.27 Machinepan maa Fee 3.28 Oped mace pen mat form another cel hs ca, the machaing of pat 5 on machine 2 must be reeds zal as shown Figure 4.5 the cult onsen se pens Pgs bee ‘uch pS asigcd tthe cell consisting machines and rar hos ker ‘essing of ar 500 machine’ would ned tobe tesohed fone ee, "aang Figive 3.2, apse solion comes tin! Sethe ty fmchines 2 3 canbe sted aly cine one tig ah ‘etl then par 5 could proceed by machines on ihe toundaree ora Avaer opt 0 dipcatemichine 2nd pace in cache, shoe in igre 3304 Alina aabown a igre 3, machines ould edapicnedond fe hee eh The radu pewen having a pat vel oan else faa ee ‘tuchine depenison many actor, atthe east of ch the oreo ee a macho o be duplestes. Tor xa ie prota equrenons fo panna ia re ‘uch ha muti machines lye are requ he he conta nee kee Seth desppcar ors mininaet,thewise he ohne of pce nee Renae ful sites machine 3 then proving aot machine Sta penser ee ee A ura meant feng th ceton ewe 329 omaton of cll woh teetenec machine 203 ED- The seston depicted ia Huang 32 pointe ut weakneiof sever ofthe al fo ‘aon sgorms Namie staples ones de noe io secon aon tine possibkies of mule maces of ven ype ing ree Example 3.3 homer 26 machines Consiferthe machine mati forstustion inva 13 pat and 2 chines sven in Figure 331. apy the DCA algori yielrendepe a Pures 338 ‘wos nox mprove the formation of cll, From igre 334k cre ht only Two ‘Pure’ celcci ne fomed, to machines Tand3 However ian urs se eeded uch ht Fare 3 eel then te “pure cc cane eed rt SSamic hems nthe pris example a abenve spon fom he el 6 “Sown in Pig 3380 and ste aches {and tthe noun betwecn cell and Btomaninuse mcr tandlingtereen cel ‘ing celar mamta racy, machines Yand Sareea “ened” sachiner ane they bd wae top Whe cc cons ns scan Prov. onc att mo mas tc nape cece ofan pur fs ter el {Reon nec ty heating enc nacher th by Name cls Atenvey,bepars rare poses yt Plesk aces cous es tne destin fae cen aches ee Pos pa ane nny Ne TRAE ‘eign other machines can be sd he Det fl paste wk th pur we shen staged tw tec U ober shea te posbty of cusoorang he precip of he pan tre cornet nn example every pr pcessedin theft ell aba peed ‘i. ene, ti ull that the cof can be ested by maeigang orm, cefainmanufcreg rp forthe pars fs Reed poo, he rebdie eing ple mts of ypes an 8 sioad be epone ‘The celular manufacturing system can be designed once the cells have been formed, The system can he ether decoupled or interaed. Typical dcceapicd ‘llr manufacturing system ute a storage area to sor part laralies couplet the cell Whenever another cel or department isto operate on the pane they ac {erieved rom dhe ore ate. Thus the orage arc ats as «desley, maiog the els and depanments independent of each other Unfomunstdy tac serene leads o excessive matertal handing ad poo reapers: tn To climinate such inefficiencies, an alternative isto Use an Integrated approach tothe design and layout of cllalar manufacturing systere: Ment ani and depanments are inked trough the use of hanlune or ee ewe 54 Fnulslwion Example 3, FH if a ir © rai a Ba TRRETS Fee 336. lneted ee manu faction canis (OK) ate use 19 asorie pro and etre cards WIN) 20 se 532) ‘To prevent this rom happening, would make sense ihe supplying work- station dd nt produce any puts url fe consuming workstionsequested pats ‘This “pul” production contra typically ealed Reman. Kanan ean sign tnd commonly uses card o sgl the sopplying woskauion thats eons ‘workation requests sore pas The nxt pase in the desig of cella mantictsing system fhe ayo of cach col. igure 3.36 dusts an sssembly cll yout atthe Hewet-Packard Grely Disiion The U-shaped aangetent of workstations gical enhances ws ity since the workers ae aware of everything that cccurig win the cel Novice that aie an apenda easel ensures tat all workers now what ate the daly prs thon reuireyets of the cell Materials Now from wockstaton Yo woekstaon Vis kan trans Also, fe and yellow ight, or andong, are used wo top production whenever 1 trenton has 2 problem. Prosers as they accu are tabulated on the “Problem USopay Ts helps he woxkes by inditing potential problems hat might ate. wo Oise “is ie) ‘Rae oy Frgue 336. Anassembly el for dick eve designed by workers 38 3.4.2 Layout Types Based on Material Flow System “The type of material flow system i determined by the wakeup of the actives oF planning depariments among which material low. As noted previously, ete are Four types of production planning depanments Production ine deparanenss xed materials leation departments Product farly departments Process deparents "ypical material flow systems for the four ypes of deparunental layouts ae shown in Figure 337 “The layout for 2 fixed! material location department differs in concept from the other tee Wh he othe layouts, mates brought othe workstation inthe tse of the fined material locations dparuents, the workstatons are Brought tthe Inateril ft used un sterat assembly, shipbuilding, and most constuction ro} cs The layout of the fre! waterallocauen department nwa the sequencing Shi placement of workstations bund the material or peedus. Although fed ms {eral location depariments are generally associated wh very lang bulky prod {Ec thoy cersinly axe wot hme in their aplication. For example in assembling Computer sjetms frequently accuse the the materials, subassemblies, housings peripherals, and component ae brought to a systems intewation and est work Ration and the inched product “Bult or assembled and tested that single lo ‘ition, Such layouts wl he referred wo a fixed product yous Se The lvout for production Hine department i bused on the processing se ‘Sheu fake pat) being podice on elie, Masago fom one Seance aa ace Nox nce gor Sy atric ths Ra Shae SS ne uch ayo re feria as pious hcl Jaca prc fy deparment sss on the going of pare ) Tir Oo BERING STREETS [efiteamances—] rigue 3.43. Reitonsin chat. I tablish the welationsip value andthe reason for the vue forall aire of sparen Allo everyone having input tothe development ofthe relationship chart an ‘ppornity to evalite and cca changes im dhe char. tis imponan thet this procedure be followed in developing # teatonship cha. 1 tea ofthe faces planer syszng the tionship among departments ‘ecenibedshove, the department heads ae aiowe @ assign the cles esto Sipe wih other deparuneny inconsistencies may develop, The laconstenco follow from the Form of heer The relationship cha by dentin ries hat dhe ee \onhip value berween departments & and B be to same ashe relaonship value be tween departments B and A. If individual relationship values were anigncd by Sepurent head, ad the head of deparieat Asal the relasonship with B was ‘nlniport (wheres the hes! of deparment Bsa the relatonep wa A was of orinary apace (0), then an inconsistency Would exis is besto avoid these Inconsistencies by having the fics planner assign relationship values based on ‘ut rom the importa paisa then have the sate panes vaste the Final res This apo to emphasize te difference between relationship valves UCU porn} and X (undesiable). Two departments canbe placed adjacent 0 each other &D- THe STDS AGM TOTS AEE swith relationship sale but hey cannot he pice adjacent to each cher witha [ioship value X(emsonment, aft, an fakes constrains) oparments th relationship vues U do tin (or las) anything by eng cloe ta each eae ‘Acconary wordt needed etive to developing activity relationships If here sre m departments, for example. then rir paws combinations ms brecoesidered Hence, inthe ens of 10 depantents, there are 43 pairwise combina tions to conser Likewise, for $0 depanmerts, there ae 1225 pairwise combanations tw consider If there ae 1 large auater of deparenents, then an feraive aporoach should be used For cxampic, departs dat te mos likly oe located together ‘in be grouped into pecudosdepartments. Once their realve locations are deter mined, dhs Activity relations chart ean be develope fo eac."deparmeat™ ‘om a patial perspective tis expected that more than hal the pairwise ‘combinations of actives wil have an acivityreltlonsap of U. Whe celle having U elationships ace lft bla, then the resuhing char wil be quite spare. is ea sonable to expect less than 94a the pairwise combinations tabave A activity cel [ashi less han Sto have Xwlationships, losthan 126 have ether A or E telitionsips, less than 25% have cher A Eo elatonship, and less han 4 {have A,B i,orO relationship Even with ahigh eyree of spertnets, the ber fof pairwise combinations can become unmanageable Hence, con must be used ‘shen dealing wid ange arse of acvaien rom facies planning perspective, activity relstonships are olen wan laced into pray requirements For example two actos have 3 #2008, POF five relationship, then is highly desirable tht they be located lowe tog sf fot adjacent 1 one another. Likewise, Wo activites have 3 seg, active tionship, thee they ze typically separsted 2 loated fa apar om exch ote ahould be emphasized hat activity relations cam equcrily be siti in ways other than though physical separation. Asan example, sformatioa lao {hips anay be said with communication inks that nude lve television hookup, compare’ tes, pneumtictubedelvery stem, abso on. Likewise, ny anes ct be enclosed, fumes can be vewed, and other ervironmental relationships can be salt with using spect elites, rather than using dance separion Due to the muliplcky of relationships involved, is advisable to consmac separie relatonship chars for cach major eatonship being neared. For exact ‘i, diferne elaionahip chars wight be conacuced for material flow, perextae Fon, and information flow, and for orginizations, conta, environment a ‘proces elaionshi, A compasson of dhe reeling rlatanship chart wl indlete the need fr ststying the rlatonships by using nondistanceelted solutions. 3.6 SPACE REQUIREMENTS Perhaps the most dificult determination n flkes planing ithe amount of space equ inthe acy. The design yea for a acy is ypealy 5.010 yearn the future. Considerable uncertainty generally exis concerning the impact of tech nology, clung producti, changing demand eves, and otpanizaonal esis ce the fotore. Because of the rumerous uncertainties that exist people in the bofgunizauon tend to “hedge thelr bets” and provide lnlated exinaten of space eqqulemenis. The frites planner then has the eile sk oF proecting tae {pace raquremeratsoe te ute fate ‘To unher complicate mates, there exits Parkinson’ lan Losely translated In de context of facies planning, t states that things wl expund wo il al ava able capacity sooner tan you plat. Henes, eventhough the facility might be con strted with sficent space fr the future, when the fre artes there wil be no space available frst Because ofthe natuce of the problem involving dhe deternination of space requirements systematic approach is nese, Speuiially space equleatens shoul be develope fom: the ground up. In deternining space reqlremess for warchousig actives, inventory evel, Sora units, storage mets and rates, equipeeet requirement, Dukdng con straints. and personel requirments ust be comswered. Spe euements forsee ‘eof materials and supplies wal be addressed en ano Geta in smenquc cers, In manufacturing an office environmen, epace eajements should be de ‘exmind firs for ietvwal workeations, next, departmental feiemerts shou be determined, sed on the coieton of workstations Inthe deparrcet As explained before, modeen manafacutiny approaches ae changing drastic cally the space requzements in production, stipe areas and olces, Spell space requirements ae being seduced hecaise (1) pric te delivered to te pois of wc in salle ot and unt ous 2) decenalinel store aeas ae ‘ated atthe prints fuses (3) less verte re cei (pods ae “le” fi preceding processes using kanbans, snd inert and exert inlfilences have ben liinate).) more eetent lyent amines emanating els) are used (5) companics ae downsizing ocined lactones, leaner engizatal sai tures, decentralization of fonctions rulfunctional employees, high perermsnce ‘eam envionment (0) fies are shaved an telecon ved el wee rogues are cutourced to aber manfaces locally on sone lations, The determination of prediction space requester is presented in the fl Jowing sections. section vaso included tours the is of sul manage ‘ment and space requirements. Personnel and store space requemeals are resented in Chapters 4 and 3, respectively 3.6.1 Workstation Specification "he oud definidon ofthe term fac inludes the fed ase necessary aceon pls specfic production bjecates, Because a Wotkstation consis ofthe Fed se ets rele to perform specie operons wartation can be naire wo bea Fac. Altiougi thas a rather aaron objective, the workstation equ importa. Productivity of firm deity related tote procuctity of exch workstation ‘workstation, heal facies, cludes space far equipment materi and personne, The equipment space fora workstation consis of space for 1. gipmene 2 Machice vel E projecting rue onset anstted ‘deo fil al sya "y mighe be con ‘ere willbe nd eaten of space fe requirements smentory lees, 1 ui con {ents for sor sent chapers foul be dex ‘ont should ng dest esa othe are from ces have ease da SURI Fe netcmers sos e edly aalabe fm machinery ae tr ECs aca in operation, machinery date shen inc ul fom eas the minterance depanmen’s ules Meee ee Seeeuntng eranmentseqipmen ventory ede Rene ne ee Snes sheet sto be avaiable om the coument supplier et ot vale then physical vem auld ena ‘ermine at leas the fllowing 1. Machine manufsuree and ype 2 Machine model and sel riber 3+ Location of machine safety stone 4. Flor loading requement 5) Static height at maznu pone 6 Nexium venical caved Sta wit at axis pose Mexia 9. Maxim travel othe ight 10. Sonic depth at maxima point 11. Maxie travel toward the operator 12 Maxima travel away from the opertor 13. Meteneace equiremeats and areas 14, Plant service requirements and areas elo the let Mane D moce te fo Tas and Floor area requirement for each muchine, incdlag machine eave, can be sletermines by multiplying total width (atc we plas aia vel te tt and righ) by ota! depth (static depth pls maim teve toma and ay eh the operiton). Add the maintenance and pnt service area requirements the foot area requcement ofthe machine. Th resung au represents the total machinery 10a fora machine. The sum of the machiser areas forall chines win work station gives the machinery ares fequtement forte worksstion The materials ancis fers workstation consi of see for bound materia 1 Receiving an soning i 2. Holding in process materials 3. Storing outbound mitra and shipping 5. Storing and shipping waste an scrap Holding cools, ures, ji, des, and maitenance materials To determine the area requirements for recetvng and storing material, process materals, and stoning and shipping materials, the dimensions ofthe unt loads tobe handled and the low of material though the auchine mest be Kno Sufficient space shouldbe allowed forthe numero inbound aed tour un foads typically stored at che machige. Ian inventory holding zone i cluded ‘within 3 deparment for incoming and outgoing mates then one might provide space for only to unloads ahead of the machine and to unt fonds fice the ma chine. Depending om the material handing system, the minigun reqitemeet for space might include that equued for one unt lod to be worked text ne Ud © load being worked fom, one uni load bekng worked to, and one nit fea thas has tea completed. Adda spuce may be needed allow for in-process matrals| to be place ite the machine for materials such a har stock o eel beyon the {achive and for te remoal of ate fom the machine. Space foe dhe esval [twas (efi ening, ete) and serap fective pt) fom the machine and ‘Nonage porto removal fem the workstation must be prenied. ‘Organizations that une anbans have reported the noed for less space fra teal, Typcilly, only one or s60 container or pale loads of mates are kept ‘ove 10 the woriataton, and the ret ofthe mates (epulted by the nutes of Kanban re lest in decentralized storage atea (supermarket located close by “The remaisag materia requirement to be added is te space requied for cool, inrres, is dies and aaitenance materials. A decision wih respect w the “Monige of too, fares, ig dies, and maintenance material a the Workstation or ina ceri storage location wl have «direct bearing on Ube aea equierpet. At the very ae, space must be provided forthe accumulation of tos, fue, 5, ‘ics at maintenance material equied while altering the machin stu. is the nuer of serps fora machine ieeases, 50 do the workstation ata requirements for ool, tres, jig, ies, and maintenance materials. As, rom 3 “Sees, daage, and space viewpoint Gesabilty ofa cental storage location "The personne! ares fora worksation consists of space for “The operator work aa Mater naling, 3 Operator ingress and egress space quirements forthe operator and for material handling depend on the muthod used to perform the operation. The method should be determined using 4 Frotion sty ofthe tsk and sa eqgonomice sady ofthe operator The following feneral guidelines re given to lsat the factors 0 be considered |. Workstations should Be designed so the operator can plck up and dischane materials without walking or aking lang br wkend reaches. 2, ‘Workstations should be designed for efficient and effeuve utlbation of the oper ‘Workstations shouldbe designed to nize the Ue spent manally har sling materats 4. Workstations shouldbe designed to maimize operator sfey, comfort, nd Prost 5, Workstations should be designe to minimize hazards, ftigye, ae eve sean In action ta the space request forthe operator woek area and for material ban Gling. space must be allowed for operstor Ingress snd egress, A minimum of 40 inc side is needed for operator travel past stationary objects If the operator walls berween a sationary object and aa operating machine, then a nimom ofa 3 inch aie cenuied Ifthe operstor walks between tho opeating machines ‘hen a minimum of 42 inch ales ede ne 44 illustrates the space requirements for a workstation. A drawing like Figte 344 should he provided for each workstation in order to wsuaize the es a 5 OW TES TERT ELAR ONS ARO RSET Fawr 344, Woz dawn suid deme wl aca egaront Sar sees. The fuctes planer should visual sigulate the oper Job, peforming the tsk, changing the setup mainsinag een ‘leaning the vorkingin teams, responding to fetoach bean, Sac sralation will assure che adequacy ofthe ‘ace allocation and may ai insignificantly empcoving the oneal ceceeee 3.6.2 Department Specification ‘nce te space requirements for india workstations have ben determined, de RAS UeMent for each department canbe eablahed Teds the eee SEIN he depansienal sence requirements Depanenial sea eons Gh nat sly the sum of the areas ofthe nda workstations een ‘he depanmen. gate posible that tals des quent maine ae ® te tha 6 =D Bese 124 I »a Gres han 8 40 secvices, housekeping items, storage awa, operators, spre pats, Kanban boaals ‘information ccmmunication-ceogmtion beads, problem boards, al wloes may be shared wo save space and resources (soe Figure 33), Flower, care must Be laken to ensure that operational interferences are not created by amply combining areas needed by individual workstations. Addo! space ix roqured hin each ‘epartment for material handling within the departmest. Asi space requires. sil eannot be determined excl. as the depanment coaligurtions workstation ignments, ancl mater handling system have not been completely defined. How lve, at this point, we ean appronizate the space request for isles, ince the Felatve sizes ofthe loads to be hanced are kav, Table 3.4 provides puldelines| focesimating asl space quirements Departmental service requirements eal the sum ofthe sevice euiernees forthe individual worksations the inched in a department, These euler ss well as deparmenual area tequirements, should be recorded 8 departmental service ad ares requirements set Such 3 sheet shown in Figute 335. Example 3.5 Catctating flor apace requirements A planing department othe ABC Company cons 13 mahipes tht pre ui ‘erations Fe fret aes, aout sere aches, and to chal ne nl ‘hepanang depurnes Bartek, nd fect den delved oh macines The ot ei forthe machines are fet 12 fe or ue athe # feet 4 fet or soe ne Shine, an et 6 os for chackers Pest! ace rps 3 fake ‘se Neral sorige regres af stated tobe 2 pre lh JOM pr sew Imichine amd 501 por chuck Anse space alomace of 1 sted. The pace cic ii at amaze in Pe 845 Anal F447 0 or sae ee he pi tng depen H space a be provided ae pinning Spar lis saps es ims be ada thea for equip, nes, peo _guek changeover, quality assurances texm meting vente ced inthe, ‘desgn,saso ase hat lene materal handing equips seman st ine ‘nove mater, pace nvr. a shed gone, 3.6.3 Aisle Space Specifications Aisles should be designed to promote effective flo Asks may be clusified as departmental aisles ard main salen. Consideration of departmental aisles wil he i : i i i g 3 i : i fered uni depantmentallayous ate established, Recall that space wasalosted| for deparimental isles on the ceparner service and ages requirement hse Panning ables haar too narrow may re in congestet faites ang igh levels of damage and sfey prblem, Conversely, panning aks that ae ton Wide say esl in wasted space an poor hueekerping practices, Aisle wt shouldbe Geremied by considering the type and Valse of low to be handel bythe ae The typeof flew may be specified by conskering the people and miter baling ceqipmentfypes using the sis. ft should be ote that these ae ley sous whe people and atcral handing eripment use te sine aisles. Acommion pracike s13 ‘Sealy mark the work envelope use iy the musertl banding equip, Table 43 specifies ale wicks for various types of fen. I he ontilpated ow over an isle incicates dat only on rate occasions wl low he aking place at the same ine in oposite drcions then the ale wads for msn islet may Be obtained from Table 4. however The anteipated Mow sna ale sete that we way fow will acu frequen, then the aisle with shold qual the sm of the aisle widths ruled forthe ty of flow in each dnstion. ‘Caves jogs, an non-righ angie ntemc ions sould be avoided n planing for ses. Aisles shouldbe sraight. For higher sce ilaation, aes along the ouside weal ofa fc should be welded unset ade tune Sor entering o leving the Fnsuy. Column spscing ould be conden when planing as locaton atl pe ing. When column spacing not considered, the colarins wl een be located in the thle Colmes are offen sed to border snes but rarely shoul be locate in a 3.64 Visual Management and Space Requirements Manufacturing management approaches can impact the way facitos ae designed For example, conaer the impact a vival management system (ace Figure 3.40) rmight have. Nouce dat de exampie shown has the folowing, este [AL entfication, housekeeping, and organization (one ple for eventing ad ‘everthing in pice). eats iced to elite toa place they ca ie hei ‘ona a clean environment where they work, met, review ladcatore of the Thble 5S Recommended Ai dl or aro Tso low ‘ioe ‘on fi > eran ah 0s opening ino the ase 8 &” tans ofthe wotk, post iformation, display cam identity symbols and Plesof thee produc play standard production methods, ae iently Iecations formers, ood, fans, and soon. Figure 3.46 Uksrat 1 enieation of the department 2 Identification of actives, resources, and products 3. tdeenification ofthe team Markings onthe Noor Canam squares, diated cation form handling equipmend 5. Makings of ool, ek, fates 6-Techaial area 7. Gommmunication and rest area Informacion and introns 9. Housekeeping tools 'B. Visual documentation tolerances, work insructions, operating instctic ‘machinery, sel-inspection iasntons auditing procedures, pact you Foor chars). gure 3.46 strates 10, Manufacturing nsnicons and technical procedures area 6 Visual production, maintenance, inventory, and quality contol (wa schedule chats, kanban boats, autonomous maintenance boards, lamps for machine mafunctonsandons, vista pasa temples for aig Of gauges, casts penerated by ssc proces cool meted tbr on which problems are recorded Plgire 3.46 artes 1. Computer terminal 13, Maintenance schedle 114, Kdemieation of inventories andl work-in-process 16, Sts process consol 17. Record of problems D. Periormance measurement (objectives, goals, indicators) 10 show the fame score. Superior, faiitators, and workers together look 3 the ion and examine ways to mmprove i Figure 3.46 strates, 14, Objectives, ess, an dferences Props suas (visual mechanisms for tacking and celebrating prose improvement) Pare 3.46 isrates 19. Improvement aivtes 20, Company projet and mision statement inal for machines Ics apparcet chat a visual management sjstem wll make » deparimen beer and wil help production and support personnel to achieve producuc maintenance schedules to contol inventor, spore pats, and ual, o.oo to standards; fo focus on objective and goal; and to provide follow-up to th tinvos improvement proves, tie alo apparent that to wwe space etic, ths planners ncedo we walls and ines to splay as much infrmation as ese ee 7 ROW SES NIT EROS, AR and need to allow for deci areas for materials, dies, ousekceping and main nance tos, tain meetings, and computer ternal Teisalso apparen that visual management system like chat depicted in Fig ‘re 34S might bedi ousfy economically. space and bucctary consis prec irplementng the ies! solution, then you should endeavor to incorporate {othe final design as many of the desiae extres of the vial managemeet 575 lem ascan be sie Sight ines are important, sare good housekeeping ind dis playing essential information. Having 2 wellorganized working twitonment ill ay dividend inthe productivity ofthe werkfore, 3.7 SUMMARY Flow systems, fo activi) relationships, ad space equlemients sr evel eh cements of 1 facies plan. In this chapter we have emphasized the impetance of {heir determinavon andl that such 2 determination wil no be 3 spe process. 2 sence the activ relationtips and space segiements used in facies planning provide the foundation forthe fly pe, How well the ality achicves ts objec tives ts dependent on the accuracy ad completeness of activity relationships and Among the activ ehnships considered, Now relationships are of consider able portzce 1 the Felts planner, Inches inthe consideration of flow sl tonshipe are the movement af goods, material, information, and people, Flow relaonshipn were viewer! ona microdevel a the flow mihin a workstuon andl on tmacro-levelasa logis system. Flo teatonsips may be speced by dining the Subject, resources, and communications composinga flow process. ow reaiorships| ‘nay be concepaized by consiering ove Now patter and tay be analy by ‘considering general flow principles. Bath quanttive ane qualtatve messes of {ow are tobe considered, The evasion of lw ektionships sa cretion for good facts plans and serves asthe bass fr developing mot facies layout: ‘We have alo emphasized io this chapter the inpaet that eur manufacture ing, vimiat management, ind may other modem manuficoring approvches have fn Row. spuce, ad act) relationship deternnatons, The se of these concep ‘ould change dramatically ng sie and shape, external and internal flow, and {he locaton of production, suppart and admisseate aes. REFERENCES ‘A-Qanan, 1, “Designing Pexible Manuficurng Calls Using 4 Beane snd Bound ‘ethan ra of Pretacon Rare ve 28029525835, 1980 Ie ans Aan apt, Gon hase acy Pantin Melanin usp nal of Cras Rare vl 800. ppt 2% Salator A, andStudel HJ." 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Dscss seve eth btn prevent “bck fomoccerne What rte pros and cons of ving mute pavoupt pin eign sp ping area a gen arofacuring fay Ci at lea te of eachY Wh type omiersions ould aes dese ake eto acon when denn whet Vist lea parmacy chan grocery soe, What ype of Row witha the fais id ner of etry? Caster? What da you noe athe ces te ‘tances in elation each the? Sketch eyo arsn he ence he ‘Sve one fm Ue bulecsn What Joyo tie aout hese arngeme Ca Yo ecorumend any poeualimpeoveriats wo ree me cen” Conse ihe yout ofall pharmacy chai oF grocery ste. What asl be onside, bth faa cane and an employee pepe, when ang ne ste srangere has the late aoa ale acon Yo en Menton leas seven benefit using O-hapeaangemens a menacing cl Discs the patel reso etching om comeyr ed agin low are faenwing stern Usped antciurny el "oa the overall Taclity flow, Describe the process ad take ecornmendtons or i v &) 132 1113. How are ie flaw principles tk it conseration You om he am yu wake | {your asc al yo il op a gt ‘ven the puta seem elon, eva theo pth fn fr the allowing 1B component oving ABD 1117-whar ae the ado nvlved in patel, perpendiculag,and dingo ow within 3.48 When wo you socmmend a grou ecology Fu? 2.19 when wo you recommend 2 aed poston yo 3.20 Which yout ype ery pepulern indie aie’ pin why 3.21 Menon doe lmtatnns ofthe proces avon ype oe the machine pt ate shown teow, fon ngthe oc hetering ts ‘hon a fons cs props aerate spproaches or res ne cOM, &D thn an, feonhicseatt,popnescnaive appoaces ton csaingie eine 3.6 For Problem 325, suppone he sche pat m sho Plow. Use tec chaereg aio t se veloamd conf e {81 pope ative approaches or eng he conti 5.27 Usethe diet hstering alg fo fom et forthe chine pat mat shown be lo. Propose aces fox ses an) cnet 5.28 one rien 327. irene fllomingpeocesingsie and demand dat foreach 060 Assn tht eae chine hs daly expat of 5000 ts, What theron ih vide arena obencesof using manag coe. Which modem nanafensng seven ie wot employed a counslon wth anuficturng els ie at ‘velop patnahine nat ke the one Figure 3:2for uation wh pas Tenis oan se the we chterg get okey hetero) of as SE LEince Bo you faves bortcnck nachine? Reorend atleast thee eer. Define shan, Wat ate the ler pes of kana tt east ve benef oF PSSvisanans yar hantnrsinporant in eelilar manuictng? ropes ei techatsal pero he formation of manufacturing es ape ie be sre wo discs the spi Bow, space, and/or act relationships a ‘ose the paper, D The paper flow be expected ough one sein of ey al consis fhe oom 1 mia vecodspr ay fom recrds to oariag censes “eet pe ay om ping to wariag onses Gliood sles pry rom marae ens toa Sind ample repens per dy tom abo mariage eens {orf medlel cnt per week om marge enses 0 recs “The flowing on-equialence conversions ca De wed ‘One eal eer sean wo ne cenit ‘ne medal eons evant 9 ae hal hood sample (re metal eer sequivaent 9 oe lo! asopleepor. re mesial eon seule to one-tenth box of odes reco eslop emm ts cha forth son of yal ander devel acai cha ‘Which new funtns ar Belg maneped by sfunctonl operon? Desrbe dhe TERS Gre new secon ats atone snd a Rowe and space reeset. hntrata famous French esturaneinereted naan Your help in pro. ‘Ath layout of tne serving area, Aer exablshig the space needs for te saad Sark ngewe your ests eo develops romto chart Todo this you eed TATED Stdtency of eas sash then equlenies and explain your secon 56 Be Chonee 10 main components ofa kshen (eg, oven sok). Develop 3 rato SERS iRC ID components, Sketch + trchen coninung the 50 components ad _- ange then Sse op fe ans cht as Tapa company produce oe prods int pot fay The Fy has four de ‘aumias eted A-D The mung lonrabon, production quis and hes Fefesch ender are ea oe le below raion ae Guanes compare 0 ‘per outing “Produ D xm he romain car. Recommend Flow pater, S38 Conde Problem 3.3 The stance fom Ao Be 30 unt £0 C50 uns, 28 Ose ate fart, te diane tom At Card Bo Bnd he reverse de ‘Rain puenby the hype of ange one the departs Ce, ABC ‘which yout woul you pee, OFF Wy fretete E 138 (a) Saige ow yout (0) Ulow teen Develop a reatonship chat fr the aonship tween you, your prac, your

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